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Everything posted by papaflamingo

  1. You'd probably get more ideas if you would say what port your tour was cancelled.
  2. Try this website. Fairly accurate for most ports. You can find a map location, also often a link to the cruise calendar so you can see what other ships are in port. But as mentioned, tour companies will generally know what port and terminal you are at. https://www.whatsinport.com/index.html
  3. You can always get an air credit. The amount is listed on the website after the Cabin cost section. For us, we can do better on our own domestically but not Business Class. We always deviate so domestically when adding the cost to deviate plus airline luggage fee plus air credit, I can usually get First Class for not much more (domestic flights are coach). But Business Class has always been a better deal through Regent for us. Again, we always deviate and pick our flights early and go a day or more ahead of the cruise.
  4. Yes for many countries the passport does need to be valid for six months. So you would be wise to renew it.
  5. Just got an email from Regent about enough blank passport pages for our cruise. We go on Oct. from Athens to Rome via Greek Isles, Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Italy. Next Feb we are doing Hong Kong to Tokyo with stops in Shanghai, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. Our flights to start each cruise will be to Athens and Hong King then ending in Rome and Tokyo. I have 12 blank pages. I'm guessing this will be plenty, my wife thinks not. So, anyone been to these countries on a cruise lately that can verify how many blank pages are really needed? Thanks
  6. I am a retired airline pilot and my son is a current Fed Ex pilot. I live in a community that has a number of pilots for a major airlines in it. Firs the downgrading is not as frequent as people seem to be thinking. It happens, but depending on airlines, it's usually done via a voluntary downgrade with lots of free "stuff" to do it. That being said, it can, of course, happen. But probably not anywhere near the frequency that some on here expect. The airlines problems is that they have struggled to get back to pre-Covid levels. Many retired early on very nice incentive packages and there simply isn't enough crew members available to fill then need. It's not like you can hire a pilot and he'll be flying a 747 the next day. Doesn't work that way. Plus the demand came back faster and greater than expected. So they are running trying to accommodate the demand. So, air prices are rising as demand over runs the availability. Regent will have more trouble finding contract seats and routing will be.... well let's just say not "good." That's the only way they'll be able to get Business Class seats at lower rates. Oh yeah.. the contract rates are climbing like crazy too. So this is just how cruising will be for awhile. Sometimes we'll just have to "roll with the punches" or, like some people, stay home. For me, I won't be happy to be downgraded, and probably just "sealed my fate" with this post, but I've got 5 cruises scheduled, 3 include Business class, and plan to go on everyone.
  7. Gray Lady... one gets a tremendous amount of good information from this and other forums. However there's a lot of bad information too. Most of the problems encountered are not the norm. Flights are, and will remain, an area that we need to consider very closely since there is a "glut" of travelers, a reduction of available contract seats to Regent, and staffing problems with the airlines. But in general all will work wonderfully (or at least get you there for the cruise). Since you are doing a pre-cruise stay that gives you extra days if there's a flight problem. But as with everything else, you'll find that Regent will work diligently to give you the "premium product" you are looking for. That doesn't mean things don't happen, they do. It's a business whose goal is to be profitable. It's a ship so things happen, crews change, supplies can be limited, etc. So don't dwell on small things, but on the entire experience in its entirety. And if something doesn't seem right, question it immediately and they will likely do all they can to correct any issue. As for flights, deviate 210 days out. It's worth it. It's harder now because of airline schedules, but as many have pointed out, pick 3 or more acceptable flight itineraries, be prepared to possibly pay an upcharge if you deem it worth it, and check the itinerary closely for connection times and connecting airports to make sure you have plenty of time to do the connection. If you do that, you will find the luxury experience you want. Stay optimistic but realistic and you'll find that Regent is a wonderful way to cruise and you'll be "hooked" like most of us. 😎
  8. Just a quick comment…like most other issues, when given time, Regent seems to handle it in a very appropriate manner. Seems more and more that people are coming on social media angry and frustrated without actually letting the problem run it’s course. Then come back and say “gee, they did what we wanted (or more).” I know it’s hard, but patience. Let Regent work the problem and if it’s not resolved satisfactorily, THEN bring it up. Or wait until it’s resolved then come on and let us all know what happened and how they resolved it. These early “complaints” get new people to Regent really worked up for no reason. just my opinion.
  9. Yes, you can get an air credit and book cruise only. The air credit is shown on the website for the cruise you are interested in.
  10. Thanks. As we get closer I'll get my TA to email Regent.
  11. I may try what cwn suggests above. If I get an answer I'll certainly follow up. .We don't make reservations until Oct. so I will wait until a bit closer. But plan to get my TA to send an email to Regent to ask them.
