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Everything posted by highplanesdrifters

  1. Lois -Thanks for all the tips. We will be there in November. Very helpful.
  2. You are so kind! And I can now vouch for the Kava ingredient with first hand experience. The only question is how many bottles to buy before we get on the ship? Different Coals to Newcastle?
  3. So sorry to hear about your internet issues. Itnisnour loss. Hope you enjoy the rest of the trip.
  4. OASIS FOUND! We booked our stay in the Adults Only section. After exploring the area we found these mostly empty delightful beach cabanas and made our camp. During the day staff would randomly arrive with cold water, refreshing drinks, and little snacks. There was a nap taken the likes of which I have never experienced before. A most pleasant Twilight Anesthesia is the only way I can come close to describing it. A VERY HAPPY HOUR....ish. We transitioned to the pool around 4:45 to order up Blue Turtle Gin and Tonics. This shot was take in the morning, hence the lack of Holiday Makers crowded around the pool bar. To our surprise Complementary Happy Hour went from 5-6. Delicious concoctions and appetizers were plentiful and delicious. We have thrown our lot in the the Holiday Makers and have forgotten what a computer screen is. Your moment of Zen. 20230425_173420.mp4 20230425_173420.mp4
  5. Where is our next Oasis? Great news! We were in our room before 9 a.m. The Sofitel is your typical beach resort with two sections, Family Friendly and Adults Only. Family Friendly offered up what looked like a decent Kids club. Lots of screaming and crying. Joy from grandparents coaxing the young ones to jump into the pool without water wings for the first time, and screams from those who had just lost a toy to a rival. Happy for them, but not my idea of a jet lag recovery zone. The Adults Only side was chock full of Holiday Makers, Corporate Incentive Trippers, and chair hoggers looking to make the most of their short time away from their computer screens. I do not begrudge them their mission. But also not what I had in mind for transition to the ship. There must be somewhere for us to hide!
  6. Thank you everyone for your well wishes. You have kept me sated in-between our little adventures. I hope I can return the favor.
  7. I've got your back.😉 we are taking a taxi to the ship and the driver knows we are on a Blue Turtle Gin mission. It is delicious.
  8. We had great success emailing LF for specific instructions on what we could and could not pack. We put our air tags in the luggage.
  9. Thanks M. Wish you were here! Today I will be searching for the famous Blue Turtle Gin. Only found in Fiji.
  10. Yes the pools are heated. I've had a swim in them in the Arctic. And, I wasn't alone.🤣 It's the transition one needs to brave.
  11. Find a good Travel Agent. The most important advice. Consider an Expedition Ship. It will be more active. Seabourn and Silversea are at the top of the food chain. You sound like you could have fun wherever you go. You'll find fun and interesting people no matter what their age.
  12. LOOKING FOR THE OASIS We transited through The AirPit also known as LAX. Nine hour layover. Grabbed a decent room at the nearby Hyatt and prepared ourselves for what was billed as Horror at TSA. Fiji Air does not participate in TSA precheck. Clear was there, but not open. We endured the indignities of removing shoes and multiple pieces of clothing surrounded by screaming rugrats. Oh the horror. But all was not lost, a new line opened up and we slipped through quickly. OASIS Fiji check-in was empty. Ahh, the delightful Fijians are even as happy, kind, and welcoming in LAX as they are in Fiji. We were tipped off to a hidden Rooftop Terrace in the Star Alliance Lounge by our check-in agent. Complete with firepits and waterfall. Oh my, who knew I could enjoy waiting 3 hours in an airport. Gentle coastal breezes wafted in with a hint of the travelers aphrodisiac smell, jet fuel. Fiji Air delivered an excellent product. The wonderful sincre Fijians made us all comphy for the 11 hour flight. I even slept for 6 of them. Cheers mates. We would be happy go this restaurant for breakfast. Sunrise welcomed us to Fiji. Sea level moist air. Ahhhh! Empty Immigration, double ahhhh! Now we face the big question. It's 6:30 am. How long will we have to wait for our room? Sofitel Denarau Island Oh right, Sofitel is French, duh. While we wait, pastries and coffee spot on. And some fresh blend tropical fruit thing which was inhaled immediately. And yes, we did get another Pain au Chocolat. Stay tuned for the answers to the "Will our room be ready mystery".
  13. Especially pieces whose only design innovation is the ubiquitous halo.
  14. Altercation? Sounds juicy. Perhaps the Covid spreaders were taken to task.
  15. Amazing power packed side trip! How many days where you there? I'd guess 5 based on everything you've shown us.
  16. Ditto @HappyCamper777 sentiments. Please tell us more on another thread. Sorry about the hijack Fletcher. Will be on the edge of our seats reading your much anticipated musings.
  17. Having just payed for biz class to Australia, $4,000 sounds like a bargin. There were some time consuming routings that were cheaper. Perhaps that is where the price disparity comes from.
  18. Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Could be interesting for making pasta, maybe with a duck ragu. Or soup noodles/dumplings. But I think I'd take a pass on pancakes. 🤣
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