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Everything posted by WhaleTailFlCruiser

  1. Walk the plank in the Atrium. Also they are doing groove for Saint Jude today? On the second sea day? I am confused.
  2. Brunch photos and some aft pictures as well as some pictures of Hati that we are passing to the left of the ship.
  3. Brunch has been amazing so far this cruise I keep getting seated almost instantly after checking in.
  4. Good morning. Why do they always put the movie on the big screen that I want to watch on formal night at 6pm? Blah Here is to not getting berated again, Hopefully anyways no promises. And here is our current position
  5. I hate this classes comedy club layout like I hate it, it’s awful with all these polls ext.
  6. Maybe? I could have cause it’s when I was running back to my room to use the bathroom I don’t remember lol.
  7. I got berated some guy talking about me leaving him some prize in the elevator. I am so confused honestly. And mildly annoyed, I am sure I had a look of confusion because he said yeah it was you. And I was like ok and walked away. Anyways moving on swiftly, went and saw the show flick it was decent. Going to go to lido and watch the Sunday night game.
  8. Its funny you should say that because I did and they just brushed it aside like it didn’t matter. I strongly dislike being brushed aside when I find something unacceptable I have medications and electronics that could have stolen.
  9. Murder me…… Walking into watch flick and I get stopped by the CD on a red carpet and starts interviewing me in front of a camera. It took everything in me not to run away. Lmao.
  10. Why are they nuking our football posts? It’s literally my thread? I am confused lol.
  11. Not sure why they also a sea day there when you could have been in Nassau all day today.
  12. Came down to my room cause I really had to use the bathroom and I don’t like using the public ones lol. I kept inserting my card and the thing kept flashing yellow and then I noticed the room steward had left the bolt done so it stayed cracked open? Yeah I don’t like that.
  13. Since they aren’t showing the Bucs game anywhere watching it on my phone and hanging out in the theater to watch the bingo madness.
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