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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. We've all noticed bro, but are obviously too nice to mention it.😇😊 Sis
  2. Maybe not funny, but very apt and very clever. Once you figure it out that is😁 Avril
  3. I've kept coming back to this refusing to be defeated, and finally the penny's dropped. My only excuse is I don't use Twitter.😉 Avril
  4. We used to watch all football many years ago when real footballers actually played football😏 Nowadays the majority of top team players are, overpaid, prima donnas vying for an Oscar in method acting, or a gold medal in gymnastics. Obviously this is just my personal opinion. We do still enjoy watching athletics and gymnastics etc, ski jumping and speedway, but that's all now. Avril
  5. Good heavens Sarah, not again. Your poor Mum. I hope she completely rests it , so it heals enough for her to enjoy her cruise. Avril
  6. Frank too, he's on Pizotifen. It doen't stop them completely, but he maybe only has a couple a year instead of 3 or 4 a month and they aren't as severe. His are a result of an accident at work years ago. Nasty things. Avril
  7. Thinking about you today Michelle, and I hope the news is good. I've everything crossed for you🤞 Avril
  8. I've never noticed that before. All I used to see was snow, now I can only see a big white bear. Much nicer😊 Avril
  9. Went Frank had his scan they said he could bring a CD and they'd play it through for him. He took 'War of the Worlds' both voices and music and he said it worked a treat. Avril
  10. I ordered an expensive Pokemon collectors set for the grandson's christms presesnt,and it arrived 15 days ago. The tracking info a week ago was saying 'running late' As of yesterday it now says 'Your parcel may be lost. It could still arrive or apply for a refund' I wonder how many unscrupulous people would try that on. Avril
  11. Now how can you tell us to behave ourselves, and then to have fun in the same sentence? We can't do both.😁😉 Have a fabulous cruise and I'm sure you will look beautiful whatever you wear. Avril
  12. We're British John, it's compulsary to complain about the weather😁 Avril
  13. Kalos, you're always brightening up our day for us.😁 Avril
  14. I think so, at least I hope so as we have our lights on all day too. It makes the house feel warm and cosy. Avril
  15. It's still tipping it down here and has been for weeks, apart from the odd day or two. The water butts are full to the brim, the lawns are drowning, and even the pond is overflowing, but strangely enough we still have a hosepipe ban in place🥴 Avril
  16. I've been wondering about kalos too. I do hope they aren't two of the posters that have decided not to post again😒 Avril
  17. We have solid fuel cental heating and the chappy who delivers the coke told me that the government ''is possibly'' going to allow £100 from one delivery per customer on his books. Best not look a gift horse in the mouth, every little helps. Avril
  18. Good afternoon everyone. It's very quiet on here at the moment. It's either ------ A. Everyone is busy today or B. Everyone has hibernated or C. I've woken up in a parallel universe. Anyhoo, I'm used to talking to myself😉 Quite a shock this morning to wake up to frost, must have been the ''polar vortex that is slamming across the UK this weekend'' that the forecasters told about. We managed to finish the garden tidy up in time and now on to Christmas planning. Hope everyone's well and let's keep this thread going. Avril
  19. I can only only advise from our last cruise in 2019, and if you booked before boarding then you pay for them yourself at the time of booking. However if you book while onboard you can use you OBC. Avril
  20. I've always had good taste bro. We're so much alike in that respect😊 Octopus and a refreshing glass of Blue Nun. Lovely😁 Sis
  21. I hope all goes well for your hubby, and that your health continues to improve.x Avril
  22. Ooops, just seen Sarah's posts on Ventura and Iona threads. Avril
  23. I last posted 1st Nov. I noticed that Sarah's last post was the same day and she didn't post again until the day before me, so I kept trying and hey presto(not Presto2😁) it finally worked. That being said, I don't think I've seen another of her posts since🤔 Avril
  24. Thanks zap. I was begining to feel very lonely on the outside looking in for over 16 days. Avril
  25. Our fuel allowance has stuffed the coke store to the brim. 22 bags at £21cwt a bag (hopefully enough to see us through the winter🤞) and little left for a tiny splurge. Maybe an expensive bottle of wine for Christmas🍷 Blue Nun do you think?😂 Avril
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