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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Although very valid points, not sure how many of your issues were related to winning an upgrade. I was missing an excursion ticket on my last cruise, so had to get a new one printed and I've gotten the wrong tickets in the past as well. And no transfer tickets/tags either. But reviewing your edocs BEFORE you leave and having a copy with you is extremely important. If you have a last-minute change and can't print new documents, make sure you have a copy of the change notifications with you. Names mysteriously disappear from the airport transfer lists (had a full planeload of people not on their list once!), excursion tickets go astray, paid-for addons are missing. It happens - no system is perfect
  2. Don't forget that the OP also just assumed a price drop - there was no comparable cabin available for price comparison.
  3. Of course there is the possibility you won't get a direct flight to Seattle but highly unlikely multi-stop. So direct or 1 stop. But be advised that your trip home will most likely be late - that's just the way the flight schedules tend to be, east from Seattle. Either too early to guarantee you'd make it or late flights. As to weather, it's Alaska. There is no way to predict - light rain, heavy rain, sunshine, snow... Last September I was in Juneau for 2 days - had a wonderful first day, fantastic whale-watching experience. Day 2 in Juneau was unplanned because of weather - we couldn't leave due to the storm (and the ships that were supposed to dock that next day were either out at sea or stayed at their previous port). It can change in an instant.
  4. Of course it's by design, probably has little if anything to do with cash flow issues. It's an excellent marketing ploy. The ability to adjust pricing up until final payment makes early booking a no-risk venture if you want to choose your cabin, get first choice of excursions and take advantage of perks that most likely won't be offered closer to sail date. You can always cancel before final payment if it looks like rebooking closer to sail date is a better option. No penalty, unlike other cruiselines. They owe you nothing but by offering FCC it can help resolve that oops feeling that some people get when they think they might have gotten a better deal if they had waited. It doesn't initially cost NCL anything to give the FCC, not everyone will use it. But if they do, NCL gets more income if it entices someone to book another cruise. As to adjusting prior to FP, I've recently made several price adjustments prior to FP. On my cruise next month, the price hasn't gone down (actually went up slightly) since I adjusted it 2 months before FP.
  5. Yes, you can bid if you upgraded using points. And you may get FCC if the price drops, based on any difference between your original cabin cost and the current cost of that cabin.
  6. Disembarkation on Overnight Stays - Norwegian Cruise Line - Cruise Critic Community
  7. Yes, taking the airfare option is often (but not always) a dealbreaker. The airfare deal currently drops off at 110 days (was 90 for a long time) and because NCL isn't subsidizing the "free" part, fares might go down at that point but they would also factor in the value of the airfare to determine if the fare had indeed dropped.
  8. Bar staff are not included in the DSC pool, regardless of how it is (or isn't) distributed.
  9. Timing depends on the promo - most recently it's been 4 months out but it's also been 6 months out at times. Certificates are payments and don't affect the terns if the reservation, so your pricing stays the same.
  10. Yes, they will return any cruise next certificates that don't meet the terms of the current promo if you reprice. Had that happen a few months ago, I just reapplied the certificate again a few weeks later when the "any cabin" promo came back the following week.
  11. LOL of course your balance due would be reduced. They took off the price of the airfare, which wasn't free, just half-price. And the airport transfers if you didn't request to keep them. That's not the same as reducing your cruise fare - which was what you asked - they are separate line items.
  12. Not the way it works. The BOGO fare is a "free" perk, absorbed into the current rates - just like the drink and meal packages, whether you use them or not. But if you remove the airfare, you obviously don't pay those fees. However, if you remove the airfare it opens up the possibility of getting FCC if there is a price reduction after final payment and after the airfare promo is removed (currently 110 days). Sometimes the prices are reduced at that time.
  13. When did the price drop? You can always request a refund if the price drops before final payment (US bookings), which is 120 days. After final payment DATE, you can request a one-time courtesy adjustment, depending on the terms in effect when you originally booked. I book early most of the time but I monitor the prices and request adjustments if the price goes down - never an issue. And prices do increase, so there is no reason that I can think of to not book early.
  14. Probably too late in the season. I'm leaving Aug 28 had it booked and it's been cancelled. Description of the tour says through Mid August.
  15. As already stated, your base will be what you paid, not the value of the upgrade. So you would still be paying the difference in price from the inside to balcony and your points would be useless.
  16. I've been told that it could change if you make changes and the current cost of airfare is higher. But I have been in that situation twice now - just repriced a cruise today where the airfare increased - and my airfare did not change. Your mileage may vary. Your airfare cost is fixed when you book and would only possibly be subject to change if you alter your reservation. As to customs, I'm not understanding what US/Canadian customs has to do with a deviation?
  17. If by bad you just mean you didn't get what you wanted, you should realize that a customer service rep doesn't have the authority to violate company policy, either by refunding something that is non-refundable or by following the terms of the discount you were given. Also, realize that if you booked through a TA, your TA owns your reservation and it is NCL's policy to refer you back to the TA since they aren't involved in the booking transaction. I have found that most of the time the onboard crew is quite good. Whether you knew it or not, you basically bought a gift certificate and that is not refundable - and your beef would be with your TA if you were mislead. However, your TA could buy it from you - and then transfer it to another client along the way, it is good for 3 years.
  18. Well that does explain the issue. Maybe the terms are different but it appears that they bought something equivalent to CruiseFirst and those are not refundable in the US anyway. But they can be sold online.
  19. OP hasn't responded so it's difficult to know the true issue. If they did indeed use a CruiseNext certificate then that is non-refundable, per the terms of purchase. If they used cash and NCL gave them a CN refund (which they have done to me in the past) then yes, they can and should request a cash refund from NCL. As to using the CN with the 20% discount, that shouldn't be an issue. But they can only use the discount on the specified cruises.
  20. Yea, still trying to wrap my head around NCL logic - or rather lack thereof. When they cancelled most of the Spirit cruises, they offered 20% on any remaining Spirit cruise, thru April 2024. Plus 10% on any other cruise, thru 2024. Later, when they cancelled 2 more of the remaining Spirit cruises (Dec 2024) the offer changed to 20% off on the Jewel, through February 2024. Huh??? So a different ship, totally different itinerary and a shorter timeframe. And they said they couldn't change the terms because that wouldn't be fair!!!! Apparently their thought was that the Jewel goes to Asia so an equivalent choice - my cruise was to Australia, ending in Bali. Jewel doesn't go to Australia. Not very optimistic that they will change their ruling - so if anyone finds a path to appeal a denial from Katy Byrd, please share!
  21. I've booked family OV many times as a solo. But have never actually stayed in one because of upgrades.
  22. They aren't discount codes that you apply. They are the codes that NCL applies to your reservation to keep track of the various promos that are applicable to your reservation.
  23. Yes, people forget that when you get off the ship you also have to be able to get back on! Went to Antarctica and got oooh so close to getting off in Stanley. As close as sitting in the theater waiting for the tenders to return after getting checked out at the port when the dreaded announcement came over the PA system. Tenders were having trouble docking at that time and the weather report wasn't looking good for later in the day. So while we might have been able to get to the port there was a good chance we wouldn't have been able to get back to the ship at the end of the day. Not fun having to time your transition onto the ship so you don't get bashed on the head - or worse.
  24. Last 2 cruises it took 2 days to get my latitudes laundry done.
  25. Very true. Actual experience is always good. But sadly, many of the negative comments regarding issues with NCL-arranged flights seem to come from people who don't actually have any personal experience.
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