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Everything posted by bguppies

  1. Now that kids are fully back in school and its the middle of hurricane season there might be a few ships sailing less than capacity. I'm pretty sure from spring break through the summer they were running past 100% with all the kids as usual. (I know my DW's cruise last March was over 100%) If this thread is still floating when I get home in a week I'll let you know how late September is doing.
  2. Must be cans. No plastic for anything. 12 pack of water can be ordered pretty cheap and have it delivered to your room.
  3. Cozumel, Key West and Grand Cayman with any other port throw in.
  4. We have dolphins swimming in the harbor here in Charleston, SC all the time. (crazy watching them chase a school of fish into the shallows as a group and have themselves a massive buffet) I've seen them from my balcony on ships out of Tampa and Port Canaveral before. So I don't know why you couldn't see them in the Gulf.
  5. Maybe hit the buffet and grab a heaping plate of fresh carved turkey to take to the steakhouse with you.
  6. That makes sense, yeah the time i dropped off before the shutdown was for an Ecstasy cruise.
  7. We are getting dropprd off. They offered checkin from 9:30 on, so we took 10am to ensure any morning rush hour issues would hopefully have time to resolve. (figured they wouldn't let us on the ship until between 10-11am anyway)
  8. Yeah, if I remember you used to just drop people off at the place where you still pick them up. But during the shutdown, they decided to add the extra step of the check in at the building in the parking area, before shuttling people over to the terminal by the ship for final, check in. I think it used to all be in the final building. I get to experience the fun for the first time Thursday instead of just being the taxi driver.
  9. Yeah there is a separate gate for drop offs by car/cab/bus or Uber. The parking gate is the closest to the water. (Furthest from East Bay St. the main road you will be taking from any interstate to get to the pier) Parking gate. (I think this is Laurens and Concord St) The drop off gate is 1 block closer to East Bay St. The drop off gate is barely marked at all. (I think its at Laurens and Washington St.) 'All the signs (The brown sign you see at the bottom in the picture will be what you see all the way to the parking lot) from East Bay St. just funnel everybody into the lot for people leaving their cars. (first time I dropped off DW we followed the signs and I wasted like 20 minutes in line to park) If you take East Bay St. heading to the pier and ignore the signage that steers you to the parking lot,, Then make a left at Calhoun St. , then immediately, take the very next right. You will see some condos under construction on your right. The drop off entrance will be just to your left. Pickup is much easier. If your ride just heads down East Bay St. a few more blocks past Calhoun St. down to Market St. and make a left. There is metered parking that runs down the entire length of the Custom House. (Huge Stone building that takes up the entire block east of Market St-bottom left of the picture) The parking meters don't start until 8 or 9 AM. I just park down at the end closest to the pier and DW just calls me when they are coming up the ramp from ship and I drive literally right across the streeet into the little cab pickup lot and load them up and we're off in a minute. Super easy. Here is the article I found the pictures in if it helps at all. https://www.cruzely.com/dropping-off-picking-up-passengers-at-the-port-of-charleston-with-pictures/ Here is a link to the Port Authorities PDF map to the port. https://scspa.com/wp-content/uploads/directions-to-gate.pdf You'll clearly see where they turn you off East Bay St. early before Calhoun St. so traffic backs up on that little back road heading into the parking lot. (you'll see what I mean how parking lot is closest gate to water) Just drove down last weekend to make sure there was no condo construction blocking any gates and there was none as of last weekend. (Just some porta potties sticking out a bit, obstructing one of the two lanes heading intoi the dropoff lot.) Hope this helps a bit and hopefully your dropoff doesn't waste 20-30 minutes like I did my first time down there.
  10. I can see where some of the things you can do with the phones are improvements, like watching the muster drill, checking in for dinner, etc. But the scan a QR code for menus and info in your room is just bad. Like you said super impersonal.
  11. I'd take a look at some reviews of Playa Mia with lots of pictures so you can see the kids stuff in the pools and waterslides to see if you think your kids would enjoy them more than the plain (but super nice) pool and inflatables at Paradise Beach. If they are more for jungle gyms and waterslides they might enjoy Playa Mia a bit more. Either destination should be a great day either way.
