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Everything posted by papaflamingo

  1. Just a comment.... don't let something this little leave you with a "bad impression." We have around 40 cruises so far, only 2 (although very long ones) on Regent. Regent by FAR out performs EVERY cruise line experience we've had. And there is always a "glitch" or two on EVERY cruise we have been on. So if you sweat the small stuff, you'll find that all you see is the small stuff and won't enjoy your cruise. Specialty Dining and Shore Excursion priority is one of the few things that Regent can offer on board for higher suites and higher levels of the loyalty program. So they do. Everything else is all inclusive for EVERY suite. But keep this in mind.... people cancel all the time so reservations may come open. Be willing to share a table. Be flexible on your time and day. Keep checking back. And when you get on board, go the restaurant and see if you can get in. People in certain suites get guaranteed tables any night they want in any restaurant so they must keep certain tables open and those, if not used, will be available. So you have a very good chance of getting into the restaurant, possibly more than once. So keep the broad perspective. See the "forest," not just the "trees."
  2. You bring up an excellent point, the laws of the land you are touring. We were in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2017 with a group of 10 of us on a Baltic Cruise (different cruise line). We set up a private tour (which was amazing) but one of our group had difficulties walking. When we went to Peterhof we had quite a long walk to see the Palace from the parking lot. He initially wanted to stay on the bus, but it was illegal in Russia. So he had to make the hike then sit at the coat check area so he would be in the company of staff the whole time. He opted out of day 2 of the tour. So checking the laws of the country visiting is an excellent idea.
  3. Corporate decisions are made at the corporate level for whatever reasons the decision makers decide. What "other layers of corporate decisions" are you referring to? It seems to me that you are suggesting some sort of "corporate conspiracy." I don't know of any corporation that publicly posts its reasoning for policy decisions. In my experience other cruise lines actually offer OBC as incentives to book either early or on cruises that aren't selling well, and as part of their loyalty programs, just like Regent does. No real mystery there.
  4. I certainly can't speak for your personal situation, but depending on the tour description, I've often found that the activity level is a bit exaggerated. Having said that, I would definitely consider it like you have. But depending on the tour description, don't worry about being the "entitled selfish one." You have every right to be on the tour too. If the tour is a lot of walking (assuming that's a problem for you) then sure, you probably should cancel. But if it's a tour where there is an option to not walk, i.e. stay at the bus, then by all means go on it and let the complainers pound sand.
  5. Don't know if the UK has different rules, but you also get a much reduce deposit. So... yes... But it seems incorrect that the cruise is so much lower priced at your TA rather than on board unless your TA is offering a huge discount. Also you can always cancel and rebook a different cruise if you want if you book on board. One more thing you can get an "open booking" (I believe) on board that gives you a certain time to book a cruise (I believe book within a year) and you still get the on board perks and the reduced deposit. Again... I am speaking as a U.S. resident so don't know if it is different for UK residents.
  6. It isn't all that complicated. If you find a cruise on another cruise line that has the itinerary you want at a price you'd rather pay, be it because of OBC or whatever, then book it.
  7. If you're talking about adding wifi it will give you the option when you log in (I think). There aren't a lot of other add ons really to talk about. But if you look at the FAQ's on the website and the Terms and Conditions you will get most of the info you want. https://www.rssc.com/frequently-asked-questions
  8. I don't disagree with you at all. Not being there I have no idea how the medicine was identified or comments overheard. So I figured I'd pass on how I read comment and point out that the way I read it, the crew was not talking in the hallway, but likely, as you said, not in the cabin but giving instructions and delivering medicine at the door.
  9. Probably more port specific than anything else. Like I said, could be lack of interest or lack of availability of tour operators. Again... keep checking back, I've seen them add tours departing later.
