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Posts posted by BohJang

  1. 18 minutes ago, CallistaSkye said:

    Is there a reason they offered that much less? Is there something that needs to be fixed? What are the comps in your area that recently sold? If you do not have a really tight time frame on when you need to have the house sold by, then I would not rush to sell it.

    That's the market right now.

  2. 28 minutes ago, dmet0225 said:

    If not already provided, your realtor should provide you with a sheet that provides info on recently completed sales on comparable houses, including the length of time on the market, sales vs. asking price, sales price/sf, etc..  The MLS provides a lot of data that can be narrowed down as tightly as you want.  I'm not in the residential sector of real estate, but I do have access to the DFW MLS, and I can tell you that the information is invaluable.  Of course, it removes the emotional factor of how badly a seller/buyer needs to move.

    Yes she provided it all.  Unfortunately, that's the market right now.  We have already moved so I'm paying utilities and maintenance on two properties.  The home is in excellent shape.  

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

    Buyers market or not, you definitely should be selling "as is".  That is the trend in today's market place.

    Again as other Tribe members have said, it depends on if and how badly you need to sell.  Are you comfortable with your realtor, why do you think they suggested you accept such a low offer and pay closing costs.


    Back in 2015 when we listed our home for sale we waited and waited.  The first offer was low, we said "no".  We waited some more and we got 3 offers.  We went with the "all cash" as our realtor explained it was the cleanest closing and fastest as well.


    Good luck and let us know what happens.

    Thanks.  This is a cash offer so at least there's that.  A house around the corner from us that is the same size but 3 years newer is closing today for the amount we were offered.  I'll keep everyone posted.  I appreciate all the comments.

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  4. Our house has been on the market for 3 weeks. We only had one showing in all that time but they made an offer. $35,000 less than asking. They want us to pay all closing fees. Real estate market is apparently very slow right now. Realtor thinks we should take it. I want to counter for at least $5000 more. What says the Tribe? 

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  5. @SenatorsFanI've been thinking about you being on your cruise.  I'm glad you had a nice time.  My favorite thing about Carnival is all the comedy shows.  I can't wait till the Jubilee so we can hit them all up together.  I hope your son is healing nicely but I bet the pain from dealing with insurance companies will be worse than the gash on his head.


    I'm still unpacking boxes here in our new place.  I'm having a hard time getting into the groove of being retired and having no structure to my week.  There is so much still to do around the house but since I have no real deadline I find myself doing a few things and stopping to read a book or checking on things online.  Then I wonder why it's taking me so long to finish setting up everything! Duh!  


    I'm also pretty stressed that our house in Bryan that is for sale has had 0 showings in the three  weeks it's been on the market.  The realtor tells me real estate is pretty slow right now and not to worry.  But of course I'm worrying.  It seemed like houses were selling OK before we got ours on the market but she says the average time is around 111 days on the market now.  I'm not happy to being paying utilities and maintenance for two residences.  


    I hope everyone who is on a cruise or getting ready to be on a cruise is having a great time.  I'm especially jealous of @Jamman54 and Patty's big adventure.  I enjoy Jeff's update every morning and look forward to the official review.  I can't wait until our Celebrity cruise at the end of June.



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  6. Moving is  hell.  Dealing with the lovely people at Social Security and Medicare while moving is a special hell I wish on no one.  We're all moved in and the bedroom and bathroom are functional.  The kitchen is semi functional. I decided to not upack another box until I caught up with the Tribe.  I'm all caught up and I enjoyed all the eclipse pictures which I didn't see because of the aforementioned move.  Happy cruising to @SenatorsFanand Peter and @Jamman54and Patti.  It's 83 days to until our Celebrity cruise in June and I can't wait.


    We also flew up to Connecticut last weekend for my daughter's baby shower.  It was great to see family and spend quality time with my son and daughter-in-law.  It was also a nice respite from boxes!  


    Happy weekend everyone!  I now return to unpacking boxes.

