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Everything posted by CDNPolar

  1. With all due respect intended in this statement - for so many today - social media is "The Basics" that is expected.
  2. Thanks... I did not go up further and look at the suite, and now I see what you are saying. I thought the Veranda A got this but obviously not. We only booked two days ago for a departure in two weeks and we are a guarantee cabin. When we talked to the Viking agent, they suggested that there is a good chance that we could be upgraded, so I will keep my fingers crossed. Thanks!
  3. Cannot find anything on this by searching. I understand the different categories of cabin on Viking Ocean. Some have liquor in the minibar and some are restocked with liquor daily. What about on the Viking River cruises? I cannot find anything about this. Will they stock a Veranda (A) with liquor/wine daily at no charge?
  4. For me, we have only to this point sailed Viking and Uniworld. River and Ocean. We are actively looking at other lines now which is one reason I find this topic so interesting.
  5. Pickpockets and those that prey on tourists are in all cities everywhere in the world. Reducing the "bling" is always a good thing. We even have wrist straps for our iPhone cases because there are areas of the world that will grab and run...
  6. This is my experience and understanding, but my experience is with one cruise line only when luggage was delayed: 1) The delayed/lost luggage is generally a situation that exists between you and the airline. You set up who the airline contacts when the luggage is recovered. This might be by phone, email, or text. 2) You are the one that must start the process of tracing at your destination airport. You will have to stand in line and fill the forms. 3) If you are being met at the airport by the cruise line, this is the best situation, as the cruise agent meeting you will be familiar with how these situations go and probably will accompany you to the lost luggage counter and guide you. 4) This contact you specify MIGHT be the cruise line, or a port agent. Might be. Might not be. Hopefully there is a cruise line agent with you to guide you on this. 5) Since your air travel is booked with the cruise line, then the cruise line MIGHT be the ones that will take on the contact and tracking of your luggage. This is your best hope. 6) Make sure that you have contact information not only for you but for the cruise line. 7) You mentioned that there is only one flight per day, but it is not out of the question, that your luggage could be sent via another airline to your destination - if it was caught in time. Likely not, but it is possible. In general, get what help you can from the local cruise agent. This happens frequently and they generally know the way to handle all this. Many cruise lines will help you. Also make sure that the cruise line knows you have delayed luggage on boarding - they will help you with missing items, and often offer free laundry until your delayed luggage is returned. ALSO - KEEP all receipts for anything you buy. Insurance will not reimburse unless you have receipts. With all this, let's hope you don't have to deal with this.
  7. Always consult the Canadian Government site for any country you are going to: (Look at this site for every destination on a cruise or land based tour) https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/colombia#entryexit Electronic Immigration Form You must complete a free electronic immigration form (Check-Mig) within 72 hours to 1 hour before: boarding a flight to or from Colombia entering into Colombia via land, maritime or river crossings You will need the following information to complete the form: flight details a valid passport a valid email address the address where you will be staying in Colombia a phone number Electronic Immigration Form – Colombia Migration Agency Entry tax As of November 14, 2023, you must pay an entry fee equivalent to $85 CAD in Colombian Pesos upon arrival in Colombia. You can only pay by credit card. The payment must be made upon entering the country during the immigration control process. There could be significant delays to make the payment, which could disrupt your travel plans. You don't have to pay this entry tax if: your destination is the archipelago of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina you have a valid Colombian visa you are less than 14 years of age or more than 79 years old you are a member of the crew of international transport means (conditions apply)
  8. Cruise Critic is an amazing forum where I have learned so much over the few years that I have been active. This is another learning moment brought to me by CC. I get all these posts about each person is different and different things appeal to different people, but at the same time, wanted to understand why, and there have been so many good responses to my questions.
  9. Questions for you: 1) Have you cruised before and been seasick? 2) Or, is this something that you are fearful of happening and you are just preparing? Ginger biscuits will not have enough ginger. Ginger Ale does not have enough ginger. Go to your pharmacy and discuss with your Pharmacist as there are OTC remedies for seasickness that you can have with you as a precaution. We used Gravol for the Drake Passage on the way to Antarctica (11 Metre Waves) and it was all that we needed. There is also a relatively new product under the same name, and if you cannot find it in your pharmacy it is available on Amazon.
  10. You are doing the right thing. Pack in carry on a few outfits so that you have clothes when you arrive regardless of whether your luggage accompanies you or not. Delayed luggage vs. lost luggage. Most of us hopefully only deal with delayed luggage. Lost is when it never shows up again - gone for good. These are the airline terms for it anyway. Assuming you are travelling as a couple and each checking a bag, then also do this: * Pack half of your clothes in your partner's bag and your partner will do the same in your bag. * Always pack full sets of clothing in each bag - full outfits - and this includes socks, underwear, tops, bottoms, and shoes. This way if one of the two bags gets delayed/lost, you still each have complete outfits along with your carry on. Quite hilariously I have heard stories where one person had all their shoes, tops, and undergarments in the bag that got delayed... so they had the pants and shorts and all the other sundry items in the bag that showed up, but no shirts/tops, underwear, or shoes. We use Air Tags (Apple) and track our bags that way. This can give you piece of mind too if you are anxious about your bag if it is delayed. In a recent trip where one of our bags stayed on in Heathrow for a few days, we then watched its journey through Greece and finally to Cairo where we were reunited. Don't book short connections as these CAN be the cause for a bag not making it. If you have to run to get to the connection, then there is a chance that your bag won't make it to the plane either. Watch what you are packing in your checked bag. Most all airports scan these checked bags behind the scenes and your bag could be flagged for manual search and this could cause it to not make it. Most of all, if you pack well with carry on and shared checked luggage bags, you won't be that disadvantaged when you arrive without one bag. Pack well and hope for the best.
  11. No offence intended... but where you feel it seems odd and explanation is needed, I feel that it is odd that anyone would want to or even consider doing it. But then I cruise on a line that no one does this... so it is not part of my cruise experience.
  12. CDNPolar


