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Posts posted by Mac303

  1. I am WELL aware that SJ is part of the US

    The poster mentioned how giving something in SJ is as silly as giving in Miami. If you took the time to read things instead of being so presumptuous you would see that my mention of Miami and SJ were BOTH included in saying a whole country. The United States was that country. TYVM

    Perhaps you could read the entire post before picking it apart and misquoting someone.


    Oh and I'm just wondering...How do you know I don't give here?

    Where was it said that the only donations I provide are in other countries.

    Again talk about presumption!!!


    Glad you feel so entitled to jump in and make assumptions.

    Guess thats the joy of social media and a public board...


    Happy Holidays to you all, maybe Santa can bring those of you with so many judgemental views the ability to have an open mind and more of a giving spirit.



    Some of the comments here towards your act of kindness are amazing,

    looks like the old saying "no good deed, goes unpunished" is alive and well,

    I am sure whoever benefits from your gift will be happy.

  2. From RCL website:


    Luggage Valet


    Luggage Valet is a service offered onboard which enables guests to bypass traditional airport check-ins. Guest who participate will be processed onboard the ship and receive their airline boarding passes, luggage tags as well as baggage claim checks for their checked-in luggage.


    This service is available in these selected ports:


    Fort Lauderdale

    Port Canaveral





    and on these selected airlines:


    Air Tran

    Alaska Airlines




    US Airways

    Jet Blue

    Southwest Airlines



    Participating airlines vary by port. Consult the Guest Relations Desk onboard for specific port qualifications and additional information. An additional fee will apply.

  3. After recently learning of the poor treatment of bananas on board RCL, I have formed a committee that will look into this issue,the goal is to make people aware that Bananas Are Real Fruit (BARF) and having bananas with ketchup and mayo has resulted in BARF on future cruises.

  4. When we applied for our passbook renewal's, we also got the passport cards, (cost was $20) have used both, we like the convenience of the card and always carry it in our wallets .


    Whenever the subject comes up on CC about the passport card, many of the arguments against the card is about the inability to fly home if something happens like missing the ship etc; then I read on here that many leave the passport book in the safe, and take a photocopy of the passport book with them when they go ashore.


    While it is a fact that you can't fly using the passport card. I will bet that my official US Passport Card will carry a lot more weight with Government Officials then a photo copy of a passport book, the photo copy is not an original document, the passport card is.

  5. Went in the recommended way (before you board etc) to access the cruise planner.


    Both of my reservations now show cost of cruise zero, and showing credit of the amount paid.


    Example The December cruise is paid in full, they show the cruise price is zero and the amount of credit is equal to the price paid for the cruise.


    some day they will get it right.

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