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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Snagged it last night for our Navigator October cruise for $59.99 which I was happy about. Problem is we are now Diamonds and at that point where we could possibly save money by not getting it. As one of the previous posters said when you figure in, sodas, specialty coffees, waters and sports drinks it still may be worth it. I do like my cocktails and will average 6-8 per day so on this next cruise I am going to keep track of everything I dink to make a decision whether getting the package makes sense or not, once we get to D+ it’s a no brainer.
  2. I love it when you have relationships like that. We go to a great Italian restaurant where I know the owner. He always sends over some complimentary lemoncello and sometimes will surprise us with a fresh unique side dish that he whips up in the kitchen.
  3. Oh how wish I could do my cruising with cocktails tonight. But I’m going to wait until my system wakes up from the anesthesia. It’s very frustrating going to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I will say all the doctors and nurses were awesome. I felt very embarrassed about my anxieties and claustrophobia but they reassured me that I am not alone. Many people have the same issues.
  4. Thanks for your information. All these comments will help me in making a good decision. I’m 68. Maybe I should roll the dice. Thanks Deb! No cocktail tonight need to be able to empty the ole bladder first. Very uncomfortable right now. Hopefully the anesthesia will get out my system to help me soon. Trying to avoid another trip to the ER to get a catheter put in.
  5. Thanks my friend. I hope that will be my case too. May end up getting Turp procedure or water ablation. I hear the ablation is less evasive.
  6. In the past they have usually gone in on my hand. Not sure why the did the arm this time. The vein specialist used the ultra sound and got a good vein. Not sure why it clogged as they started anesthesia. Nothing is ever easy with me. Thats my understanding. Yes that could be serious and could cause death.
  7. What makes matters worse is that they say no food or drink after midnight when having anesthesia. So that could have been a factor. Thanks for your well wishes.
  8. Back home after a long day. Everything went well despite my nerves and anxiety. Glad I got the sedation and was put completely out. Unfortunately it took 4 tries to get an IV in. First time no luck, second time no luck then a vein specialist came in with ultra sound and got in. Then right as they administering anesthesia the doc noticed the line had become clogged or something and that line taken out and a new one put into my hand. They put me to sleep outside the room so I didn’t even see the MRI machine which was good. I got the results back this afternoon and while I don’t understand it all it looks like 2 areas where rated PI-Rads 2 which is Low (clinically significant cancer is unlikely to be present) and one area was rated PI-Rads 3 which is Intermediate (the presence of clinically significant cancer is equivocal) I had to look up equivocal to see exactly what that meant and it says “not clear and seeming to have two opposing meanings, or confusing and able to be understood in two different ways.” It sounds also like they recommend doing a biopsy which is what I thought the MRI was supposed to bypass doing that. Either way it looks like I have going to have more visits to deal with this. Back home now and having trouble urinating like I did after hernia surgery and eventually went to the ER and had a catheter put in. I am going a little bit better now. Hopefully my system will wake up from the anesthesia and I know they pumped me through with a lot of fluids. No drinking tonight and just sips of water to stay hydrated. Hopefully I will get batter. Thank you my friends for all the well wishes and concern. I love you all very much.
  9. Well tomorrow morning will be coming early and will be a little stressful. Alarm set for 5:30 to get up and get ready to go to the hospital for my scheduled MRI with anesthesia to see if I have prostate cancer. I don't think I do have it but it is the process to deal with my enlarged prostate. I am glad I will out as my claustrophobia of being in that tube is horrible to me. I have anxiety over any medical procedure but I hope this one will go good. No need for prayers or anything but I just wanted everyone to know what I am doing. Happy Friday and I hope all the dad's out there have a great Father's Day on Sunday. My son works on Sunday but texted me and is taking me out to lunch at one our favorite sushi restaurants on Monday.
  10. Im so sorry this happened to you. I would look over the contract and definitely file a claim. I would look into suing them too. Sounds like they are not a very good moving company.
  11. I am still amazed that the posted recipes have ingredients crossed out and substitutions added. Can I ask how you were able to confirm these substitutions? Why would Royal do that????
  12. Since this is our first cruise out of LA and San Pedro I think we will play it safe and still stay with our reservation with the Doubletree. We will go ahead and spend the approximately $75 each way to visit the great tiki bar The Royal Hawaiian the day before our cruise. Guess we can consider it a similar cost of a Royal excursion and still cheaper than probably renting a car. Plus the last thing I want to do is drive in a city I am unfamiliar with after drinking some tiki cocktails. Way cheaper than a DUI.
  13. Linda suggested that we could cancel our San Pedro Doubletree red and pick a hotel like this near Laguna Beach. The only thing Judy I worry about is getting to the port on Embarkation day. I like being close to port and getting there early. You never know about LA traffic. What do you think?
  14. I have not seen this. I will watch it tonight. I love Kevin’s website https://ultimatemaitai.com Its amazing how many different recipes there are for a Mai Tai but one things for certain some of them are really bad while others are incredible. I have made a lot of different recipes but I keep coming back to the Ultimate Mai Tai recipe. We are planning on visiting the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach before our October Navigator cruise. They apparently have a Mai Tai (I think $75) that is made with the new $500 bottle Appleton Estate 17 year. It is used in same recipe as the original Wray and Nephew 17 year that Victor Burgeon of Trader Vic’s used when he came up with the original Mai Tai. Here is an interesting video of my friend “Spike” Matt Marble going to the Royal Hawaiian and doing a taste comparison of the two Mai Tai’s.
  15. Upon the recommendation here we watched the Netflix movie "Hitman." It was really good and fun. A few twists and turns I did not expect. Highly recommend this one.
  16. Thats what I wondered too and I posed that question to him. I have yet to hear a reply. He did say in another video that he tries to weatherproof a lot of it. And something’s he stores during the winter. I assume he lives more in a stable climate area. Something like that would never survive the weather here in the Midwest.
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