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Everything posted by icft

  1. Just as a point of information and not contention, I think your concern with tips going to "everyone" is a bit misplaced. Before the cruise lines went to their automatically charged gratuities (or service charge as some prefer) you would only tip those who personally provided you service. That was the end of the story as far as the passenger was concerned but not the end of the tip story. In those days, just as occurs today in many restaurants, the person who received the tip would "tip out" those behind the scenes. That is they would tip those behind the scenes who helped them earn the tip. Room stewards in those days were considered "up there" among the crew in great part because they received lots of tips and controlled to whom and how much they passed along the tips. That is why they had not only the authority but also the power to get their passengers whatever creature comforts they wanted. Under the old system you tipped those who directly provided you service but your tip filtered along to "everyone." Under the new system the room steward has very little authority and very little power to do much for you and you give your tip to the cruise line who when distributes it to both the front line employees and those behind the scenes. The advantage for the cruise line is that it cuts down on conflict between employees. The advantage for the customer is that they don't have to keep cash in reserve for the last day then run around giving out tips. In either system you are paying everyone. But if you mix systems by not paying the cruise line but only those who directly provide service you gum up the system and create possible crew conflict. We feel it better to consider the service charges full payment of tips for good service and only consider cash tips for above and beyond service. So it is rare we cash tip. I know some folks consider that cheap, but looking at the dollars it looks fair to us. I actually think NCL looked at what was fair, based the service charges on that plus a little extra, and considers that the end of the story. But some folks just have to complicate things and ask about cash tips. NCL isn't going to tick off their employees by saying no, they just say it is not expected, but I suspect they consider those who cash tip for regular service to be that thing that can't be fixed.
  2. Yep! About half the time our hold mail requests are ignored. Combine that with our getting other neighbor's mail regularly and neighbors getting our mail regularly and it not being safe to put mail in the blue mailboxes (because they won't change the locks when keys are stolen) and the postal service is totally broken. The post office needs to be eliminated. Unfortunately that takes a constitutional amendment.
  3. Wow! The USS Alabama tour was unexpected lagniappe. Brings back memories of when I was one of the chaperones when one of my son's scout troops spent the night on the Alabama. Wandering that ship alone at night you unexpectedly feel transported back in time with the areas set up to look like folks have just left for a few minutes and would be back soon. Not sure one gets the same impact walking along with others during the day, but it was one of the more interesting experiences in my life.
  4. About as serious as the folks discussing spending an absolute minimum of $10,000 in legal fees to get a maximum damage award of half their cruise fare.
  5. The only way to know about removing DSC for sure is to contact NCL or to hear from those who have done it both with pre-paid and charged onboard. I can't wait for those who have done it to post here. 😬
  6. I'm not sure why anyone would expect anything more either. I didn't say anything to indicate I did. The point is tips are for service provided. If a job has evolved such that the position holder provides less service and value to a customer then the tip should be smaller.
  7. I'll give you my take on room stewards, but I warn you it is not a popular one. Twenty years ago the room steward did what butlers in the haven areas do now plus more. There was no once or twice a day service, they were always checking on rooms to see that everything was in order or anything needed while guests were out (which they kept up with). They introduced themselves and told you to let them know if you needed anything or had any requests and they meant it and could do it. They had far fewer cabins to cover but were always to be found somewhere in the hallway. They gave true personalized service. It was expected passengers would tip them well as they earned it with excellent personal service. Over time the role evolved and post-covid often they provide no service beyond what housekeeping does at a Holiday Inn. When we cruise Carnival the "stateroom attendant," as they call them, almost always introduces themselves on the first day at which point we ask for bath robes and daily ice. In addition to the prepaid gratuities we leave them a cash tip the last day. The more personal service, and some have been quite helpful, the more cash tip. Our experience on NCL has been that it is more common to never see the room steward. We have to call housekeeping to get bathrobes and request daily ice. No personal service no cash tip. Cleaning the room is the bare minimum of their job. If that is all they do then what have they done to be worthy of a show of extra appreciation above the prepaid gratuity? In that case we don't add a cash tip.
  8. Count me as one of those "cheap" guys. I see no need to pay for self-esteem. I'm perfectly comfortable with myself. When they put a 20% service charge on anything and everything why would one feel the need to tip more? Anticipating folks will claim the bartenders are getting shorted I will point out that we paid a $305 service charge on our free drinks package on our last 7 day cruise. We average 6 drinks a day each, or 84 drinks for the two of us for the week. Assuming drinks are $15 each (a bit higher than my bourbon and coke runs) then we are paying 24% in tips. Is there any reason to tip more than 24%?
  9. I'm really enjoying your review. It is nice to see things from a family perspective. Thanks for taking us along.
  10. We recently went on our first NCL cruise on the Breakaway out of New Orleans. The first day I noticed I had not once heard the F word so I started to pay attention. I first heard it on the 5th day in the late evening. One teen aged girl chating up a couple of older guys used it three times, I assume to signal them they had a chance. But those were the only three times in the seven day cruise. I figure that was pure luck. The average American no longer has the mental development to express their thoughts without use of vulgarity. (And, as St. George Carlin would say, and about half are stupider than that.) On the Glory out of New Orleans I hear it three times each from three different people before lunch each day, except on two week Journeys cruises.
  11. Naw! Nothing extra about it. That is just they way they are ever since Nick Sabin moved there...
  12. Greg, I followed your Jubilee review and now this one. I get the impression that Jubilee is all about standing in line waiting but not so much on Spirit. Is that the case? Thanks.
  13. But is that "meaning" or "purpose?"
  14. General rule: small amounts are taxes, big amounts are gratuities. 😁
  15. I've been in their jail. Does that count? I love running into random deep philosophical discussions. What's the meaning of life? What's the meaning of "been to." Finding answers to these timeless questions is man's highest purpose. 😇
  16. We're new to NCL and in looking at their rewards program I noticed one of the benefits starting at bronze is "Keycard Recognition." Search as I might, I could not find anything about it. We just took our first NCL cruise and our room door recognized our keycard without this benefit, so what is this benefit? Please save me from the pit of ignorance.
  17. We've been on lots of Carnival cruises and have never seen this happen. If you are in a suite or diamond or platinum it won't make any difference, but if not I agree with you that matters. Sorry that I have no idea how or if it can be fixed.
  18. So, with HelloItsMeB and others along, I guess no pineapple shirt or LGBT meets this cruise?
  19. Well, looking at the profile picture I figure he is posing with his daughter since she looks to be about 30. But he looks to be about 60... 😇
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