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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. I agree. When asked about our travels, some folks look at us like we have three heads. Crusing doesn't appeal to them. One can explain the concept that you never have to unpack, its like staying at a 4 star hotel (most of the time😁), and you have interesting touring options. The image of the 5,000 passenger ships still sticks in their minds. So be it.
  2. Hot Diggity Dog! That's some serious Carpe Diem. Crew Fund - Ditto, It really means a lot to the crew. On our last trip we found out that crew fund donations were slim so we threw a few more bucks in the pot. I was overwhelmed by the touching 'thank you's.
  3. As JP mentioned, Spaccanapoli. Great pizza at sea. They even allowed us to order some off menu items up there. But the ship was not full at the time.
  4. Ditto on Medjet. With everything going on in the world we've stepped up to the Horizon plan. I'm amazed at how reasonable it is, and how useful it can be domestically. You can also purchase through some TA's. Convient if you have a good TA who can help navigate their system should anything happen.
  5. Go to the safety briefing on the Seabourn subs. The difference is night and day. There is regular communication with team above. If that stops, sub automatically returns to surface on its own. So many other safety feature to mention. And they adhere to PSI levels that the subs were built for. But accidents can and do happen. Choose your risks.
  6. Thanks so much for this heads up. We were able to activate in U.S., good until 9/15.
  7. I used to know what I was doing. Now I'm in the Blind Squirl camp for sure.😁 I'd rather be lucky than good.
  8. We had such a crazy run FOMO run up and it hit my short term target spot on, 4444. Took some stuff off the table for a rebalance trade. Will out em back on between 4,200 & 4,300. I'm already nervous about getting them back on. I'm in the bull camp, 4748 is my next level. It's been a LONG time since I've been in sync with the market and I expect the market will show me 'what's what' any minute now.🤣 That black swan, grey swan, I'm gonna get you swan is always right around the corner. Thanks for the RSI numbers. Helpful as I dont follow it that closely.
  9. So strange. Just went in and had no trouble picking a suite. Do you have a TA? If not, I would seriously consider getting one. Dealing directly with the cruise lines can be a challenge. Hope you can get this sorted.
  10. I'm on Pursuit in Sept 24 so you had me worried. Checked Pursuit 2024 March/April South Pacific. Had no trouble getting to final booking. But I'm in the U.S., so maybe that's the difference. Also staff answering phones aren't always the sharpest knives in the drawer.😆
  11. Great post about wine. I was just thinking about why the Connoisseurs list is so reasonable. The first thought was the volume of wine they buy is a factor. The second is the concept that if your are drinking from the Connoisseurs list you are not drinking the complimentary wine. So in theory they would save money on that bottle.
  12. Well gee wiz this rally has been fun. Time for a pullback? A tripple bagger on RCL, missed that one.
  13. I'll respectfully disagree with the all knowing Stumblefoot. A rare occurrence. If there is something outside on my side of the ship I dont want to miss it running somewhere to get outside, especially in my PJs. Not that I haven't thrown a parka over them in the past. 😄. On sunny calm days I've had my coffee outside. Evening can be just as magical with almost 24 hour daylight. I grew up in Chicago, so Antarctica was a bit on the warm side. Every day in the 20s & 30s, farenheit that is. South Georgia is a must. We are going back next year because their is a Cloud itinary with 5 days there. Either side of the ship is fine. Kids will be treated like royalty. Staff miss their kids and family at home and many of us miss the grandkids. Btw, Old Man Storr can be a zoo with all the Prometheus fans wanting selfies. The town had expanded the parking lot but still doesn't always have enough room for the throngs. Loving your posts.
  14. Sorry you will miss Myanmar. Our trip to Sri Lanka was Covid Covid canceled so we missed your new ports there. Some safari in your future? Except for missing a new country I wonder if this might be more interesting.
  15. Well that's good news. I wish Silversea would do the same.
  16. Fabulous boat! See you on the Encore this fall. Fingers crossed for good weather.
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