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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. The Canberra-Sydney train is not always reliable, and can be notoriously slow. Then there’s the question of luggage, not always easily accommodated on the train. My husband was born in Italy, and we’ve driven the autostradas and negotiated Italian urban traffic countless times over many years of touring and visiting Italy. We’ve also driven in Sydney traffic for decades, and it’s mild, in comparison😂
  2. We don’t do Oceania for “a more exclusive experience”, rather because their ships are smaller, and the ambience is comfortable, and as formal as you wish to make it by choosing to dress for dinner, or even just for cocktails. Oceania ships not only have bands/orchestras with superb musicians, they also have quite spacious dance floors which many passengers use and enjoy. I haven’t as yet passed an opinion on the Cunard experience, because we haven’t sailed Cunard as yet, but look forward to sailing on QE in January. Then, and only then, will I do so. It’s only natural to express loyalty to the lines we’ve enjoyed, but every line has positives and negatives, and it’s admirable and healthy to acknowledge both.
  3. Sorry, meant to add: I hope you’re feeling much better today, Julie, and you won’t have any lingering, bothersome symptoms.
  4. If it helps, you may not need the antiviral. Because I tested positive aboard, and I’m in the right age group, I was immediately given Paxlovid, together with some complementary prescription meds, including an antibiotic for the chest infection caused by the virus. Within two days, I was registering Negative on self-administered RATS (in UK they’re called Lateral Flow Tests). My husband didn’t register a Positive till just before disembarkation, so he missed out on the antivirals, etc., even though he’s five years older than I. He sailed (pun again) through Covid, with a slight head cold and croaky (but not sore) throat for three days. He recovered completely almost immediately after that, and six weeks later is still in robust health. Just over a week after my Negative, and feeling quite clever, I did another RAT out of curiosity, and was dismayed to register Positive. I’m still coughing weeks later, although I’ve had no other symptoms at all. Lots of research being conducted now on Covid Rebound for those who have been prescribed antivirals. Our doctor friend who’s also suffered Covid Rebound after antivirals said the thought is that although the powerful antivirals successfully attack the virus, tiny pockets can remain in some taking the antivirals, leading to a resurgence. This does not seem to apply to all who’ve taken the medication. My point is that in the long run, my husband, without antivirals, fared much, much better than I.
  5. Morning Les, Wondering how you fared with your Specialist. Only answer if you wish, of course. Thinking of you and hope you’re receiving some positive treatment, and feeling a lot better.
  6. Lovely pics, and I’ll be wearing similarly-styled attire on Cunard evenings. DH will be wearing his velvet dinner jacket (tuxedo for our US friends) with a bow tie and black pants for gala evenings.
  7. Yes, but we negotiated (or DH did) a flat rate of $450 for the 3 weeks. I forgot to mention that they also turn your car engine over for 15 mins once a week for the duration.
  8. Thanks, I remember now it only relates to travel agents. The company is Cruise Control Australia, and we won't be parking, simply dropping off the luggage and car to Cruise Control's staff. It is indeed, as gbenjo writes above, right at the terminal.
  9. Sorry, Marion, double quoted🙄 I hope Fremantle farewells QE in style, too. We're doing a 3-week cruise, which Cunard is actually also selling as a 2 week (Syd-NZ-Syd) and a 1 week (Syd-Tas-Syd). This will use our credits for the Barcelona-Syd cruise. We're really looking forward to cruising this side of the equator, and in home waters.
