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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Yeah! Can't wait. Looks like we will be sailing out in a thunderstorm. I do love watching thunderstorms.
  2. Thank you for the reminder. I am the queen of being back on time! Yes, having followed CC for a while I know that the ship will not wait for us if we are late. We will make sure when all aboard time is and be back well before that time.
  3. So excited to be heading out on my very first cruise with my sister who also has never cruised before. After these past two years which have been very difficult, we are taking our very first vacation together where we actually leave the state and the country! We are both workaholics, so we are going to do our best to relax. I do have to do some work, but have it planned out, so it doesn't take all my time. We will be flying into Boston the night before (Thank you CC for suggesting this. Less stress). We are flying in early enough so we can take in some sights in Boston. Then Friday, we board the ship! Our itinerary: Boston, Sea Day, Charlottetown, Sydney, Halifax, Portland, Bar Harbor, then back to Boston. We will then be staying in Boston for the night and flying home the next day. We decided to do shore excursions on our own. We just like to do things at our own pace with no structured tours. Stay tuned as I plan to take lots of pictures and share our adventures.
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