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Everything posted by grest

  1. thanks....it worked just as you said it would.
  2. Sorry, I just cannot find the answer...can I redeem gift cards in the casino?
  3. I don't know how to contact the person/department I need to contact....I have searched the website....I see that you can chat with someone, but after waiting for a very long time for someone to connect, I gave up. Any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Funny, we get casino offers from Carnival, Royal, NCL...and we sail most often on HAL...it's a mystery.
  5. I can't find where to sign up for casino offers, nor do any show up on my account. DH and I like to play blackjack, and we play generally every night, not for mounds of money, but steadily for an hour or two or more. Where do I get information about casino offers?
  6. we were in an aft balcony deck 6 a few months ago....some vibration, but nothing that would stop us from staying there again.
  7. Working dogs are well disciplined and you barely know they are there. The training is amazing and thorough. They will never approach you and should not be petted. They will sit quietly by the owner, never bark at the folks walking by or beg for food. They will not sit on furniture....for starters.
  8. Indeed! I have seen several dogs on cruises, most clearly not working dogs, once a pet sitting in a chair in a bar....but on the last cruise we met a very nice gentleman and his wife in a bar shortly after embarkation....he was making a call to his dogsitter/dog, and was crying from missing her already. It was kind of sweet.
  9. My last name is also tricky....It's a name with a St. at the beginning, and some computer programs don't like the period....and some don't like the space between the period and the rest of the name....there are may variations, and it can be a nightmare.
  10. another related question. Our flight arrangements are with a partner of Delta, where we are frequent flyers. Can we get points, and can we try to upgrade? Thanks
  11. Is there a difference between FlightEase and making arrangements through a TA at HAL? God a pretty good price from Amsterdam. Thanks
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