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Posts posted by BohJang

  1. 13 hours ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    We are doing ALLLLL the DC things. We walked 8.5 miles on Monday and 6 miles each the next two. We’ve done all the monuments, Air & Space, White House, Supreme Court, Capitol, Arlington cemetery, and Ford’s Theater. We’re taking the metro everywhere, which contributes to the walking because the closest station always seems to be a half-mile walk from wherever we end up. My feet are about to fall off, and even the athletic teen boy is feeling the burn.


    Archives & then American History museum tomorrow, Mount Vernon on Friday, then fly home and collapse on Saturday.









    @TravelGirlinDallasYour pictures are beautiful.  We went to Mt. Vernon last year and really enjoyed it.

    • Like 3
  2. 27 minutes ago, LatinaInTexas said:

    For many years I would take off a few days from work and do spring cleaning. That would end up being a big pile of big garbage bags of stuff to go to Goodwill, a lot of it being husbands stuff/junk.

    Then one year instead of just loading it and dropping it off he decides to open a bag. Seeing some of his stuff he then starts opening all the bags and moaning and groaning why was I throwing away good stuff.

    I took great delight in telling him I had been doing this for years and not once did he ever miss anything I threw out🤣😂

    HaHa - good for you!  My husband had no idea what was in the attic and he never once thought about any of it until he saw me putting stuff in the trash.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Greenpea2 said:

    I know it feels overwhelming right now--but it is so exciting too! We too had to deal with SS and retirement (for Mr Greenpea) at the same time we were in the midst of moving down here. It's a lot. 


    Sadly, I can relate about the DH "stuff." We have a garage here that we rent for $150/month. Is there room for even one car in it? NO. How much of that reason is because of DH stuff? I would estimate 75% of it. Very frustrating. I agree. But congrats on the good stuff! Yay!

    Thanks - It is definitely a lot.  I try to throw things away and he is right behind me saying he may need that thing that he hasn't touched in 9 years.  I may have to resort to throwing things away in the middle of the night when he's sleeping!

    • Like 4
    • Haha 4
  4. 51 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

    @BohJang..thanks for the LOL moment regarding HIS stuff!  Been there done that.

    It is really amazing how happy a human can be living a minimalist life.  I still squabble with him saving "stuff" but not near as bad as when we were in our house for 11 years.

    Memories are much more lasting than *stuff*!

    You are so right. Experiences and traveling are so much more important than stuff!

  5. 4 minutes ago, SenatorsFan said:

    Good luck with everything @BohJang, Lorraine. It's a lot to deal with but little by little I know you'll get it done. 🥰

    Thanks - I'm looking ahead to being all moved and welcoming the new baby.  I know we are making the right decision.

    • Like 7
  6. I'm just catching up because I have had a few very busy days.  My retirement is official and the paperwork is done! Last day of work is March 15.  When I told the office manager that I was retiring she got tears in her eyes.  I guess they really liked me here!


    The process of moving is getting real now.  I paid 2 college guys to clean out the attic and haul stuff to the dump.  When we moved into the house 9 years ago I told my husband we didn't need any of the crap he put up in the attic.  It was not touched in 9 years and I had to pay to get rid of it. So frustrating. I'm finding so much stuff in his closet that should have been gone long ago as well.  I don't know why he was compelled to save a broken water pik but that's the kind of nonsense I'm dealing with.


    Our new place will be ready to lease the first week of April.  I hope we will be ready to move by then. I need some minor painting and repairs done and have some pieces of furniture I want to sell.  Then we can get the house on the market.


    I also have to get medicare stuff taken care of since my employer health insurance ends on March 31. I'm already tired of filling out all kinds of online forms for everything.   


    I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly and I can't wait till the move is done!

    • Like 23
  7. On 3/5/2024 at 8:32 PM, HeyJut said:

    @BohJang CONGRATS! on the impending retirement. That is great and you will so enjoy it. Good luck with the house selling/buying. More stressful stuff but will be very worth it in the end. Hope to meet up with you again on another cruise.

    Thank you.  You should come on Tribe Cruise 2 from Galveston in February! It will be fun.

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, SenatorsFan said:

    I can stay up late. Our problem seemed to be when we wandered around at night we never found where some of the cool kids hung out, except for meeting up and having lots of fun with the Boh Jangs @BohJang. Hoping to correct this on Jubilee. 😁

    Yes - I can stay up late too.  We did have lots of fun with you guys.  But I would definitely enjoy some shenanigans like some people we know enjoyed.  Something to do with drunks, comedians, Limelight. IYKYK!

    • Haha 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Hogladyrider said:

    @BohJang  congratulations on many fronts, retirement, selling the house, good medical report etc.

    Retirement life is wonderful,  while stressful at first with all the worries, give yourself at least 6 months to adjust.  It is easy to forget how many years we have been on the merry go round doing the same thing day in and day out.  Took me 6 months to stop waking up at 4:30 am!


    You have LOTS to look forward to and you are going to love life even more!

    Thank you!

  10. Just now, Travelicious said:

    @BohJang, I either missed it or I've forgotten.  Where are you moving to?


    Just now, Travelicious said:

    @BohJang, I either missed it or I've forgotten.  Where are you moving to?

    We are moving to Rosharon, TX which is 20 minutes from where my daughter lives in Pearland. We will be renting a brand new house in a rental home community.  The drive to the Port of Galveston will be just 1 hour!!

    • Like 18
  11. Well I lived through the colonoscopy. Great news - all is well and I don't have to have another one for 7 years!!!!  I had the choice of gatorade, propel, or Liquid IV.  I used Liquid IV which I have never tried in the past.  It tasted better than gatorade and I have 6 packets left. I'll put those with my cruise stuff in case I or my fellow cruisers ever have the need for them.  Looking at you @MeganGC1983.


    I'm going full speed ahead getting my house ready to sell.  Plan is to move by beginning of April and sell the house empty.  That will be less stressful than having to stage everything and have people coming through the house.  


    First thing Monday morning I will let my job know I'm retiring on March 31. I can use two weeks of vacation before that date.  So I guess I'm essentially giving them two weeks notice and hopefully my last work day will be March 15.  I'm so excited and so stressed.

    • Like 36
  12. 22 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    Remember how middle had that fantastic field trip yesterday to the Thunder game?! She was excited because she got assigned to sit with one her softball teammates. Well, softball teammate’s mom just posted that teammate tested positive for strep this morning. Are you kidding me?! 

    OH NO!!!

    • Like 6
  13. 12 hours ago, HeyJut said:

    well, I am a month behind. Can’t seem to get my act together since coming back from the tribe cruise. But when I saw this, I had to comment. the Dutch Bossche Bol (?sp) was my favorite at The Dutch Cafe, but I Limited myself to one on my N. Statendam cruise in Dec. Soooo good.

    Nice to hear from you.  I was wondering where you went.

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