    I bring my own! Haha. (Joking) I worked in the hotel industry for the beginning of my career. You would be surprised how many people will bring their own sheets and especially pillow cases.
  13. We have had changes made to our Ocean itineraries that were not ideal, but if you read the ticket contract, Viking have the right to do this, and even though they will try not to, sometimes they have to. What Peregrina651 says could well be the case. First off, I would write tellus@vikingcruises.com and ask them? Tell your reason for your concern, and see what they say - you will likely get a phone call back. Unfortunately now, you will have to make the decision to extend your stay which if you are doing your air through Viking you will have to pay a diversion fee and then also a hotel and any tour fees that you want to book privately. Unfortunately this stuff happens, but I would prefer it to happen when I have the time to decide to cancel or make alternate arrangements and not be a last minute thing.
  14. This only confirms that Viking occasionally misses the mark. On our hotel post disembarking the Viking River Cruise in Eastern Europe, the check in to the hotel was totally botched by Viking. The entire ship arrived at the same time and we had to line up to check in with only 2 check in clerks on. This took hours. Everyone was upset and this was the end of the cruise, so something that you remember. You have to nail the start and finish and if you do that then a few mishaps in the middle are not as bad. Get in touch with tellus - we did - and they were generous to us.
  15. Ok.... so Fouremco said: Because I have the time, interest and experience, I do all of the research when planning a cruise, so when I'm ready to book, I know exactly which cabin I want on which ship on which cruise before I pick up the phone to call my agency or go on their website to make my booking. And it's purely because of the perks that I book with them instead of directly with the cruise line. Essentially the same thing and I have done this too. I think that the key is here, that we are "directing" the TA to what we want because we have done all the research and know exactly what we want. The TA really has no research or investigation to do... we do it all. Same thing to book directly with the Cruise Line - which we do more often - ask all the questions we have of the cruise line, then finalize the booking with a deposit, then move the booking over to the TA. Same thing really.... Only when direct with the cruise line first, you can get any questions answered right then an there.
  16. Is this a family and kid thing too? Viking is absent of anyone under 18 and tends to be a much older crowd, however now we are seeing much more 40's 50's and in general a wider audience. We love Viking, and want to try other lines, and although this might be an amusement walking down the corridor, I will still rely on knowing my cabin number to find my cabin.
  17. The last time I was on a cruise line other than Viking Ocean or Viking River was at least 15 years or more ago. I don't remember this being a thing then? Perhaps the line I was sailint it was not popular, or this is a newer thing? Perhaps I turned a blind eye? On Viking Ocean and Viking River which we total now more than 10 cruises, I have never seen anyone decorate a cabin door. My comment - thank goodness. I cannot imagine packing this kind of stuff to take on a cruise ship.
  18. CDNPolar


    There are so many shorts, clips, reels of flight attendants sharing their wisdom of the dirtiest areas on the plane, and one that does not surprise me is the seat back pocket. I have watched people that is sit beside, blow their nose repeatedly on a tissue and then stuff it in the seatback pocket, only to take it out again, blow again and then put it back. They have swabbed these seat back pockets and find all kinds because parents will stuff a folded dirty diaper there until they get up to take it to the lavatory. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting is that seatback pocket. I am not a believer that the air on a plane is responsible for illness, it is hand to tray table, hand to seatback pocket, and then hand to mouth. This is where your sickness is coming from when you fly. This discussion is about United. This is NOT just a United thing.
  19. Respectfully, I think that you are mis-reading this. For those of us that pass a booking over, we actually do the booking and make the deposit with the cruise line, and THEN move the booking to the TA. We - the cruiser - do the final button pressing and then pass over. The TA still gets their full commission. We do this just to get the perks that we would not otherwise get.
  20. Most cruise lines have a period of time - 30 days, 60 days - that you can move a booking made direct with the cruise line to a TA. Again, similar to Fouremco, I do all the booking, choose my cabin, add the extras that I want, make the deposit payment directly to the cruise line, and THEN move the booking to the TA for the perks. How am I getting the perks you ask? When the TA takes over the booking, then there is OBC (On Board Credit) added to my journey and then I get a new invoice that shows that OBC added. Depending on the TA, then other perks can come in the mail via cheque / check or rebate.
  21. For the OBC and perks / rebates. We would not get them otherwise.
  22. Lucky you can.... that is one reason that we often don't use a TA because the one that we do use the most always has an out of office on her email and you cannot reach her directly on the phone. If there were something urgent, we would be out of luck. That is why we do everything and pass to her when the booking is complete and we book air on our own.
  23. Fair enough. Thank you for this. I also look forward to other comments and additions to this.
  24. I am sorry, and no offence, but I don't understand why anyone would do this? Can someone explain why you would do this? Again - no offence, I just don't get it.
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