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Everything posted by Vallesan

  1. We sailed on the first sailing post refit. Yes it was a disappointment despite knowing beforehand that the refit wasn’t going to extend to the A cabins and lower. However, we had a great cruise and the initial disappointment was soon healed by the excellent service and the good food etc.
  2. We have sailed many times on Oceania small and large ships and I really don’t remember bad service at any time. The staff multifunction serving in different restaurants day and evening. Service again can be a bit subjective. I like good but unobtrusive service others almost expect the staff to ‘bow and scrape’ and be there at hand for their every whim!
  3. Well I watched it, in fact only half way through before it just became a bore! Firstly I think this couple are suffering from ‘unreal expectations’. This whole video is about the food and we all know how subjective that is! They compare the food on Sirena to RSSC, Seabourn and Explora. I’ve not sailed Explora but as for the others they are all different but for me Oceania comes out on top for variety if nothing else.They say P&O food is better but I can’t comment because I’ve never sailed with them. They ‘loved’ Red Ginger! We like Red Ginger but how many people complain about it on these boards? I think I have to agree with @Kay S… take it all with a pinch of salt …or maybe that’s just what they needed to improve their food!
  4. No special theme nights in the GDR as I remember but there are in Terrace Cafe some evenings. Best nights for speciality … whenever you can get the nights/times/sharing to suit you. No jackets needed. Simply More includes speciality restaurants. Can have as many glasses of wine/beer as you want, no limits apart from time limit!
  5. You suggested in another post that some TAs may be less than ‘lily white’. Sounds like you could be right! I’ve only used two agents to transfer cruises to and never an issue. In fact when we’ve booked onboard they usually ask if we want it transferred to the agent we booked the current cruise through. Never heard of an agent refusing a transfer. My thoughts could be that they don't deal extensively enough with Oceania so can’t offer the same discounts???
  6. Yes! Nova is Silversea. Oceania’s is Allura!
  7. Hi. I don’t think the cabin grade makes a difference. We usually book A1 on the larger ships and PH2 on the smaller ones. In saying that doubt if we’ll sail on the smaller ones again as the prices have gone silly. We just booked a B1 midships for a cruise we particularly wanted to do in October. We were waitlisted for an A1 but I really didn’t think it would materialise so we took the mid-ship just as it became available. Anyway, sorry, getting if the point we got our usual 10% discount on Oceania’s price so it’s obviously not ‘cabin grade’ dependant. I’m not sure how to advise you of the agency we use. I got my ‘hands smacked’ last time I have out hints! I can see Harters had replied. Need to be near the bottom. Just above the huge big TA who specialise in everything.
  8. Glad you got it sorted out. I always check the prices periodically and especially when they have a new sale or promotion. Still surprised that Oceania wouldn’t reprice your cruise at the lower rate initially.
  9. Hi. Have you asked to have your booked cabin reduced? They will usually honour price reductions but may not have an upgrade. Ring your TA again. We’ve always had a cruise repriced if the price drops. BTW we’ve never been charged more if/when a price increases.
  10. But then you don’t have to sit through a meal with them and you could always just move away!
  11. I guess we’ve always been lucky although there have been a few conversations I would t have chosen!
  12. Yes as pinotlover says they do serve various course at one time. However, we have had many shared tables with some people going through the card and others just having a couple of courses, but because you are with other people you tend to chat and don’t really notice the wait between courses. On the other hand if you are really unlucky, we never have been, and nobody speaks to each other the meal could drag!
  13. Has happened to us too many times. Usually waiter came over and said we would be dining alone and removed the other place settings.
  14. Sorry! Hadn’t realised we were speaking at crossed purposes! Yes that’s it Cyclo. Thanks.
  15. No. We always have an ‘Oceania’ bottle that is completely different to the listed wines. Can’t remember the name but it’s always the same wine.
  16. Probably in PH and above but veranda and below only had soft furnishings replaced.
  17. We were once in 8049 on the Sirena which was fine because it was basically under the wall between Waves and the Terrace Cafe so no noise at all. I do agree with you about the other odd numbered 804x cabins though. The even numbers are better but check what’s above on deck 9 before you book.
  18. Also been in PH close to elevators on Sirena, Regatta and Nautica seven or eight times and never been an issue.
  19. I have to agree with you. Our first trip was on the Riviera then we sailed on an R ship in a PH and we were smitten. Loved the R ships for 7 or 8 sailings until we tried the Riviera again in late 2022, after 22 days on the Nautica a couple of months earlier. Just loved the Riviera and this was pre refit. Marina in May was lovely despite the disappointment that the refurbishment wasn’t as extensive as the Riviera’s. Not too disappointed as we’re sailing on her again in October!
  20. I sometimes wonder if Oceania should adopt a policy whereby, somewhere, way, way away from land, they just push overboard all the passengers who choose to eat at 6.30 pm or earlier, like to go to bed by 9pm, use mobility aids, are over a certain age ( not sure what age that should be) or dislike certain foods! That would satisfy the odd sanctimonious person on here and would also boost Oceania’s profits as so few people would be eating lobster etc. but would have paid their fares in full. Only problem is that would be a very short term measure as they would be destroying a large part of their customer base!😂😂😂
  21. Hardly a sale at all really! In fact the cruise I’m waitlisted for in October has actually reduced in price by £440pp but it’s waitlisted! So guess that can charge as little as they like because there aren’t any cabins available in the grade I want. Not sure if the ‘available’ B grades have reduced in price. I think they must have. Interestingly there is no ‘fanfare’ about flights being an ‘extra’ now. If I’d not know from here that flights were to be excluded I don’t think I would have noticed they are no longer included!
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