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Everything posted by kwokpot

  1. Thank you for the information. You have any speculation why there seems to be a disconnect on the Australian sailings with this? The occasional responses I get from other sources still seem to reflect some Australian passengers still not knowing about the free offerings, while others do.
  2. The booking software hasn't been updated to reflect the changes on all three E-class ships. There is no longer any set early or late dining. What you were told WAS how it used to be, but that's no longer the case, despite what you booked or were told.
  3. Thank you. That's makes a lot more sense now. You didn't mention that you already paid$1800rt. Your posts initially implied that a business class seat was only $1000 one way. The prices I initially quoted are correct if you were to do business class both ways. I just don't want people thinking that it will cost only $1000 to fly business class this summer to Greece. Glad it worked out for you.
  4. Thanks for you reply. I don't mean to be difficult, but your math still isn't working out. Did you book an economy ticket and then pay for an upgrade to Polaris? $1,200 is less than economy for IAD to ATH for August. A Polaris seat is $3700 pp/OW for that itinerary. You mentioned upgrade to Polaris in one of your posts. I'm only trying to set realistic expectations in this thread.
  5. Im still trying to figure out how she got 2 tkts in Polaris class for $1000 each from anywhere in the US to athens in August.
  6. How did you manage to get a fare like that? What's your departure airport?
  7. WAAAAY too early. I'm on the 30 TP on the Luminosa this September and that cruise STILL doesn't have ANY spa treatments of any kind showing for booking.
  8. No catch. BCC comped cruise offers are based on past play, and NONE of their offers require a minimum spend at the casino. IOW you can book and sail on a comped BCC cruise and never once set foot in the casino. Nothing will happen with regards to that particular sailing, but you probably wont receive future offers. So there's really no down sides. With regards to sailings based on US public school holidays yes that can be a challenge. But many times you'll see summer cruises offered through BCC and like this month the Solstice sailing during President's week was offfered during many public school's week long recess.
  9. Thank you for your review. You did a great job dividing it up to three different sections and your presentation is professional and easy to read.
  10. Alakegirl is trying to be helpful and pointing out that the IV cabin, despite the false statements made on Celebrity's website, is NOT a real balcony cabin but an oceanview cabin with a panoramic window that opens to create the illusion of a balcony, but you're NEVER really outside. Not everyone that comes to Cruise Critic for advice knows about how these cabins are really designed since it's not clear on Celebrity's website. These cabins aren't good or bad, it just depends on what you're looking for so it's important to understand what it is and isn't.
  11. That offer has NOTHING to do with the Casino program, NOTHING.
  12. No, the booking codes have to be part of your profile, so even if you have the booking codes you won't be able to use them if they weren't sent to you.
  13. I don't get off ports anymore on Caribbean itineraries and can tell you on port days there's literally no one using in gym and I'll be there with 1 or 2 other employees. That would be the height of ridiculous on a port day to have an employee man the fitness center to manage the non-existent line into the gym.
  14. As I've said I was on the Edge for it's inaugural cruise in December 2018 and again in 2019 pre pandemic. The gym was NEVER, I repeat NEVER overcrowded to the extent that a reservation system was needed.
  15. I sailed the Edge in October 2021 a few months after the restart and there were no restrictions to use the gym. They certainly aren't going to start now.
  16. I checked the app for my July cruise on the Apex and no such wording. In any case it's wrong. Guaranteed.
  17. There's NO need for reservations to use the fitness center. That' the most ridiculous thing. I go to the gym every day, sometimes twice a day on every cruise I go on. Totally incorrect. Even pre-pandemic when the ships were full there were no reasons to make appointments.
  18. The fitness center and the whole spa area has been altered. Having said that the gym has all the same equipment just in a smaller footprint than the original layout. I was concerned about the reduction in size of the gym but my fears were allayed. Cardio machines, weight training machines, and dumbbells all still there, The Locker rooms changed dramatically. They basically took the original women's locker room and redesigned it to house both the men's and women's locker rooms. Gone are the spacious saunas with the round window BUT they did replace them with very small saunas that hold 4 comfortably. Individual Showers, vanity, toilets, lockers are all still there, albeit in a space 1/2 the size. Best part it's still accessible to everyone, no need for a thermal suite pass. So a complementary sauna is available to everyone.
  19. That's how I feel about the chocolate sphere dessert in Luminae. Dramatic presentation, not particularly satisfying taste wise.
  20. New email offer from today:
  21. That's our experience. The host tells us to charge everything to your account and it will be reviewed on the last day for removal based on play. Carnival's host are more interactive. You can ask them any day of the cruise if you've played enough for a restaurant comp and they'll check the system and tell you sure, which one and what day, or else say you need to play a little more before I can do that.
  22. As we all know we gamblers only want whatever is due to us.
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