  12. We were on Navigator in June-July. The bathroom is "dated" because it has a darker marble countertop that is older. When they renovated they didn't replace the bathroom marble (no real need to). Mariner bathrooms are the same. Other than that it was fine. Has a separate shower and tub. Only a single sink. If you go on Youtube you can find lots of videos that are "walkthroughs" of the suites (as well as the entire ship if you want) and get a very good idea of how she looks. Here is just one. The bathroom is as soon as he enters the cabin (about 18 seconds into the video).
  13. I have a question.. we are cruising with another couple in Jan. They will be on their first cruise, we are gold status so can select dining reservations early. I assume we can not select a shared table and put their reservation number in when we select, correct? So is it best for us to select a shared table then hope there is still room for them when they select or do we have to wait and simply select on the day they can select?
  14. Don't feel like an idiot. I'm a retired airline pilot and have been into SNA many times. I could have easily put SNA in my comments and you would have gone right to it. Would have made it much easier for you to find. 😎
  15. We were told by our Cabin Steward that once the bottle is in your room with your name on it it can not be used again. Even unopened it will be thrown away. We were given a bottle toward the end of our last cruise that I didn't open. We asked the Cabin Steward if we could sent it to the crew and she said NO. So we took it with us as we were staying with friends for a week in the UK. So... sure, take it with you as it most likely will be tossed anyway.
  16. We did 40 nights on Navigator last summer. The bottle in my cabin was a Liter. That was replenished when it got close to the end without me even asking. Then about a week before the end of the cruise, as my liter bottle was nearing the end, they put a 750 ml bottle in for me. I asked the Cabin Steward who told me that once the bottle is in the cabin it can't be reused so since I didn't open it I took it with me as we were visiting friends for a week. So...nope...no little bottles! 🥃😎
  17. One thing you might consider... Domestic flight are economy. You will have to pay for baggage. If you look, it might not be much more to go First Class on your own, once you consider the Air Credit PLUS $35 for a bag (or more if you send 2) PLUS the $175 Deviation Fee per person. We have done that and found that First Class was only about $100 more each once all the fees and credit was figured. For me it was well worth the $100.
  18. "What is reasonable" is whatever YOU think is reasonable. Look at the options on a variety of airlines. As Regent says, look for a discounted price i.e. non-refundable as well as refundable. That is more likely to have contract seats available. But pick AT LEAST your 3 best options and present them. They will either offer one with no upcharge, offer one with an upcharge, or not offer any of them but come back with a different option. So the more you research your flights the better. Then if they offer one with an upcharge you can decide if it's worth it or not. We are going to Athens in Oct. I requested the non stop and it was offered for an upcharge. One with a stop at JFK was the same upcharge. I decided it was worth the cost. As for our requested flight home from Rome, we were given that flight with NO upcharge so they had contract rates. On another cruise (we ended up cancelling for other reasons) we requested Delta from ATL-LAX-SYD then Delta non stop home from Tokyo. They would give us the non stop home, but nothing to Sydney on Delta even with an upcharge. They offered first an unacceptable routing, then a complicated routing (ATL-Doha on Qatar then Doha- SYD). That would have been 28 hours airborne but probably our best option. So you never know. Just give them as many options as they will take.
  19. We have flown a number of times since 2019 and have little problem. Yes there have been some adjustments like departure or arrival times slipping a bit but nothing more than a few minutes. Of course we fly out of a major hub (Atlanta) so that may have some impact. But I wouldn't let concerns about flight changes stop me from cruising. Just give yourself a day or so to be able to adjust if necessary and go on a major carrier, not a low cost.
  20. You can go on any number of internet TA websites and see cabin availability. But also you can do a mock booking on Regent's website. If you follow it through you can see what categories have availability. Simply select the category or categories you want to see and it'll bring up the available cabins. Then simply hit "back" (I think) and select another category, etc.
  21. I "second" John Wayne. We are going out of LA in Jan. and we are flying into John Wayne. MUCH easier than the mess at LAX. And the shuttle to Long Beach isn't much more than LAX to Long Beach, and the flight is much cheaper.
  22. Just to add... .you sound like you have a great plan. Regent tours are good and sometimes really good. But you can always do better in a 3rd party tour. Like you, we like the included tours to see places and have been happy with most. Also, we booked a late cruise and only one of our requested tours was waitlisted. We got notification yesterday that we cleared the waitlist. So if you need to waitlist there's always a chance. But your attitude of using the saved $3000 to book tours is GREAT! That's what I would do too. As for specialty dining it's very likely you'll get something pre cruise, but generally you can get a table when on the cruise. Just ask at the restaurant you want and see what's available for the cruise.
  23. If you booked through a TA ask him or her to contact Regent and have the bottle of your choice in your cabin. That worked for me. But if not, just ask your cabin steward as mentioned.
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