  10. On the wider subject of connections from home to the cruise terminal, we are Canberrans cruising with Cunard in January (Sydney-Sydney). After looking at every scenario: train/bus the day before with a hotel in Sydney then a taxi to terminal, flying to Sydney the day before, hotel and taxi again necessary, and train/bus on embarkation day. Latter is out, because years ago we vowed to never arrive in any city the day of embarkation relying on others to get us there, after a hold-up left us with the very real possibility of "missing the boat". We eventually decided this time, after doing some research, to drive our own car to Sydney on embarkation day (3 hr drive from Canberra and QE departs at 6-8pm, can't remember which). A company we found on the internet, and investigated, will meet us at the cruise terminal, take and deliver our luggage to the relevant Cunard personnel, then take our keys and store our car at their nearby depot for the 3-week duration of the cruise. They will meet us at the terminal at a pre-arranged time (and confirmed with a phone call from us) on disembarkation day, and deliver our car. For an extra charge, they will also wash and vacuum the car before delivery. We don't need that option, as it will require cleaning when we return home after the drive from Sydney. They quote a daily rate on the internet, but we negotiated a flat rate for the three weeks. When compared to all other scenarios, it works out to be the most economical, and we are using our own car there and back. I'm aware I can't name them on CC, but an internet search should reveal the particular company if anyone is interested.
  11. We were supposed to be aboard, but Covid and Cunard had other ideas. Our Canberra friends are in Fremantle visiting their daughter and grandchildren at the moment, and sent us pictures of QE docked. The local newspaper ran a big article welcoming her. We were all going to meet for coffee. Never mind, we're looking forward to being aboard in January.
  12. The mystery of our planet: we’re communicating through the beauty of seasonal change
  13. Same story here, Leigh. After a cold, wet winter, celebrated our late Spring over lunch at my friend’s house in beautiful Batehaven by the sea today. Les is nearby, but couldn’t quite spot him.
  14. Wow. Rapid season change. I love the snow, but it can be troublesome and messy unless you’re skiing. What’s the average length of winter for you?
  15. Just about everything we should be eating for a healthy gut can be exquisite if we spend more time on ingredients, prep and methodology. The exception: chokos.
  16. Absolutely, and thank you for defending us from sweeping general (and incorrect) statements. I live in rather formal Canberra, where formal attire is required for many functions in a calendar year, and suits and ties abound on a daily basis. Sydney, with its beautiful beaches and stunning harbour, naturally enjoys a relaxed lifestyle and culture, but tailored day attire is standard in its cbd and suburban offices, and this and often formal evening attire can be found in restaurants and too end bars throughout this vibrant city. We’re retirees, but our formal wear gets a thorough and regular workout. We’ve just completed another Oceania cruise, where we met many fellow Australians. Like us, the ones we knew dressed for dinner every evening. Of course, Oceania does not have gala evenings, so no formal jackets for gentlemen, but jackets and ties were in abundance, with ladies in elegant cocktail dresses and evening pants with beautiful tops. The standard was enforced, too. Pax who did not wish to dine in the GDR or other specialty restaurants were free to dine at the more casual Terrace. Twice we witnessed guests being politely and diplomatically turned away from the GDR. This was evening, of course.
  17. So they do need a lab test😂 on a different note, wishing Mrs Gut all the best for her tests
  18. Hope there will be some positive elements in your results, Les. Good luck. I also hate the "barrels", as confined spaces not my thing. Although I haven't availed myself, a mild sedative such as Valium is often offered. You could pretend you're sailing.....
  19. Absolutely correct, Julie. All Hallows (All Saints) is to honour those saintly souls who do not have a name-day during the year. These days, in Canberra at least, kids only call at houses that signal it's okay, such as a candle, broomstick, pumpkin, etc. outside the front door.
  20. The first week of October is acknowledged as the safest bet for peak foliage. The Tauck tour was indeed superb, as Tauck tours usually are. We've done several, and their efficiency, friendliness and guaranteed best hotels available are a magnet for us. I'm feeling really nostalgic now, Marion, because your question inspired me to open my travel diary for that trip. I always keep a travel diary, because names, places and experiences can fade over time. We meandered through Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, etc., beginning and ending in Boston. We stayed in or visited Lexington, Salem, Portsmouth, Portland, North Conway, Plymouth, Woodstock, Weston, Williamstown and Stockbridge, to name a few. The history and natural beauty inspirational. I imagined that wonderful experience was only a few years ago, but I'm shocked to realise that my diary is dated 2008. Time to return🙂
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