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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Looking pretty good Terry! Even with a slight day or two delay I do believe a great journey is in your future. I hear they are going to refuel in Somalia.😁
  2. Boy did that meme hit home......or perhaps we need to spend more money on cruises. πŸ˜ƒ Thanks for mentioning Aland. I didn't know anything about it. Just spent some time reading the complicated history. I'm always fascinated by territories, autonomous regions and the like. Nice Rabbit Hole for a lazy Sunday morning. Thought about trying to go there in June but the ferry from Stockholm is 5-12 hours. There is a move called Devil's Bride about witch hunts on Aland in the 1600s. Just put it on our watch list.
  3. Thanks JP. Well duh, of course. At first I was thinking it was some type of self serve stew. Leave a few pesos on the side. Or even something like the little libraries folks set up in boxes in front of their houses. Perhaps more coffee will help my addled brain. I need some sea days.
  4. A well earned food coma, one of life's little gifts.
  5. Thanks for a great report. Looks like you had great weather in Emerald Lakes and got to see the Volcanos. So lucky. Just wondering about the Le Creuset pits in the boxes with windows. Did you get any explanation? I wholeheartedly agree about early dinner options. On long trips one occasionally needs a quiet early evening with decent food. Yes you could order something in advance. Anticipating the need and want for an early dinner isn't easy. I believe Seabourn is expanding their room service menu. Hopefully Silversea will follow.
  6. The sector moves have been very interesting and divergent from the general up trend. It makes my head hurt. If you figure it out please keep us posted.
  7. Thanks for doing all that hard research! Might have to try your suggestions!
  8. You're already pulling off some amazing trips before retirement. Now that's living the dream!
  9. For the last 3 years we've done 2-3 cruises a year. Length varies from 14 to 40 days not including land time. 2024 will be about 100 nights onboard. We count our lucky stars every day. πŸ˜ƒ
  10. MK - Thanks for that great report, very helpful. So pleased your trip went well, and you got to Kayak. Not always so easy. Excited for your Arctic cruise, I could go there every year. You had me at Indian chef. We usually ask to have a special meal prepared. Glad the Sushi is holding up. Such a nice break from the Restaurant. Are they still doing Earth and Ocean nights in the Collonade? And was Brent on your trip? He's such a hoot. Just had dinner with friends last night who are on the reposition to Santiago. I've already warned them about the charter and included wines. Will give them a heads up about the white burgundy and the Austrian. Very helpful. I find the Chilean wines they serve give me a headache, too many sulfites? When we find something decent on the included list we take a picture to show staff the next time. Too bad the sommelier wasn't up to snuff. We had that same Owners suite on our trip, and yes dark. Surprisingly we had fabulous weather in the Arctic and used the amazing balcony quite a bit. Even coming back from dinner and laying under the stars with a few blankets when we were in the ice pack, crazy. Our next trips are on Venture and Pursuit, Norway and Guam to Santiago. All the bigger suites were taken so we're trying a Panorama. But we finally scored a SS in the back for a Baffin Bay trip. We leave in a few weeks on Silversea Cloud, our second trip to Antarctica followed by Cape to Cape. Cloud is a little long in the tooth, but great itinary. Please share a few more of your Antarctica highlights so I can get excited. Fair winds!
  11. What happens on the ceiling stays on the ceiling.
  12. You are so very kind. Cruise Critic is an amazing place full of so many talented people willing to help and share information with others. I'm pleased I could contribute. Tell us about your upcoming trip and please post some details post cruise. Venture and Pursuit are my favorite ships. They spoil you.
  13. What an interesting building in the last photo. Do you know anything about it? Thanks for sharing.
  14. Looks like a good one. Love that area, and especially Stockholm. Will be back to the motherland this June. πŸ˜ƒ Havent been to Latvia or Poland either, except for the plane change in Warsaw. It was back in the 80's coming home from the then 'Soviet Union'. Oh my how things have changed.
  15. Thanks for posting. A rather nice looking extensive menu!
  16. Those European Bassalt columns can be a bit judgy.
  17. How terribly frustrating. Please keep us posted.
  18. FWIW on our Silversea expedition to PNG last year we did not need a visa.
  19. The suite water is purified on the ship. Which may or may not be to your liking. You can ask for commercial bottled water. FYI, last year our ship ran out because Australia wouldn't allow them to load bottled water in Carins.
  20. Don't stop! The world and CC need more carbon based life forms like you. I must go check out this Nurse Ratched stuff. πŸ˜ƒ
  21. FWIW https://maritime-executive.com/article/more-cruises-cancel-red-sea-electing-to-deadhead-around-africa β€œWe have canceled Silver Moon’s voyages between Muscat and Dubai, scheduled from January 16 to January 26, and Dubai and Mumbai, scheduled from January 26 to February 11,” Silversea writes in a statement to The Maritime Executive. β€œThe voyage between Mumbai and Singapore, scheduled between Feb 11 and Feb 29, is currently scheduled to proceed as planned.” @TLCOhio Fingers still crossed.
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