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  1. When you get on board, ask your cabin attendant to change the bed for you. They will change it into two. The two single bed formation on Virgin is an "L" shape rather than two parallel beds.
  2. And even if things DO end up sold out, keep checking back because they will add times, and people change their plans and cancel. I was disappointed when I looked at excursions like 3 days after they opened and a few that we were interested in were sold out, but I checked again like a month later and they were back! So I cancelled my back up plan and rebooked.
  3. I've not done a greek cruise yet (heading out on the first of the season this May!), but I usually pick the cruise line's excursions if I'm going to do one at all, for the reason you mentioned, the guarantee back to the ship. Additionally, in ports where the ship is tendered if you are on a ship-sponsored excursion you will get tender priority to get off without having to worry about booking an early tender. I think some of the recent bad buzz about Virgin's excursions is coming out of the new Caribbean ports. I expect there will be some adjusting there and things will sort out. They've already had a season in Greece, so I figure those should be more reliably decent. I booked that Delos tour, and the fact that the word "tour" is used in the title, implies to me that there is some sort of guided activity on the island. Could be wrong, I guess I'll find out! I've taken excursions through Virgin on nearly every sailing I've done, Caribbean and Europe, and only 1 was kinda meh. But even that, wasn't Virgin's fault. Every other cruise line in port that day had the same tour running. It was just the way it was if you wanted to see that particular attraction. So I guess what I'm saying is, if it looks like something you want to do, give it a try!
  4. Excellent review! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us! 2 things I noted in your break down: on keeping the water chilled, the carafes do fit in the refrigerator in the room so if you don't want to be adding ice all the time, you can keep one or both carafes in the fridge! And second there are power/USB outlets on both sides of the bed. On the side that has the big white thing, they are on the wall all the way past the big white thing, behind the chair. ☺️ Again, thanks for sharing your voyage! I love that itinerary, even though I too, wish it were longer!
  5. Actually, I'm not sure this is still true. When we were on the New Year's sailing, while trying to book Ship Show we got an error message saying that we were already booked for something else at that time (dinner reservations), after we cancelled the dinner reservations, we were able to book the Ship Show no problem. All that said, don't worry about it if you are doing this right when you get on the ship, everything will work out. The Ship Show won't "sell out" in the time it takes for you to cancel a dinner reservation.
  6. Gunbae is not my favorite meal on the ship, but they do have my favorite drink on the ship, the K-pop Disco Water!
  7. On the website, under the "Destinations" tab, there's a link for Shore Excursions. From there, you can look at each port and see what the possibilities might be. My experience is that it's usually pretty close to accurate. There may be some that are not offered or some that are slightly different. But it does give a good general idea of what could be available on your trip.
  8. My daughter and I did this same tour to El Yunque last month, the tour guide told us there are few mosquitos in the rainforest area because there are bats that eat them! We saw none on our tour, and I am also one they tend to find!
  9. Right there with you @giraffic Fingers crossed 🤞🤞 they find a way to do it impacting the fewest number of sailings. I'll be optimistic and hope that at worst, they arrive a few days later in Athens and our itinerary is shortened/adjusted accordingly. Not an outcome I would love, but better than an outright cancellation, maybe...
  10. You will have a great time. I totally understand the pressure of being the leader of the hoilday trip! But with the 1:45 boarding slot you are set. I don't know how big your group is, but I do know Virgin does assist groups 8 and over with dining reservations. My group was just under that, which made it more challenging from the outset, but still doable. If you are a bigger group inquire with your travel agent about what assistance Virgin might provide.
  11. I'm on the 10 day Greece & Croatia, I think it's been sold out for a while, in any case it hasn't been available for quite some time (pre-dating the current troubles). I am also hoping they figure out what they are doing sooner rather than later, just for my peace of mind. I'll be disappointed if it ends up cancelled but I'm pretty sure I can make some lemonade out of lemons regardless.
  12. Thanks for sharing your experience. When we got to the Terminal there was one person waiting there seated in a wheelchair, so that's where my (wrong) assumption came from. We didn't wait around so don't know how long she waited or what happened beyond that. Such a bummer that they can't seem to get this aspect of their service sorted out.
