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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. Perks of having just sailed this ship back in April is I still remember where everything is at.
  2. There are a boat load of Plats on this cruise. check in and security went smooth they are stopping everyone and sniffing their luggage with a K9. I got on board went to muster did that and then dropped my carry on off at the room and made my way to Cuchina since it’s so much quieter then lido at the moment and no one seems to know about it. Also here is the menu for tonight.
  3. I slept awful, I kept waking up every couple of hours. Will need caffeine to make it through today
  4. I love me some Steak and shake. And it was cheaper then the Restaurant here at the hotel.
  5. Taken a shower and watching Harry Potter marathon on TV and waiting on my Uber eats order
  6. Went to Jetty park after lunch and watched Liberty sail away. Then finally got the call my room is ready, also ***** No elevators in this hotel?
  7. Made it to the hotel my no rooms are ready so heading over to fishlips and grabbing some food.
  8. New card arrived via ups right as I was packing my car. Noice, Got the car packed. Already took my dog to a friends that will watch him for me. Time to get this show on the road.
  9. Pretty sure it was a Gas station that I usually don't stop at, That or the last place I ate out at since the Server had my card for awhile.
  10. I have tried Royal once felt nickeled and dimed, After this Magic cruise I have a MSC and then an NCL Cruises booked. Carnival just feels like home though. Although I really wish Carnival would give us the freestyle machines like on Royal. I hate having to take up a bar tenders time to get some Soda.
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