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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Beat me to it! Just opened this thread while I’m watching Tillies. Still 0-0😔
  2. Exactly the wording for the notification of replacing our Kusadasi stop, and our overnight in Istanbul on our Rome-Trieste Grand Mediterranean Tour on Vista in April. We received the email in December, from memory. Turkish stops are being replaced with Santorini, Crete and Kopor. We've spent considerable time in Turkey, including the Cappadocia region, and would have loved to return. Our friends travelling with us have never been, so are very disappointed to miss Ephesus (from Kusadasi) and of course, Istanbul. They have also never been to the Greek Isles, so are thrilled with the replacements. We love the Turkish people, and their culture, but I must admit to a sense of relief, after reading many articles about unrest, particularly in Istanbul. President Erdogan does seem to delight in inflammatory speech, and although I don't think he enjoys universal support, the fact that an American vessel is visiting, with its many western passengers strolling the streets, is enough for niggling concern during these terrible days.
  3. We have also used several private carriers in the past, choosing after a Google search. All have been very satisfactory. This time (June this year) we have booked a large people carrier (up to 6 people, and 6 suitcases) through Booking.com. after disembarking our Cunard cruise in Southampton. Only for the two of us, but we need the larger vehicle because we are travelling for over two months, and have an array of luggage. We have also used Booking.com for transfers from Fiumicino Airport to Civitavecchia to our hotel before embarkation of our prior Oceania cruise in April, and the same for our transfer from Trieste to our Venice Airport hotel at the end of the Oceania cruise, before flying to Edinburgh. We find Booking.com's format familiar, and easy to cancel or make changes. The Southampton carrier they use is Talixo.
  4. A stretch of the Bosphorus, Istanbul? Random guess.
  5. Fingers crossed for you both. In my view, the TA has been remiss in not recording the names correctly, let alone obviously not proofreading with another member of staff. Just demand to speak to senior management asap. I’m pretty sure mentioning the word “Ombudsman” should get a response, if you don’t get an immediate and satisfactory response. Please keep us posted, and best wishes with this.
  6. Please know you have friendship and support here. We are all thinking of you, and wishing each day is as great as it can be for you.
  7. What a wonderful voyage, Mic and Rosie. Is that starter escargot? 🐌 Looks yummy. yes, leeks, Lyle, I just realised they look like pasta or noodles. Paprika, leeks, carrots, mushrooms, peas, lemon, a touch of cream, and parsley to finish. A winter dish really, but felt like some comfort food in the humid conditions we have here right now.
  8. It’s never too late to learn to swim, even just to confidently float on hour back, suspended and relaxed. Magic.
  9. We can’t let this thread lapse to a second page., so although nowhere near a match for Lyle’s seafood perfection, tonight we had my version of a lighter chicken stroganoff.
  10. The escargot was a dish we actually did enjoy. As I said above, there were certainly some exceptions. We found the foie gras overly heavy, so much so that it was a long time before we tried it elsewhere, and it’s a favourite dish. The same dish in Cunard’s Queens Grill a year ago was exquisite: aromatic and truly umami: yet so light it was dancing. You may try it and disagree, and I would accept that.
  11. I’m grateful for your post for many reasons, the main one being you’ve voiced exactly what I’ve been reluctant to express: we have never, in 17 years of sailing Oceania, been great fans of the Jacques experience. I know so many on the Oceania threads are loyal to Jacques, and for that reason I’ve been hesitant to say we’ve generally, but with admittedly some exceptions, found the offerings too heavy and overly rich. Authentic French cuisine, particularly regional fare, is not. Whether classic or cuisine nouveau, French food is fresh, seasonally sourced, and simple. Of course, exceptions abound, especially in dessert and bakery items. Even French recipes calling for lashings of butter and other dairy products can be easily digested, if authentically prepared. only my humble opinion. We won’t miss Jacques on Vista, because we wouldn’t have chosen it as one of our specialty dining experiences anyway. I deeply respect, however, many CC members’ love of Jacques and all it offers.
