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Posts posted by craig01020

  1. 1 hour ago, ECCruise said:

    How would you possibly know that no one was refusing to travel on NCL because of no masks.

    Because I didn't see anyone on this forum whining about a 100% vaccinated, unmasked ship when NCL resumed cruising.


    Some folks are never happy. If you want to wear a mask when there is no requirement you are free to do so.


    Relax. Covid's not even a big deal if you're vaxxed.

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  2. Seriously, I'm confused at everyone's love of masking because just a few months ago NCL had a "no mask required" policy and it was great!  I didn't see anyone refusing to travel on NCL because of no masks.  If the rules say to wear a mask, then I'll do so.  But I would prefer to return to the bare-faced policy from just a couple of months ago.


    Now, we've got folks saying they hope we are ALWAYS required to wear masks. That's just weird.

    • Like 4
  3. 5 hours ago, Thain said:

    Hello, I have read up on this to make sure I understand the process.


    Trip Cancellation
    Up to 100% of your trip cost reimbursement for unused prepaid expenses if you cancel your trip due to COVID-19 diagnosis or if you are required to Quarantine by a Treating Physician or Government Agency.

    The key wording here is "up to 100%". That's clear as mud.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bigwake said:

    My spouse and I are currently waiting to be assessed , I'm PCR - , spouse negative . The people in charge to be honest couldn't run a fish n chip stand . Zero for marks , bad taste in our mouth with service from NCL. I think the cruise industry can't handle the terrible ferrocious common cold like big. That's the end of the big numbers cruising for at least 2 generations 

    Looks like you posted this after a few cocktails.  😵

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  5. I was on the Gem in October with no masks and it was wonderful...it felt like 2019!


    I booked a Jan. 9 cruise on the Bliss back when NCL was promoting "no masks required". That policy wasn't changed until after final payment date, or I would've cancelled. I don't want FCC, so I'll just suck it up and wear a mask when I need to.   😷


    • Like 2
  6. 8 hours ago, classy_cruiser said:

    Has anyone actually been quarantined for being a close contact on a Caribbean excursion? Thought it was more Bermuda/Europe related 

    That's a good question. I wish I knew. For now, I'll stay paranoid.


    I'm not afraid of covid (I'm triple vaxxed). I'm concerned with the overreaction of being near someone with a stuffy nose.

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  7. I'm still going on my Jan. 9 cruise on the Bliss, but I've decided to cancel any booked excursions that include transportation. I'm not afraid of catching covid, but I don't want to be identified as a close contact in case someone else on the bus does.


    Now I just have to endure calling NCL.

    • Like 7
  8. I have a Jan. 9 cruise. Two days ago I was 90% sure I was going to cancel. Now I'm 90% sure that I'm going. I decided to be cautious and not fearful. I'm flying cross-country for my cruise two days before. and have been reading all the horror stories of cancelled flights. I found this link which shows recent flight delays and cancellations and realized that, even though there were a lot, it wasn't that many.


    If we cancel, we could get 100% FCC because NCL recently brought back Peace of Mind, but I already have two other cruises planned for this year, neither of which are NCL.


    Am I crazy? Maybe...maybe not. I'm triple-vaxxed and ready to go. I'm going to get a covid test before we fly. I also plan to do a covid self-test the morning of my cruise. If, God forbid, it's positive, I'm not even going to the pier. Yes, I know I'll kiss my money goodbye, but it's worth it to avoid a kerfuffle at the pier.


    Good luck to you in whichever you choose.

    • Like 5
  9. 40 minutes ago, flcraigs5 said:

    If the ship sails on the 5th I'm going.That is unless I dont pass the covid test at port. That scares me more than anything!

    I have one box of at-home covid test. I plan to use it in the morning on the day my cruise departs. If it's positive, I'm not even showing up at the pier. 😬


    If it's negative...let's cruise! 🛳️

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