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Everything posted by Harters

  1. I understand this. We were as underwhelmed with Red Ginger on Vista as we had been on Marina. I doubt we'll bother making a reservation for our 2025 cruise. In terms of hitting the mark on expected flavours, it lags behind the other three specialities
  2. Hi there. Pleased to read you enjoyed Masters.. I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help here. It's some years since I stayed in/near Dover as I've not been crossing to France recently. But, I've always regarded Dover as a food desert I'm afraid. The best I can come up with from personal experience is Rocksalt in nearby Folkestone. I know it's changed hands since I was there but a look at the website indicates it's still very much a seafood restaurant, playing heavily on local produce and locally landed seafood. Will you have a car for your stay? That would obviously open up a wider selection within a easy drive but not great if you're having to rely on public transport or a taxi.
  3. I must have misunderstood your post. I'd assumed that when you referred to the lounge being "before" the laundry, you meant it was a bit further down the corridor, not in the same space as the laundry. The Concierge Lounge, on Deck 9, is a few metres from the laundry room - which is just a room for laundry. I've no idea what scenario would have you walking through a door into a lounge which led to the laundry. If there is such, I dont know where it is.
  4. Oh, I so wish. In my dreams I see myself as some sort of "spook". Sounds much more glamourous than being part of the admin team at a local probation office. I do have an e-pal who did work for the spooks though before he retired - at GCHQ at Cheltenham.
  5. That's the Concierge Lounge. If you're in a Concierge cabin, your key card will open the door. Available for snacks, drinks, newspapers and, of course, the concierge.
  6. We were there (on a Nautica cruise) last summer just before San Juan. The figures were in position all round the city centre. You do them something of an injustice - many are much larger than life size. The main day of the festival was a few days away, but things were getting under way. Stalls were open selling food and crafts. And we later heard fireworks. San Juan is a major fiesta in Spain. We first came across it in Fuengirola where it took the form of a solemn procession round town with relics and statues from the church. In other parts, it's a much more rowdy affair - we've been in Mallorca for the day (Sant Joan in the local dialect of Catalan). The villages do fireworks big time.
  7. Very much so. We like a peppery one at home and, when it's available, buy a organic Palestinian one called Zaytoun. My sister in law is married to a Spaniard and spent their early years together living in Mallorca. His father managed the family's olive groves (and citrus trees). There were two big food events in the year. One was the annual pig killing (where hams and salamis were prepared). It was a time for the whole family to get together to help out. And eat, of course. Some parts of the pig, like offal, are eaten quickly and one classic dish of the island is fried liver, with peppers and fennel - known as frit de matances. That translates roughly as "slaughter fry" which doesnt sound too great so in tourist restaurants it's usually called by its Spanish name - frito Mallorquin The other was the olive harvest. The family would again gather. Sheets would be put down under each tree and then the branches shaken, so the ripe olives would fall off. After several days of this, the harvest would be taken to the agricultural collective in town where the olives were milled and turned into oil, mainly for home use but some was sold Some 40 years on, it's a more sophisticated marketing business and the oil is sold by "Fet a Soller" (made in Soller - in the local dialect version of Catalan). https://www.fetasoller.com/en/mallorca-shop.php/products/olive_oil
  8. Long and very slow loving queue at Miami three weeks back. And I reckon only two flights. It would hit the national press if such delays had been at a UK airport
  9. Never paid fees in the UK for cruise or landbased holidays booked through a TA (or even seen that such things might exist - which probably means they don't). I've no "in principle" objection to paying them so long as everything is transparent and I can compare bottom line pricing between agencies' offers. But it would seem an unusual departure from very long established business practice
  10. None have a traditional promenade deck. All have a smaller "walk round" deck area above the central area of the pool deck
  11. Yes. Lesson learned. I'd Googled the company and there was nothing to alert me that they were anything other than professional. Maybe it is the company, maybe it was just the driver. They'll obviously never get a second chance
  12. Assuming it's still the same guy from the Miami/Rome part, then it's Peter Tredgett.
  13. Is this a specifically American thing? Or does it happen in other countries? It's not something done in Italian restaurants in the UK, nor can I recall ever coming across it in Italy.
  14. Repetitive wasnt a problem on our recent Vista cruise. We didnt really stay long enough for it to become annoying. I don't like background music at the best of times, so may be prejudiced here. But I found the sound level irritating - loud enough to be obtrusive, not loud enough so I could properly hear what was being played.
  15. You're welcome, V. Hope it helps you to "cruise" better.
  16. A co-incidence that this thread comes to life today, as I have just made a sauce to go with grilled pork tonight. This lot, mixed 125ml coconut milk 3tbsp peanut butter 2tsp brown sugar 1tbsp dark soy sauce 1tbsp fish sauce 1 lime juiced
  17. This comes as absolutely no surprise. Oliver's now closed land based restaurant chain of the same name was never good quality - even for a chain. Very much playing on his "celebrity chef" reputation without the substance behind it.
  18. V - as you know, whilst we cannot mention UK travel agents on the forum, Cruise Critic itself has no qualms about providing a list https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/articles/best-cruise-travel-agents I'm sure if you start looking through that list, you'll see a company with a web address very similar if shorter to the one I've just given. Go fourth and you'll be almost there.
  19. I'm sure yours was an entirely casual remark without the slightest hint of snide intended. 😀
  20. Let me try and explain my reason for you...... ....... Nah, on reflection, I can't be arsed.
  21. Have to say, I didnt really miss it for the cruise we've just finished. As I recall, there's nothing particularly useful that isnt on the emailed version. Now, if they want to save money, stop sending me almost weekly sales booklets.
  22. I suspect bill splitting is not as common here in Europe as I think it might be in the States. Certainly, it's not something you often see in my country. When we have a family gathering, one will pay by card and the others will later reimburse that person by bank transfer. Alternatively, get one bill and present four cards, asking the server to charge X to each one. Obviously much easier if everyone is paying a quarter and not nit-picking over whether they had a second glass of wine or not.
  23. Just to round this off, we did book that 2025 cruise on board. All priced in sterling. There was an "on board" discount and some onboard credit. We could apply that credit to either the existing or new cruise. We chose existing as it would go some way to paying gratuities which, for the new cruise, are now included in the headline cruise price for customers in my part of the world. We left the ship happy with the deal but, also, in the knowledge that we could pass this booking on to a travel agent - either our existing one or another. The last couple of days have one of negotiation with three companies - our existing one, one that I know Vallesan uses, and a third who we liked the look of. In the event, we've gone with the offer from our existing one which, taken in the round, suited us best. Everything taken together, we've managed about a 12% discount on the Oceania website "promotional fare", so happy with that.
  24. Our travel agent had booked us a transfer from the port to Rome airport. It failed to turn up - in spite of speaking to the company once and the driver three times. First time, he said he was there (he wasnnt). Second time he said he'd be there in 5 minutes (he wasnt). Third time , he just shouted "taxi, taxi, taxi" (which we decided he meant he couldn't be arsed doing the job he'd been paid for and we should get a cab). So we did. It cost just under €200 on the cab meter. We had just enough cash to pay. On the plus side, we've spoken to our TA today, who was very apologetic and is arranging a refund to us of the cab money. Company to avoid - Samarcanda
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