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Posts posted by craig01020

  1. 6 hours ago, nzdisneymom said:

    Since the OP switched to Early Dining and doesn't need the My Time Dining reservations any more, will the reservations automatically drop off, or does the OP need to specifically cancel them so they'll be available for someone else to reserve?  Just wondering how that works.

    Actually, neither happened. I tried to delete them, but there was no option for cancelling. I called Royal to have the MTD reservations deleted and was on the phone for an hour! I was told there was a major error, and IT needed to fix it. I got a ticket number; they said it may take 2 weeks to resolve. Jeesh!

  2. Good morning all. I had My Time Dining when I booked my cruise and chose specific times each night. All those times appear in My Calendar in my reservation.


    This morning I called and switched to early dining at 6:00 p.m.


    All my reservations under MTD still appear in My Calendar, and nothing shows for 6:00 p.m.


    I've never tried fixed time dining...is it normal for them not to show up in My Calendar?



  3. 21 minutes ago, GJustice said:

    On Grandeur last month and noticed the "No tech" photo center, without the digital kiosks. I'd bet Jewel is the same and can't do the digital package. Purely speculation on my part.

    I thought that could be the case, but then I remembered that last time I bought them, I downloaded the digital photos from home after the cruise.


  4. In 2019 we took advantage of Royal's "Stay Awhile" program on our European cruise because we had a late flight. We have another Europe cruise this October, but Stay Awhile isn't offered as a pre-cruise purchase.


    Has anyone seen this offered on recent cruises?



  5. 28 minutes ago, renji said:

    what really ought to happen is daily testing or every other day testing

    ummm ... no!


    Why don't we test everyone on domestic flights, or checking into a hotel, or going into a restaurant?


    Bottom line is, get vaxxed, get on with life and stop worrying about the sky falling!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. 17 hours ago, renji said:

    Exactly—this variant is so contagious that moving a percentage (and certainly we can see it isn’t going to be all) of positive passengers into a version of “hell week” probably has tHe perverse effect of increasing the spread

    How about utilizing The Haven empty any positive cases? 🤣

    • Like 1
  7. Just returned from my third cruise since October (1=masked, 2=unmasked)

    I've never tested positive, nor did I hear of anyone onboard who did.


    At this point I don't care if I get it. I've had four jabs and I'm not going to be afraid of catching a cold.

    We've got to stop overreacting like it's the plague. Omicron is no Delta.




    • Like 3
  8. Good morning all. Got home yesterday from a 7 day Caribbean cruise on Breakaway, my first time on BA, second on NCL. Our cruise had 3,000 passengers. I was very apprehensive because of the many negative reviews I've read, but overall it was better than I expected.


    The good:

    • The ship was beautiful and in great shape. It looked brand new.
    • Food in the MDR was good, but not great.
    • Six and Burn the Floor were fantastic.
    • No masks required for passengers! We were constantly being told that masks were required in ports and on excursions, but that was not the case at all.


    The "meh":

    • Service was just okay. I experienced a lot of fake smiles and indifferent attitudes. Not nearly as friendly as my recent cruise on the Gem.
    • I was concerned about that infamous smoke stench in the atrium. It wasn't really an issue. Just a slight stale cigarette smell.


    The bad:

    • I was shocked there was no poolside grill! This forced everyone into the over-crowded buffet.
    • Large areas of the buffet were constantly roped off making it a crowded zoo most of the time.
    • Just like on the Gem, O'Sheehans was a joke with the constant din from the overcrowded atrium. The open floor plan doesn't really work.
    • Disembarkation was chaotic with only one staffer managing hundreds of people in line.
    • Like 1
  9. Just got off my first-ever cruise on Breakway with 3,000 passengers. Like the OP, I was concerned about the smell of smoke in the atrium. My experience is that it was not an issue! There was a slight stale-cigarette smell, but nothing too strong. It smelled worse on my balcony sometimes! 😡

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, schmoopie17 said:

    This is absolutely ridiculous!! This cruise was almost full and for them to now boot everyone off who already had it booked is not acceptable. Now we have to cancel plane and hotel reservations and HOPE that we can get our money back. A 10% FCC is not nearly enough to compensate for their shoddy business practice. No more NCL for us.

    I completely agree with you, but it could be worse. A few years ago my wife and I were spending a relaxing holiday at a resort in Mexico, when midway through our vacation, a temporary stage was set up, followed by busloads of "fans", and the entire resort was transformed. I wish that our rooms were cancelled in advance, instead of being inadvertent participants in a "partial charter" music festival.


    We never saw it coming.

    • Like 2
  11. 18 hours ago, glennmartin said:

    fully agree and as they have already cancelled the cruise you cannot move to another date just had to rebook at a cost of £10,000 total


    There's just so many variables these days to completely 🤬 up a vacation.

    I'm beginning to think that planning ahead can be more stressful than waiting for a last-minute deal.

    • Like 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, FLAHAM said:

    I cancelled 5 cruises at various times during the pandemic.  My NCL PCC, always easily reachable, each time completed the cancellation within seconds.  The ability to quickly alter or cancel a trip, without the bother of the main NCL numbers, are good reason to utilize your PCC.

    How does one get a PCC?

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