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Everything posted by aungrl

  1. If it makes you feel any better, I spotted Mike before I spotted you!
  2. So how did it turn out, Clay? Did you get the excursions you wanted?
  3. Sorry, I was reading backwards and just saw your reply. Too late to delete this one, though.
  4. What ship/line did you end up selecting? And, did it meet your expectations?
  5. I love the idea of a guest choir! What kind of music did they perform?
  6. I've come in to both numerous times over the years. As @CruiserBruce says, if you have Global Entry, it's not usually a problem at either airport. Without GE, a lot depends - at least in my experience - on the time of day you arrive and how many other international flights are arriving in that same window. Setting those variables aside - which you can't do in reality, of course - I've never found one airport to be particularly faster than the other one.
  7. Thanks! I actually looked around for a link like that and failed. Much appreciated.
  8. Still not getting any notifications, and when I click n the icon, each thread is still showing last Friday as the last time something was posted. Any ideas as to what I might try next would be appreciated!
  9. Tried that, as well. No joy. Still problems with the other two threads I'm following, but I did get one new note when I logged in just now, @millybess's note to me that she was having the same problem. But otherwise, still "broken", at least for me.
  10. Loving all these pictures from everyone! Quick question: Is anyone else having trouble with notifications for the posts they're following? I've been following the LIVE from Neptune, LIVE from Sky, and the Sky roll call since each one began. I normally get an email when there's a new post, and when I log in here, if there are new posts on these threads under the little bell icon, the thread titles are in bold until I click on them and read the new posts. Since Friday, I haven't gotten any notification emails, and the thread titles are showing the last updates as being on Friday. I've checked all my settings and everything appears to be set up correctly/no changes since I first started following. Not sure what else to do, so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks for any input!
  11. Another vote for Eurodam. As @Essiesmom says, not only more ports, but (much) better ones.
  12. We got very lucky on our "In the Wake of the Vikings" a few years ago. We made both Qaqortoq and Nanortalik, and also cruised Prince Christian Sound, which is the most beautiful sailing I've ever done.
  13. And please check back in and let us know how it went!
  14. It seems redundant to pile on, but I agree that Royal Caribbean is probably your best bet for finding something for everyone across these age groups. But I also strongly agree with the advice, above, from @jsn55, to find a travel agent who specializes in cruises, AND, when you've narrowed down your options, send them around for voting. That one step will save you endless grief.
  15. I was typing my response, above, as you were typing this. So, obviously, "good advice not needed" from me, but it was too late to recall it. 🙂
  16. It sounds like one thing you might be looking for is a way to tell your parents that you're going that will also enable you to leave your guilt behind and enjoy your trip. Given the circumstances you've described, perhaps you could tell them you're just about to book the trip, but wanted to give them the courtesy of telling them just before you pull the trigger. Tell them that you've thought seriously about all of the concerns they - particularly your mom - have expressed, and that you have plans in place to mitigate all of those. (These would be things like buying the internet package, as suggested by @Prometheus1, so that you can touch base with them each morning and evening; joining the roll call for the cruise you've chosen so that you can establish some relationships in advance with people you can spend time with if you want to once you board, etc.) End by saying that their support would mean so much to you, but that this is something you really want to do. And then go and book it. (From what you've described, it also sounds like it would be a good idea to tell them together, so that your dad can throw his support behind you.) I know this is different than the "just do it" advice, and while that was my first instinct, to be honest, it did occur to me that that isn't going to work for you, so I hope the above is maybe partially useful. Good luck.
  17. Okay, it's Friday at 10:37 p.m. on the East Coast. Experiment is over. Fix this forum, please. It's an overwhelming fail.
  18. That's exactly what I did in the colder and very rainy ports...silk long underwear under rain pants. The brand I bought then is WinterSilks...more expensive than some brands, but they last and last and last. I still have the 2 original pairs of pants and tops I bought ten years ago and they're just as warm and don't show any signs of wear.
  19. You know, interestingly enough, I was prepared for that, and our numbers stayed the same.
  20. I wish there was a clapping hands emoji to select! Wait, I can just add one....👏
  21. This is very similar to a longer post I wrote on the other thread related to the change. Completely agree!
  22. Not "grandma knows best", but my husband and I had the same experience last July. We submitted our renewals at the same time, expecting the very worst, and by mid-morning the next day, I got an email that mine was approved, and my husband's approval came in a few hours after that. No interview, nothing else to do.
  23. Laura, I think you're getting a clear indication that people don't believe this is the right forum to upvote a "right" answer. As so many are indicating in one way or another, Cruise Critic at its best is about experienced cruisers providing answers and guidance as requested. And many times, these answers and guidance are based on personal experience and opinion. In other words, there is no one right answer to any given question or topic. So best case, upvoting is meaningless, and worst case, it's destructive to the overall intent of 'users helping users', and allowing various opinions to flourish and expand others' thinking.
  24. Exactly my thought when I read Laura's post!
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