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Everything posted by BecciBoo

  1. Then I can believe you when you say you don't pee in the pool.
  2. Just wanted to make sure you saw my reply to you on your last thread...you saved us $600....so thank you very much!!!!!!!!
  3. As sure as the sun shines, kids, especially toddlers and younger kids ARE going to pee in the pool, that's why they used to do sea water and changed it out nightly. Not really sure about lately, but I think I will ask the pool mngr on Odyssey next cruise.
  4. I'd wear anything like a badge of courage and achievement! Think Enya! I would probably get to work on some kind of sparkly headband, maybe beading one. I don't think they'd be concerned about that. But whip off the beanie and then cram it back on...easy peasy. Congratulations on fighting the good fight..."Don't mess with hlfrps!" Here's a solution: It even has hair hanging out. Heck this looks so good, I may even order one for our upcoming just for grins! https://www.headcovers.com/ponytail-headband-baseball-hat-with-hair-ball-cap/?gclid=CjwKCAjwkYGVBhArEiwA4sZLuPLm5ofOytxaFsttsx57DKOQDLsjmTg3WRsURBVx8nNUcLdOOqQSLxoC9JgQAvD_BwE
  5. I asked for an "adjustment" not a refund, that's a whole nother ball of wax.
  6. M'Lady, you just saved us $600!!!!!! That's whopping!!!!! See people, it pays to post on CC. Some good friend is always looking out for ya! Thanks, Merion Mom!🥰 And all I did was call RCCL and ask for an adjustment, didn't even make a mock booking! The rep was terrific. She did a price match inquiry and came back with the reduced fare. We've had this one booked for a year almost. Easy Peasy Unfortunately, the Wonder cruise has gone up, but ya never know.
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