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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. I could throw a water bottle to a passenger on Britannia that’s how close we docked to them. we docked around 12:30. Here is to a fun day in Aruba.
  2. Good morning CC, I woke up and took a gander at the map and it looks like we might get to Aruba early? We are super close so I feel like it’s not going to take us four hours to get there.
  3. Vanessa is terribly unfunny….. Also I suddenly can’t walk straight and I have had zero alcohol lol
  4. Nice thing about not getting into Aruba until 1pm is well I can keep my normal sleep schedule and can stay for the late night comedy.
  5. Dan the Man and Vanessa Hollingshead I have only caught Dans shows and he has been happy there is a late night showcase I am going to go to tonight. They said we were picking up two new comedians in Aruba.
  6. Assigned dining my server team has a list of people who are supposed to be here but they haven’t shown up for three days lol.
  7. When your in the main show lounge and the entire bow shakes you know you going south lol.
  8. Dinner tonight. Formal dinner night and I am gonna get in and out in under 40mins? What blasphemy is this?
  9. I got a ship on a stick along with my Chocolate strawberries? Huh interesting, Who is sucking up to me? lol
  10. Wonder if my waiters would let me speed run dinner tonight so I wouldn’t have to miss much of the movie. Guess we will find out.
  11. Could use them for hockey pucks if I didn’t think they would murder someone.
  12. I noticed P&O Britannia will be in Aruba with us tomorrow and of course the Scientology ship.
  13. I am creating a towel animal village. Also I need to stop cutting through deck 4. Both the Teen and Preteen kids clubs are there and with 600 kids onboard it’s a mess getting through there.
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