  12. I completely agree and concur with all your sentiments.
  13. Some time in February, our TA was advised. I tried via the App two days ago, but it will not yet allow our passport to be photographed via the App. Some countries are already eligible.
  14. It’s the sane for UK now, Leigh. We need an ETA for entry in May. It is electronically linked to your passport, providing your passport has the small electronic emblem on front cover. Otherwise, I expect confirmation emails printed should be carried. And similarly, our applications are done via the relevant App.
  15. Enjoy your NZ adventure. Like Scotland, it is beautiful.
  16. There's a marital sequence😉 Mario far too frequently simply rests the lid on top of the bottle in the drawer after barbecuing. This isn't the first time the floor has had an oil bath. Worse still are all the shattered glass pieces and shards, all mixed in with the oil (and wasting good olive oil is no fun either). I usually check that he's screwed the lid tightly before I lift the bottle, but this morning I didn't. He was on the golf course. The satanic woman in me innocently posted this photo on our family chat. He must have heard the phone buzz, as phones switched to volume are forbidden on the course. Just as I was beginning to tackle the mess, after slipping over in it 😤 he was at the door, having rushed home after only nine holes. Bless him, he cleaned it up. He did look rather terrified, though😂
  17. I’ve only just read your thread from P.1. Hilarious, and witty. Here’s my NGR for today: how not to start a ragu for a lasagne when all your prep work has been perfect, till lifting the oil from the oil drawer to begin the first cooking step
  18. Seriously, this is exquisite craftsmanship. My father-in-law was a master carpenter joiner, who actually paid to study under a maestro in Northern Italy. That was in the first half of last century (feeling old writing this). He produced the most amazing furniture and intricate cupboards. A clever, mathematical mindset is a requisite gift for such work. Congratulations to both you (and St. Hilary😇).
  19. Yes, we agree with your philosophy. Destination first, and only then check for any reductions.
  20. This is Cunard's regular pattern of operation now. It happened before our QE cruise of January. 2023, and during our cruise. We also drifted off NZ waters while unsuccessful "attempts" were made to clean the hull. We were then advised that the waters of iconic bio-sensitive spots would be missed (cruising through the Sounds, Bay of Islands, etc.). We also completely missed cruising around the tip of the South Island in order to visit Dunedin, and instead sailed direct to the North Island. There was a minor mutiny, just about, on board. We didn't see it, but apparently a petition was raised, with many signatures, and presented to the Captain. Mainly international tourists, who'd flown long distances to board in Sydney with hopes of visiting the above iconic NZ beauty spots, were furious and disappointed. We have visited NZ many times, and have enjoyed many hours in these same spots, so although also disappointed, were not as devastated as our fellow passengers from the Northern Hemisphere. The end result, after I'm assuming some hurried crisis talks with Head Office, was the Captain delivering a letter to our suites and staterooms with Cunard's apology, and an offer of half the cost of the cruise to be used as future cruise credits. We are using ours on Queen Anne in May. My point in providing all this background (forgive the lengthy explanation) is to register my dismay that Cunard has obviously continued with the facade through subsequent cruises, and has only now realised that the cat's out of the bag and it needs to eliminate NZ altogether, in preference to spending copious funds on hull cleansing in order to comply with NZ regulations, and enter these pristine waters.
  21. Welcome to Cruise Critic. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Oceania experience. The cuisine on all our six cruises has always been of a high standard, and often reflects the food of ports visited on particular cruises. The Terrace Buffet offers a great choice for a casual dinner, and the GDR, while somewhat more formal, changes its menu daily, while always retaining three or more favourites. The specialty restaurants offer individual menus, reflecting the tastes and culture of their titles. Having said all that, our last O cruise was in September 22. Our next is this April, on Vista. We hope the standard of cuisine remains high.
  22. Cunard has a sale at the moment, and does so regularly. Like most cruise companies, the sales only relate to specific cruises.
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