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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. I just assumed, probably mistakenly, that the Heinz ketchup bottles were filled up when they become empty by a huge bulk tank of catsup that may or may not exceed the allowable quotient of insects...
  2. I think all most all reviews, especially Lives, are interesting. We may not have the same cruising style but that's what really showcases the diversity in cruising as a vacation choice.
  3. I call it Jeff's Jam... And until he gets back there's a sign that reads: Free Beer...tomorrow
  4. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
  5. International symbol for those stupid firetruckers ran outta my favorite liquor 😒
  6. Paul, might I suggest you heed the words of the philosopher's known as S. Upertramp... Take the Long Way Home
  7. I am sure you've been to climax, many times...but what about, nope, nevermind...
  8. And just showing up is 50% of being successful! Feel free to quote me...
  9. I prefer corpulent...actually Sir Corpulent if you're nasty!
  10. Oh...I was going to go with Dude Looks Like a Lady...
  11. EM for the win! I have been watching the FO and knew of the chronic rain delays but I never imagined they let Djokovic finish at match after 3am local time in France. WOW!
  12. I've done the triple S in just about every truck stop and rest area on the west coast...
  13. Paul, ready for a math story problem? If the French open is 9 hours ahead of PDT, or 6 hours ahead of EDT, and you are watching it at roughly 6pm EDT, then Live coverage should have ended at what time? Quick answer, long before you were watching it on TV and it was a replay of an earlier match. That's my hypotenuse
  14. Alanis Morissette would have a field day if you, 6th period student and English teacher all met up there...Awkward!
  15. I just converted Megan into a closeted Orioles fan...can I lure you away from the Rangers with the Orioles bird baths and hydration stations, gotta admit the sprinkler after a base hit is right outta jr. high!
  16. Wait a minute...you're conflating 2 different story lines...it seems like much of that happened IRL 🤔 Just not to Paul. I know, just go with it.
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