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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. I haven't been on a Ship with JiJi's yet, But I prefer the steakhouse to Rudis and Teppanyaki was just gross to me.
  2. So I was doing laundry today when my phone started dinging i got like four different alerts that someone was trying to use my Amex Bonvoy card on Amazon for like 5k+ and thankfully I have it set to where it sends me alerts for any purchases over a certain amount. So I logged onto my account and see they somehow bought like 700$ at Walmart. I instantly called Amex and they shut that card down, I explained that I needed a replacement asap as I was planning on using this for my vacation (I was using it for my onboard account.) Very nice rep is overnighting me a new card. I really hate people that do this, If they used this brain power for good they could do so much good.
  3. Thanks it wasn’t a planned buy lol, I stopped into a local Audi dealership and test drove an A4 they had and they cut me a good deal on it.
  4. Ah you made the choice to drive probably the correct one with the winter storm still causing havoc.
  5. Hotels by the pier are booked solid. Good luck, that winter storm created a mess. Will wave as we sail by aboard the Magic though.
  6. Four days to go, I bought a new car today and had to run by Publix and buy a new SunPass for it.
  7. Side Note the Bucs are trying to give me a stroke this year the way they have been playing.
  8. Comparing Carnival and Celebrity is comparing apples to oranges one is a luxury brand the other is a mainstream family brand.
  9. Rotating movie channel is usually enough for me but Magic,MG both had TCM my last times onboard those.
  10. Merry Christmas all. I hope everyone is staying warm and safe and enjoying some quality family time.
  11. Eight days to go, It’s getting real. Three days from Christmas as well . Florida will be participating in winter this weekend highs won’t get out of the 40’s and lows in the 20’s which is cold as hell well at least for us.
  12. I doubt they are going to leave Tampa without a ship when Tampa cruises are so popular.
  13. I feel like there has to be something wrong with her for them to completely scrap plans to bring her over. Surly they could have easily found a spot for her.
  14. Welcome to another one of my rambly, picture heavy lives I will once again be aboard the Magic As I Sail through the new year and then Onto Aruba, Bonaire and then Amber Cove. Come Along as we ring in the new year :). I actually booked this cruise a Solid year ago before I booked my previous Magic Cruise that I took earlier this year. I have been looking quite regularly and this sailing has been booked solid for about a month. I also live about two and a half hours from PC so I don't normally book a Hotel room for the night before but I did so for this cruise as I looked at the PC cruise schedule and will be a very heavy day for PC. C.Magic, Mardi Gras, Wonder OTS and Jewl OTS As well as NCL Escape and finally Disney Fantasy. That traffic is going to be horrific. Side note I turn plat (I have that song line from Panic at the disco, Hey Maw I made it" LOl, this cruise so I was able to check in on the 15th of this month.
  15. This isn’t an airport we don’t need departure announcements.
  16. Technically speaking Splendor is a Concordia class yes the same class where the captain ran the ship aground.
  17. Considering the prices it’s more like carnival bright it back but is trying To get people not to buy any.
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