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Everything posted by papaflamingo

  1. Regent excursion descriptions all have a disclaimer. People simply need to read those. For example, here is an excursion disclaimer for a castle tour in Scotland. "This tour includes some 2 hours of walking at the castle, over mostly even surfaces and with approximately 150 steps to be negotiated. The excursion is not considered suitable for wheelchair guests or those with mobility concerns." Not sure how much more pro active they can be.
  2. Rumor was the infinity pool was going away to be replaced by jacuzzis, deck plans seem to affirm that.
  3. Yeah... I've been retired for 7 years. I don't non-rev to cruises...especially on long flights. I use Regent's air with deviation. Even with an occasional upcharge it's cheaper than the Fly Confirmed for Less or Even Less programs. 😎 My days of sitting at the gate in an international airport watching seats disappear are gone. I leave that "sporting event" to the young and adventurous (and those not flying S3B). 😜
  4. Thanks. The KAL flight to ICN is much more expensive than the Delta flight so I assume that Regent won't have contract rates on that flight. So I'd be changing from Delta to KAL. But thanks for the info.
  5. We had Sunday Buffet on Navigator last year and on Mariner in 2018. May be a function of the chef, who knows?
  6. Regent generally offers a tour in each port that is not strenuous, bus tour, etc. However people decide to choose something they can't do. Not Regent's fault, they seem to do their best in the description to show how strenuous a tour may be and people either are unaware of their own ability or ignore the description. Not much Regent can do about it.
  7. We did the British Isles last June/July on Navigator and every excursion was great. No problems or cancellations. Met or exceeded all our expectations.
  8. Has anyone connected through Seoul/Inchon (ICN) airport? We are looking at flights from Atlanta to Hong Kong and Delta has one that has about a 2.5 hour connect time in ICN. Wondering from experience how easy it is to transfer from Delta to KAL?
  9. If you use an on line TA website you should see more. We use one specific to the travel industry (I'm retired airline) and they show all cabins in each category, not just 6. I use the TA for booking but also to determine what the available cabins are when I book.
  10. Nope. I would take them on one of the Royal Caribbean Oasis class ships which are designed for children of all ages. They would have the BEST time on one, not such a good time on a Regent ship.
  11. You can do a "mock booking" on Regent's website. Simply select your cruise, select "itinerary," you'll see what categories are "available" or "waitlist." Then select "Plan My Cruise" and follow the prompt through the booking process. You select a particular category of cabin and it'll show you the cabin numbers available. You can do that for any category that shows availability. OR, you can go on an internet travel agency's website and do the same mock booking and you should be able to find what cabins are available for selection.
  12. On our cruise last year it was printed on our Boarding Passes in a section entitled "Terminal Arrival Information."
  13. Thanks. I'll check. They also added $399 to our booking for China visas (multiple it says). When I went on line I could get visas for less, but not absolutely sure it would be the correct visa so I figure I'd just let Regent handle it. That's my theory anyway. 😎
  14. "G" is a Deluxe Verandah, and the second cheapest category ("H" is the cheapest). "GS" is a Grand Suite. And you are correct, "RS" is the Regent Suite.
  15. According to my booking, Regent will handle the visas for China. I expect I could save money doing it myself, but in the grand scheme of things it'll be easier to let them do it.
  16. What about if you stop in one Japanese port then another the next day? Will they stamp both ports? And will they stamp on the same page or do you need a blank page for each entry and exit?
  17. Ok...ok... I know... this has been discussed before, but I have a more specific question and don't actually feel like weeding through months of posts to see if it's been answered. We are going from Athens to Rome in Oct. and make stops in Israel and Egypt in addition to Greece, Italy, and Cyprus. Does anyone know if any of these countries stamp the passport? Additionally we will be doing Hong Kong to Tokyo next Feb. The cruise stops in Taiwan, Shanghai, and Busan besides Hong Kong and Japanese ports. Anyone know if any of these ports will stamp passports? My wife is "freaking out" due to the email that everyone seemed to have received about having enough empty passport pages. We currently have 12 empty pages and my theory is that will be plenty. Any first hand knowledge? Thanks. Again I apologize for starting a new thread.
  18. Sounds like people are getting worked up over nothing. Health questions are standard (and have been for years) for pre-boarding most cruise ships, just answer the questions. Asking if a woman is pregnant is like asking if someone, clearly over 21, for an ID to buy alcohol. It's just a rule that is put in place and to avoid any question of discrimination ("why didn't SHE get asked that question?") they simply ask EVERY woman. Covid is here to stay. If you're going to cruise it's you're going to be asked about Covid, it'll be recommended you mask, and recommended you test before cruising. All this is to protect the cruise line if you get Covid and decide to sue. So... is it worth all the angst people seem to be expressing? Nope...it's just the "new" Norovirus.
  19. Sorry to jump in late, been on vacation. We switched to an alternate voyage. We were supposed to cruise in March but now in Dec. I believe (NOTE...do NOT know) that you are correct and that as far as Regent is concerned I am past Final Payment on the original cruise so those restrictions apply. However I had cruise insurance and was able to shift the dates so I'm covered for any significant reason. However if your alternate cruise is EARLIER than the original, then IT'S restrictions would apply. Again, I don't actually know the answer to your question, but from what I read in the email, since we past final payment for the first cruise, then that is the date we fall under. Hope this helps a little.
  20. Hmmm... when I select the link I don't see that. However last year they were not allowing anyone to call the Air Dept. to arrange flights due to all the changes that were happening, so you had to work through your TA via emails. I thought that was no longer the case. In fact when we booked in Jan. I called the Air Dept., gave her my preferred routes, and they sent their offer for me to accept. One caveat is that you have to get your TA to tell them it's ok for you to talk to them directly.
  21. Oh.... I have never read that people were calling ahead and getting a list of contract carriers. That would be of great help. I never considered that. Let us know what you find out, I will be setting up deviation in July and it sure would be helpful.
  22. Have your TA to it for you. Give your TA your requested flights and they can submit then send the email results to you. But be aware, you only have 3 days to confirm or the request will expire. Also you might keep in mind the 210 days is only the earliest you can request deviation. If your cruise isn't all that long, just wait until you get. home. In all honesty the options likely won't change all that much over a few days or weeks.
  23. The $75 will apply. But what you need to do is contact them with your itinerary's, they suggest 3 acceptable, and see what they can do. They'll offer one with no upcharge if available, or with an upcharge if necessary. I haven't done it on the new system yet, but we deviated for our upcoming cruise a few months ago and I gave them my requested flights and got my first choice with an acceptable upcharge and my first choice home with no upcharge. Last year we were in the process of working flights and I could only get my choice home. But going they gave me alternatives. Not sure how that works with them now with the $75 charge. But here's their guidance: https://www.rssc.com/frequently-asked-questions/flight-information
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