  12. I don't think it is access to a phone for some people. I was one of the last cell phone adopters I know. I have had one now for years and hate carrying it around. When I'm home, the phone stays on the charger in my room and I miss lots of calls and texts. DW sits in the living room watching TV while on her phone almost non-stop checking e-mails, texting or reading facebook, etc. She never goes anywhere without hers. There is a zero percent chance that will ever be me. 'Better chance I quit having a cell phone than me ever being attached to one. If I could leave an old flip phone in my glove box for emergencies, that would be what I would do. I just hate all companies assuming that everyone wants to use a cellphone for everything or can afford to. I'm still debating taking mine on my cruise this Thursday.
  13. Thank You. Looks good for our early December trip this year. Appreciate all the help.
  14. Be careful about the shells, I know in Nassau you aren't allowed to bring them aboard. (mostly because people don't realize the conch shells in the Bahamas still have them inside, and you bring them aboard and the next morning the cabin stinks to high heaven from the dried up dead conch inside)
  15. It gets kind of busy out there, but the Bay St. area would be more like Times Square versus the Queens Staircase being like some random, off the beaten path attraction in NYC. The attraction might have more people, the surrounding sidestreets are definitely less traveled. Any area in a larger city needs vigilence, especially after trying times for people the last few years. But the area between the pier and Margarittaville, is probably the safest in Nassau. (but not perfect like anywhere else)
  16. Queen's Staircase is way down on the bottom right of that map by Fort Fincastle. Many blocks away from Bay Street and Margarittaville.(which is just to the left of Pirates of Nassau and across the street on the beachside)
  17. Never heard of sloths in Costa Maya. Until the waterpark reopens (if ever) its pretty much drinking on the veach , snorkeling and the ruins are closer than Belize, thus why they are so popular in Costa Maya. Alot of people just stay at the cruiseline port area pool. Hop[efully somebody has done something else outside the box that might meet your needs.
  18. Mahogany Bay (Roatan), Belize, Cozumel by alot from New Orleans
  19. The port is in downtown Nassau. The walking tour Megan posted I have done many times. (my favorite is walking out to the Graycliff to get some Cigars at their factory) Paliament and the Supreme Court are a block or two from the pier. I highly recommend that walking tour to any newbies to Nassau. (Queen's Staircase and Fort Fincastle at the bottm right of the map is a great stop)
  20. What time of year was that? (We are trying to figure out early December) It looks amazing. The water seems to have much less seaweed than any pictures I've seen of Maya Chan or any of the clubs in town. Am I crazy or not?
  21. Unless you want to have a choice of Mayan Ruins to see, Belize is a poor port. (long tender ride in through lots of garbage on the way in) Roatan has nice beaches, nice snorkeling close to shore and lots of animal excusions to be had. Cozumel has tons of things to do for the day. Every kind of beach club you could want, dune buggy, speed boat, sub excusions, swimming with dolphins, etc. etc. Costa Maya has smaller Mayan ruins, closer by and decent beach drinking days to be had. I'd avoid anything with Freeport. Key West is nice, but nothing great. (unless you just want to barhop, then its outstanding.) Can't help with the Mexican Riviera.
  22. Tables for two are really easy when dining first opens.(Usually when we go, since Carnival began anytime dining.) Like somebody said, be aware tables for two are only a few inches away from the next table for two, etc. down the line. You'll find if you go at the same time everynight, they will usually seat you at the same table and staff everynight also.
  23. My money is on Thor:Love and Thunder and Jurassic World Dominion for sure. Maybe the Black Phone or Topgun:Maverick by December. (I'll take Maverick for the 6th or 7th time.) Has the Northman played yet. That is another due to be out by then. It doesn't seem like Carnival cares what they play on the Dive In Screens or in the cabins anymore. Actually taking the time and consideration to find some Christmas classics would take too much work for the "short staffed" ships, if you ask the apoligists on this board.
  24. Also depends on what you want to see while in port. The city you are docked at or the ocean off the other side.
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