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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Thanks JP. It is the Park Hyatt. What a lovely hotel. Now I get to live vicariously through your journey. Looks like an amazing itinerary.
  2. Thanks for all your stories. Really added an interesting dimension. Also enjoy following along on your trip.
  3. What an interesting itinerary. Can't wait for details. Have a fab trip.
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes our tour. Thanks for coming along and also to @Port Power and @FauxNom for ramping up the fun. Will do a recap in a few days. Disembarkation was a breeze. Silversea transfered us to Cable Beach Club. We hung out by the pool until our seamless flight to Melbourne. The small, very efficient Broome airport has 3 gates, a little restaurant and a few small shops. Nice decompressing hang out spot. Your last food porn. Got in around 10pm. Delish room service. Good Morning Melbourne! A stunning fall day. Fair winds and a following sea to all.
  5. Last sunset and one food pic. I'm totally fired from the Food Pic club. I can never remember to take pics. But I got one last Coconut shrimp pic.
  6. Seafood lunch...YAY! If you calculate our seafood consumption from these lunches in restaurant 'Seafood Tower' dollars, I think we're up maybe $2k. 🤣 Bonus of great scenery during our sailout.
  7. Smoke on the water.... Woke up to lots of smoke from the wildfires and took a pass on another zodiac ride. Luckily the wind picked up and skies cleared giving those that went out a much better experience.
  8. UP NEXT....or not? We are here during Neap tide so it is only a Zodiac ride. The fast boat we would have been on ran into the rocks last year, seriously injuring many on board. 🙄 Talbot Bay is famous for the Horizontal Falls which have been described as “one of the greatest natural wonders of the world“. The region’s tides of close to 36 feet create an amazing spectacle when the water tries to enter or leave Poulton Creek through two very narrow openings located one behind the other in the McLarty Ranges. Water builds up faster on one side than it can flow through the gaps, leaving or entering depending on the tide. This incredible tidal power can be experienced firsthand by boarding a local 900hp fast boat and taking an exhilarating ride through the Horizontal Waterfalls.
  9. Before I forget.... Shout out to the brilliant @Port Power Clueless dolt that I am, didn't realize that the toiletrie bottles had a flip top until she pointed it out. 🤣
  10. Extra spice is never a problem. I'm always packing heat, see below. 😅 I often ask for a side of sambal. It's really the type of dish I'm missing. For example, Beef Wellington shouldn't be spicy as it would mask the complex flavors. What I'm missing is Thai night, Indonesian night, Szechuan night, taste of Brazil, taste of 'wherever' that Chef Pia does so well. Even her simple wraps on the lunch buffet are outstanding. Now, they are landfill. How about, Tacos, gimme a simple fish taco, or food truck night? Yes we can always order something in advance and sometimes do, but if the chef isn't into it, it's often just OK. Perhaps I should start a thread about Food Hacks on Silversea. I've gotten really creative with the lunch buffet. 😃 Ha ha, can you tell we've been on the ship for 35 days and we're ready for something different. They have run out of a lot of things. No bottled water since Cairns, Berries gone a week ago, no bananas, list goes on. But you know what they do have? Plenty of wine, spirits and great service! So all good.
  11. Chef Pia left in Cairns. We miss her terribly. Chef Subhash is doing a pretty darn good job with the classic menu. Ironically he doesn't pack the spicy punch Pia did. None of the nightly ethnic (usually Asian) dishes. But all in all, still well fed.😁
  12. Winner Winner, Black Angus Wellington Dinner! Crepe Suezette - double yum! Petit fours
  13. Montgomery Reef, Kimberly Australia Zodiac ride to the reef. A beautiful day to be on the water. No wind which made the commute easy and relatively dry. The reef was submerged due to a Neap tide. So none of the excitement advertised in the brochures. We did see plenty of turtles. Sightings were a quick head pop, maybe a splash and they were gone. One did swim by on the other side of the zodiac. We were able to catch a few Sharks feeding on the way home. 20230529_152649.mp4 Hoping for a Turtle. 😔 20230529_145855.mp4 Indo Pacific Heron
  14. Freshwater Cove, Kimberly Western Australia Lovely day and beautiful beach. We were allowed to wander a bit as it was low tide and the resident croc comes in with the tide. Some folks hiked to see more rock art. Anyone care to chime in on that? We did a free roam and chatted with the local guides. They just got starlink and a generator which works for two four hour periods. Our guide has never used email. Freshwater bubbling up right on the beach. 20230529_094328.mp4
  15. Dinner You get to the point in a long trip where you're ready for a Taco. Then Chef and Sommelier delivers this to remind you of their excellent capabilities. Italian white from the reserve. Light and crisp with a hint of minerality. Giving a Montrachet a run for its francs. Corn cake, yes it tasted like corn! Tuna tartar Lobster Bisque A real star. Not salty, depth of crustation flavor and nice Lobster chunks. Dover sole. Perfectly cooked and properly deboned. Melt in your mouth. Silversea at its finest.
  16. UP NEXT Freshwater Cove. Kimberly, Western Morning Adjacent to Montgomery Reef, but on the mainland, Freshwater Cove –locally known as Wijingarra Butt Butt- will offer an opportunity to see and purchase Aboriginal art. Aboriginal guides will welcome guests with a traditional ochre welcome on the beach. The rock formations that can be seen along the shore represent spiritual ancestors relating to the great Wandjina battle. Caves with rock art are found in the vicinity, but can only be visited with local guides. On the beach, Aboriginal artists have set up a shelter where one can relax, share a cup of tea and damper with them and peruse their paintings. These paintings based on Dreamtime stories and motives are available for purchase from the artists. Afternoon Montgomery Reef, which is some 300 square kilometres in size, can show an amazing tidal change of up to 4 metres. When the tide drops, the reef seems to rise out of the water. At low tide a river is exposed that allows access to an amazing semi-submerged world. When the tide continues to ebb, Zodiacs will be used to make the way to the edge of the reef where one is surrounded by cascading waterfalls up to 3 metres high. Continuing up the river one is able to look at the abundance of reef birds and sea creatures including turtles and manta rays. A visit to Montgomery Reef is very much tide-depending, but truly a once in a lifetime experience.
  17. OK, there was stunning scenery too. Croc tracks. Stumpy the 3 legged guy lives here. Easy to spot the huge tidal difference in the leaf color change. There is also a croc in there. They're everywhere.
  18. Hunter River and Porosus Creek WA, Australia Today was all about the crocs. So many! We also saw numerous sea eagles, a ray jump, shark and maybe a Dugong. No pics, sorry. I was lucky enough to sit next to eagle eye @FauxNom who spotted most of them. We were so spoiled with sightings we ignored the smaller ones and those that didn't have their mouths open.😁
  19. Tres Leche You should all be very jealous. This container features a daily lunch dessert special. Its best not to even look.
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