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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push. The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind. Avril
  2. I shall look forward to it Sandra😊 Another reason to hope P&O improve their product, and that Aurora is still in the fleet. It's been a long time since our last cruise, November 2019. Avril
  3. No not at all John. They work the same way as the kind the doctors use. Just fasten the monitor on your wrist with the velcro strap and press a button. When the strap loosens, after about 1min, read your blood pressure and heart rate. Simple. Full instructions come with the monitor. If I can do it anybody can. Avril
  4. I have an 'Omron' wrist monitor, it was recomended by the doctor as one of most accurate. I bought mine years ago from Boot's, but you can buy them now from Amazon and they are a good price too. Avril
  5. Some doctors say there is no such thing as white coat syndrome. Luckily for me my doctor is also a sufferer, strange I know. I use a wrist monitor, it's much more comfortable. My doctor told me to take my blood pressure weekly and if it is high and stays consistently high for 4 weeks to contact her, fortunately I've not have to do it, and once a year I send in my readings. It works well for me as it's more comfortable and less stressful at home. Avril
  6. Good reading kalos, excellent in fact. I have white coat syndrome and I do my readings at home and register then at the surgery for that reason. at the surgery my readings are around 203/114😲. At home an average of 148/80, I know it's not too good, but it's as good as it gets even on medication. Avril Just taken it now. 134/72. Must be a good day😊
  7. I agree Jean. I'll keep reading all the reviews on P&O forum until the balance is due and decide one way or the other then. It's worth losing the deposit rather than have a disappointng cruise or maybe come back with something I never went with. Avril
  8. Have a lovely cruise and I look forward to reading all about it. Avril
  9. We have an Aurora 16 night cruise to the Canaries booked for December 2023. It was booked last Feb after several cancelled cruises. We got a good deal for a select fare balcony, but if things continue down the path that P&O seems to be taking then it will be our final cruise with them. I totally understand the need for fares to increase, but they also need to understand that I/we won't pay more for an inferior product. Avril
  10. You must have used them all up when you last had Entinox. You can have some of mine just in case.😂😂😂😂😂😂 I hope all goes well for you today and that you will soon be more mobile and pain free. On the subject of crockery I have milk and cream jugs, tureens and a couple of gravy boats, all only used on special occasions. No teapot, as we don't drink tea😬, but I do use sugar bowls and a butter dish. Avril
  11. There is I think, a significant difference between covid and norovirus. Covid is airborne and is difficult to avoid when with groups of people who don't wear masks. Norovirus however is contact spread and therefore much simpler to avoid, basic good hygeine, regular hand washing and and keeping your fingers away from your face. In 10 years of regular cruising, on some ships where norovirus became a big problem, we have never once contracted it. Avril
  12. My daughter serves individual Yorkshire puddings with a dollop of jam and ice cream. I've never tried it, but they love it. Sis
  13. Not even the curry sauce, bro😲 The only addition to fish, chips and 'real' mushy peas is salt, vinegar and/or tartare sauce. Curry is for rice. Sis
  14. Nice to see 'real' mushy peas on a plate kalos😋and not those dry green lumpy things in a little pot. I hope both you and Mrs K are having a lovely break. Avril
  15. They finally arrived at 7.30pm, better late than never.😉 Avril
  16. I'm holding out hope that my 3rd attempt will finally arrive. It stll says 2.45 - 4.45, but nothing as yet. 🤞 Avril
  17. I am having a problem with Amazon at the moment. A delivery that was expcted and out for delivery was suddenly 'undeliverable' Assuming there had been an accident with the parcel, I reordered the following day on a next day delivery. Tracking said 'arrived at facility' Two hours later 'undeliverable'. I now have to wait 5-10 business days for a refund. I'm wondering if their drivers are on strike🤔 Avril
  18. They said it was The Lone Piper's Lament. I don't know if that's the correct title though. Avril
  19. I have watched the entire funeral from 9.30am and I can honestly say that I have never seen, nor will I ever see again, such an amazing and incredible ceremony. The honour and outpouring of love and respect for our late Queen was astounding, from the lying in state to her internment at Windsor. Both ceremonies were beautiful, but what touched me most, and what I will always remember, was the haunting sound of the lone piper slowly walking away. I couldn't stop crying, and now I'm at it again. Avril
  20. When 19, married, buying a house and with a baby, I knew first-hand what is was like to live from payday to payday and have to count every ha'penny. Make do and mend was the order of the day and I was grateful for the bag of food Mum would help out with from time to time. We lived like that for 2 years and never once did I lose my manners towards anyone, my situation was not of their making. Thankfully we quickly moved on from there, but I have never forgotton what it was like, so I can only assume that the rude people attending the food banks are in an unfamiliar situation. That however is no excuse for rudeness and they should think twice before they bite the hand that feeds them. Avril
  21. And someone more needy and less greedy than she obviously was. Avril
  22. I was told it would put hairs on my chest. It was only when I was about 10, that I realised I didn't want hairs on my chest😲 I'm only glad I never ate any😂 Avril
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