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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. When shopping for a condo it is important to ask for their Financials to make sure they are in good standing. Plus check to make sure they have proper reserves set aside for general building maintenance such as roofing, painting, etc.
  2. Larger unit = higher Hoa dues. Condo owners still pay individual property taxes to townships but much less than a standalone home. The Hoa also pays property taxes for the land and building.
  3. Condo life is definitely great for frequent cruisers. Sounds like you will enjoy the amenities too! Zillow estimates are hit and miss but give a good idea. Too many variables to determine an exact value with online websites.
  4. I work for a security company and we also install video surveillance cameras for many residences and businesses including police departments in PA and NJ. So yes, I am very aware that we are always on video no matter where we are. Most of our cameras (except some for our high profile clients) our service department can access the video recordings and give to police when a report is filed. I'm hoping I am on video to watch my slide. I will definitely leave my note in their mailbox tomorrow morning at 730 am. I already have wrote and placed in envelope to deliver.
  5. Oh I didn't think of calling the police. Not sure police would even investigate a hit and run for a mailbox on that hill during a snowstorm. It is notorious for people having trouble maneuvering. Not only is it a big mountain but it is a narrow winding country road. My office is at the very top of the mountain.
  6. You beat us. We had 9.5 to 10 inches come down in 5 to 5.5 hrs. Did you start with freezing rain/sleet like us? We had that for about 1/2 hr before change to snow.
  7. Yup, my mirror does a bunch of stuff too (except it doesn't disappear as you are sliding down a big hill into a mailbox). James Bond probably has one of them.
  8. I'm okay. Besides the broken / hanging side mirror assembly. I do have scratches down the whole the side. Probably from street side pole. Cars can be fixed. I'm just glad I didn't hit anyone else. I'm hoping i didnt mess up the mailbox. I will leave them a note tomorrow when I pass by On way to work. On my way home there were cars stuck in various places. I was so happy when I pulled in my driveway. Eric was oblivious to the snow. He was still in bed when I got home. Living retired life to the fullest🤣 It has stopped snowing. We just finished shoveling our driveway and neighbors. To all shovelers it's a wet heavy snow, Be Careful.
  9. Did it start snowing there? I attempted to get to work. Roads got bad quick around me. I got stuck ontop of buckingham mountain and ended up sliding down the hill and hit a street sign pole and mailbox. My passenger side mirror now hanging off. Made it home slowly. Will check out damage when it stops snowing. Tomorrow I'll stop by the mailbox house. From what I saw my car got the worst of it. Their box was still standing.
  10. I'm not sure if different rules apply for Singapore sailing and carrying on wine. But you should be fine with your diamond wifi. We've done 5 day cruises to Bermuda and we're able to get our free wifi.
  11. We had most of the nighg but changed snow a bit ago. My area is expecting 3 to 6 inches. Will be heading to work soon. Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe for those impacted by this n'oreaster.
  12. Happy to hear you did not break anything on your fall. Hopefully the soreness is better today. Maybe this will help🍸🍸 Great news on Charlie❣️❣️
  13. I don't look at it as them being greedy. It's more like their business managers promoting and having them do more to make more. It is more likely a greedy manager. I was surprised to learn that half-time stars do not get paid for their performances. They view it as free marketing for the "stars" to perform.
  14. I was happy to see the nail biting excitement pick up in 4th qtr. That's how Superbowl should be. Congratulations to the Chiefs.
  15. Wouldn't it be nice to find something like this in your attic https://www.the-sun.com/money/10350023/caravaggio-painting-discovered-french-attic/
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