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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. Not sure if you know this. If an airline makes a change to your flight of more than one hour, you can call in and get ANY flight of your choice that same day with no change fee and no additional cost (no matter the cost of teh flight). It may have to be the smae number of syops as well. I had a flight ofor my July crusie changed recently. I called American and got a lot better and more expensive flights for all four of us. No cost at all.
  2. You are very welcome. I hope you have an amazing time on your cruise ipgrade or not!
  3. Yet another reason to not use a TA. They are highly over-rated and most often, with a little effort, you can do just as well on your own as far as price goes. I travel A LOT as well. I always do my own booking and select my own cabin. This way I know for a fact exactly what it is that I am buying, how much I am paying, and how I need to ALLOT my vacation funds. 🙂
  4. Nothing at all to "BEWARE" of if one simply reads what it is they are buying before they buy it. As fr as the cancellation and re-booking goes, that may or may not have been NCL's decision. It is just as likely that the airline cancelled or changed the original flight,
  5. Tell them if they want iternet to pay for it themselves. Also tell him to man up and not let hsi kids dictate things, he is teh parent! If they want to be wth tehir boy friends that nadly tell them to stay home and not vruise!!!
  6. No need to wait. Simply go to https://upgrade.plusgrade.com/offer/NCL/
  7. The prices have noting to do with the ages. The soda pass is $9.95 per day plus a 20% auto-gratuity (per persom). I would HIGHLY suggest NOT getting them internet. They will be on an amazing cruise vacation, they can inplug and discover tha tthere is a real world out there to enjoy without having their faces stuck in a computer for a week.
  8. There are a lot of professional complainers on these boards who think it is their job to post as many negative comments as possible. Get in the habit of moving past their posts and you will be much better off. I hope you get to go on yoru cruise and that you have quite an amazing adventure (and come back with stellar reviews).
  9. Your opinion is appreciated but the FAQ clearly states that the DSC is an incentive program. Unless you are an NCL employee you have no idea how that incentive us set up. Your post is opinion and conjecture, nothing more.
  10. Mo one other than NCL and the employees know for a fact how any of the revenue generated by NCL is distrubited. There is a lot of conjecturebut it goils down to we do not know. As fae as leaving a tip per drink at time of service, some do, some dont. It is a matter of personal preference. The best answer is to tip anyone you want, any time you want, any amount you want. Have a great cruise.
  11. Just as with any other port it only takes few minutes to get off of the ship. Get in line at yoru assigned time and you will be off in a matter of minutes. Now if you are asjking WHAT TIME are you off of the sip, that depends on the debarkation time you select.
  12. Yes however paying $0.00 for the package does mena it is free. There is noting to refund other than the $0.00 paid..
  13. There is nothing to get back. The package is FREE. You will get back yoru entire $0.00 that the package cost you.
  14. It was avery poor attempt at humor. I'm known for that! 🙂
  15. We have sailed i a lot of different angled balconies. In fact we look for one on every crusie. Never had any issues with wind in any of them I thik you will be happy with the cabin you have. The important thng for us it to select a cabin on a deck with just cabins on the defck above and below to minimize noise. Def not right above the pool or theater or below the gym! Enjoy yoru cruise...
  16. And the hundreds )mst likely thousands) of other people wjo bought them all have identical tages. Defeats the purpose kind of! 🙂
  17. So I can't toss the bar keep an extra $1 if I want to? Damn.... After a little research it looks liek the law changed in 2014 and automatic gratuities are now technically considered a servcuie charge and must be paid, Oh well, I'm glad I only drink soft drinks now! 🙂 Y'all have a great time on your next crusie...
  18. the package is absolutely free. If you would rather pay for the package simply turn down the FAS and pay the several hudred dollars that you don't have to pay for the free drink package. Paying the gratuities is a separate matter. The barkeep has to prepare and serve yoru drink no matter if you pay for it or get it free and (IMHO) shoudl get the same gratuity eiterh way. By your logic, if I won a raffle for a free car, it is not free since I still need to pay my share of taxes that fund the highways. 🙂
  19. Not that I am aware of. I have never seen an automatic gratuity on a drink tab. Best thing to do is simply read the slip before you sign it. If there is a gratuity it wll be listed seprately from the cost of the drink. If there is an automatic gratuity listed you can adjust it as you see fit.
  20. 1) There is no per diem gratuity. The DSC (reading the FAQ) is an incentive program that is not a tip/gratuity. 2. Reading further in the FAQ gratuities are NOT reqwired at all. However they are encuraged. 3. The ONLY rule about tipping is to tip anyone you want, any amunt you want, any time you want. Then be done wth it and move on. What anyone else chooses to do about tiping is irrelevant. Havra great cruise, the Haven is amaziong!
  21. I never said that you or ANYONE else could not answer. Feel free to do as you please with your personal information. However what you or I do is not at all relevant to what the OP might do and it is no one esle business just as what my annual salary is, how much I save in my 401k, what my stock portfolio looks like, etc. If someone were to reply that they ;leave $50 per perosn per meal would that impact the OPs tipping decision or not and thus be relevant or not. I highly doubt it. The ONLY right answer to tipping is to tip anyone you want. any amont you want, any time you want, then moce on. Do I tip? Yes I do. How much do I tip? Whatever I feel like tipping at the time.
  22. What anyone else does with their money is none of your business and totally irrelevant. Simply tip as you see fit and be done with it.
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