  10. Actually if you read pappy's post it doesn't say anything about the crew discussing anything. He stated that he walked by the cabin near his and "they were delivering meds specific to COVID and telling the person to stay isolated for the remainder of the trip." It indicates they were giving meds and instructions to the passenger in his or her cabin. No where does he indicate the crew was discussing it in the hallway.
  11. Not odd at all. Generally the excursions go off when the ship first docks. Often they'll have other options on the short ones, but you have to consider the possibility that the demand for your excursion didn't warrant a second session or the tour companies are also booked with other ships in port. Who knows? But keep an eye on it. Often, as interest improves (or whatever reason), they'll add a later excursion that you might want to jump on. It's happened to us before. So keep checking back on your account.
  12. You'll have to ask Mike Moore. I was just passing information from a previous discussion as I remember it.
  13. To echo RELS and CWN Mike Moore explained in an earlier thread that maintenance must be done during this time period because if later it runs into problems with Regent UK normal hours. It all has to do with the time the computer systems are in least demand.
  14. If shore excursions are a deal breaker, and you are inside the booking time frame (i.e. less than 300 days out), you can get your TA to put a 7 day hold on the cruise. Your TA should issue you a booking number and you can go into your account page, add the booking just like if you'd paid for it, and it will allow you to look at the shore excursions in each port under the "customize" button, just as if you are going to book the excursions. You won't be able to book the excursions until you pay the deposit and actually book the cruise, but you can see what still has availability and decide if you still want the cruise. If so, then book it and make your selections. If not, you can simply let the hold expire (or tell your TA you don't want to go).
  15. As I have read posts on hotels over the years it seems that the satisfaction is hit or miss. It seems it's really dependent on city, availability, and personal expectation. The one thing most people agree on, though, is that it's much nicer to take private transportation to the ship. We generally take the hotel credit and find our own way to the ship. It really isn't that much and worth it for the convenience of having control of pickup time.
  16. It's all what the contract states. When you sail on any cruise line you're agreeing to the term of the sailing. If you don't like the terms, don't sail. It's as simple as that. . Honestly, port fees are pretty minor in comparison to the price of the cruise. Not really worth the worry for me.
  17. The problem is that non-stop flights are a premium these days, so Regent is having trouble getting them at straight contract rates. We're going Atlanta-Athens then Rome-Atlanta in a few weeks. We were able to get the non-stop Rome-Atlanta for no additional cost, but to get to Athens there was an up charge or we could opt to change somewhere in Europe. For me it was worth the additional up charge to go non-stop. However for our flight to Asia next Feb. we could get the flight to Hong Kong with a stop in SFO for no additional, but the non-stop Tokyo-Atlanta had an up charge. It is really route and airline dependent. I'm retired airlines and currently the airlines are fully booked and expensive. They are so short of crews that one or two of them have emailed Fed Ex pilots offering guaranteed interviews (my son flies for Fed Ex an they are in contract negotiations and reducing their pilot force after over hiring during Covid). This is unprecedented in the airline industry and shows the need for flight crews. Unfortunately it'll just be like this for the near future until they can again get fully staffed. So if you want a desirable routing, especially the premium seats (business class) then plan to pay an up charge or go on a "weird" routing.
  18. It's 300 days out if you are not in a Concierge Suite or higher, or are not Silver status. So there is a chance excursions can be sold out for new to Regent passengers.
  19. Here is a stern shot of Voyager from the internet. Don't know how current it is, but it clearly shows that the balcony's have the railings and are not solid. Again.... it's from the internet so....
  20. "Free unlimited shore excursions" only mean there is no limit to the number in each port that you can book. However availability is "first come, first served," and conflicting departure times will prevent you from often selecting more than one. However if the times work you can select one, two, or even three excursions in one port, subject to availability. Regent puts no limit one the number you can select. But a you stated, we all "fully understand no way to get everyone on a tour at every port," or should understand this.
  21. I'll be doing some reporting on it. Are you on Facebook?
  22. Thank you all. That is great to hear! Looks like dollars it is. 😎
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