    • Like 23
  7. Just catching up with everyone. The garage is almost cleaned out. There are a few large items that I refuse to take with us.  I have a junk guy coming on Monday to clear out all of it.  I'm so aggravated that I have to PAY someone to get rid of stuff that should never have been moved into the garage 9 years ago.  Mr. Boh Jang is rightly steering clear of me.


    @SenatorsFan sorry Grenada has been cancelled from your cruise.  I've never been there and it sounds beautiful.  It's so frustrating when they cancel a new to you port but the same ones you have been to many times never seem to get cancelled. Especially when you don't like that port.  Looking at you Belize


    Happy Easter weekend Tribe  

    • Like 17
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  8. Just now, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    Have you already received an estimate from your insurance and know it's going to cost that much? My colonoscopy ended up being 100% covered by insurance (unlike other procedures/surgery). I guess since it's preventative care?

    Mine also

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, WhiteOptima said:

    Conversation at my house yesterday:

    Me-You may want to go through the clothes in the closet and get rid of some.

    DH-Yes was thinking the same thing.

    Me-well I have some boxes to take to Goodwill if you want to add to that pile.  I already cleaned out my clothes.

    DH-Oh, I was going to put them in bins.

    Me-Bins? And do what with them????

    DH-Put in the storage under the stairs.

    UGH!!!!!!!!  I keep begging for my sons to take him camping for a few days because I have purging that needs to happen.

    Of course - put them under the stairs and never see them again - until it's time to move!!!

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  10. 14 minutes ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    From personal experience, being poor in childhood definitely contributes. When money is scarce, things can't be easily replaced when needed. You have to save everything "just in case" one day it could be repaired or come in handy. I have learned to curb my packrat leanings to a degree, but the tendency remains ingrained and I fight it all the time. 

    My Boomer mom had an even tougher time growing up, and she has surrounded herself with many things now that she has more means to do so. Most of it is garage-sale treasures, and she openly admits that having lots of stuff makes her feel more secure. I dread having to sort through their house in a few more years.

    Thanks Bethany - that makes so much sense.  My husband wasn't really poor growing up but his father saved everything because "you might need it someday."  I think sometimes he hears his long gone father's voice in his head.

    • Like 6
  11. 20 hours ago, Greenpea2 said:

    Sounds like a REALLY stressful time. A big hug to you! This too shall pass. Eventually...! I totally relate to the hubby packrat thing. I hate that.

    Thank you - I just don't understand pack rats.  I wonder if something happened in childhood to make them this way.

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  12. @MeganGC1983Thanks for checking on me. I have been cleaning out the attic, the garage, and all the closets in preparation for the move.  I have not been having fun.  I'm so irritated about all the stuff that I have to deal with because I'm married to a pack rat that won't throw anything away.  He saved every bank statement, cancelled check, and any random piece of paper that has his name on it from the early 80's.  I went through all of it and hauled it over to the shredding place.  It weighed 120 pounds in total!  Did I mention I did this all myself?  


    It's amazing how much stuff one can accumlulate without realizing it.  I'm trying to donate and throw away as much stuff as I can. 


    I'm in the process of coordinating the move and getting my Medicare insurance figured out because my work health insurance goes away on March 31.  


    Right now the plan is to have the movers pack and load on April 2 and move it all on April 3.  Then we fly to NY on April 5 for my daughter's Connecticut baby shower.  It has all been quite overwhelming but I keep humming that song "Unstoppable" to keep me going.


    My first week of retirement has not been fun!  In addition, the legal assistant that is stuck taking over my job until they hire someone has been texting me for help.  It's not her fault and I have been helping her.  It's a shame that the powers that be didn't realize all the stuff I did every day.  I guess they didn't want to know so they didn't have to pay me more.


    I can't wait until all this is behind me and I'm packing for that June cruise.  Payment in full is at the end of the month and I have to figure out the cruise insurance.  This is the last time I book something on my own without a TA.


    I took a break and caught up with all the Tribe stuff but I'm back to the boxes now.


    Happy Sunday everyone!

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