  13. Thank you for the correction! I was going from hazy memory and didn't bother to double check while writing my novel lol 😂
  14. I just want to be another voice of reassurance. I was just in your shoes @gsutiger2. I was the "leader" of our small group on the fully booked Valiant New Year's sailing. We were a group of 7, ages 19-80 and only my husband and I had sailed Virgin before. We also used a TA and had her do the leg work in advance on reservations which helped a TON. Here are my tips for you to manage your pre-trip anxiety: 1) Make sure everyone in your group downloads the Virgin app to their phone as soon as you are booked. You will all want to go into the "Check-in & Get Ready to Sail" section and go to the last page of that to select your boarding time. Someone in each cabin will need to do this but should be able to do it for both sailors in the same cabin. Obviously, select the earliest time available. 2) Get connected in the app. As leader, you will want to make sure you are connected in the app to everyone in your group. Again, we found if you connected to one person in a cabin, you were connected to everyone in that cabin. I believe this can be done with "Share & add your mates", we did it in person using the QR codes in the messenger section, which is also where you will be able to see everyone that you have successfully connected to listed. 3) Work with your group to decide your dining preferences before the 45 day reservation mark (90 if RS). Get the plan together, make the list of what you want each day and what time, and send it to your travel agent in advance. Be Flexible. Even though travel agents can make the reservations, they can really only work with what is available in the system. I talked to my agent ahead of time about what we were hoping for but gave her leeway to do what she needed to so we had "something". Before sailing we had reservations, but we were going to need to do modifications on board. Some restaurants wouldn't do reservations for parties larger than 6 before boarding, so we had those reserved for 6 with plans to modify on board. Sometimes (often) we didn't get exactly the time we wanted, but we just made plans to modify, or altered our plans for that day to accommodate. 4) As you get closer to sailing, discuss with your group if there are any evening shows you want to attend as a group. The event calendar will be available in the app and you can get a rough idea of what will be available when. In my case, my group was happy to let me handle that, so I just chose a day/time for each event and made plans to book those on board for the whole group. Any other activities we decided would be handled individually. 5) On boarding day, I had a piece of paper with all our dining reservations printed out, all the shows I wanted to book listed on it, as well as the cabin numbers of everyone in our group. I had a buddy, my husband, to help me. We all had separate boarding times so we boarded separately, with hubs and I boarding first. I advise heading straight down to Razzle Dazzle on deck 5. There they will have helpful people to sort out any thing you need sorted with your dining reservations. While you are sorting that, you and your buddy can be getting on the wifi. If there's any line at Razzle Dazzle you can work on the modifications you need in the app and you can book the events you've planned to book (one doing that while the other works with the dining reservations). Once dining is sorted, if you are having trouble booking the events, head over to the Red Room, deck 6. They've got helpful people there doing the same thing for events that Razzle does for dining. On boarding day the app can be sluggish and unresponsive because everyone is jumping on at the same time trying to do the same thing, so don't panic if you are struggling with it, everyone else probably is too. That's why they have helpers available. And then, my friend you go drop your stuff in your room, head to the dock and grab yourself a drink and some snacks because vacation has started! I do advise having a picture of that list of cabin numbers on your phone, the number of times I had to know other group members cabin numbers surprised me! Also, just know that you do not need to have reservations for everything you do on the ship. Mostly it's just the evening shows and a few paid for events. Having the reservations for dinner is just a nice anchor to the day, but it is always possible to call an audible. We cancelled one of ours to do the Ship Show dinner show, and one of our nights we left with no dinner reservation because it was a late port night and we thought we'd want to eat in port, but everyone was tired. And we were able to get a reservation at a restaurant with just a few hours notice! Did we have our choice of any restaurant on the ship? No, but the restaurant we got turned out to be the one my daughter wanted so it worked perfectly. But even if it hadn't we'd have been fine with pizza or the galley. Also important to note if someone decides to bail on dinner or an event, it's ok, tell them you'll handle it. When checking in, just tell the person that some members of your party won't be joining you. Again, we were on a completely full sailing, I was totally stressed about it going into boarding, and it was a complete non issue, it just all was fine. Have a fantastic voyage!☺️
  15. Nondrinkers at our table got shots of cranberry juice. I presumed that was so that no one got accidentally soju'd if the nondrinkers were getting water.
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