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Everything posted by LinRon3

  1. It amazes me how people transform. On sea days, most people I think dress comfortable, with flip flops and sandals, beachwear, shorts, t shirts...that kind of thing. My wife and I enjoy watching people...like the speedo's perhaps on the wrong bodies, LOL [sic, we're those [ie wrong bodies], ha...but no speedos' for us]. I dunno; nothing impressive when people stripped down to pure comfort [oh, yea the occasional hard body passes, and sure, it's a joy to look [don't tell my wife, ha again]. But on 'dress to impress' night...I dunno...especially the gals...they transform, many into goddesses and high stature celeb look alikes. Guys in ties...hate to say, we all look like clones, ha. But the gals...yea, they become all sparkly, with napes and backs and all sorts of things and one [me] can't help but 'notice'. What was once dumpy, bulging, chunky, out of shape...well, the clothes DO in fact...make a difference. In behavior? Goes without saying; but how much, hard to say. I know I 'straighten' up [as my Mom used to spur me]...on my best behavior [though a lot of that is the tight neck button to get the darn tie on]. I hate to admit though...even with a suit and tie, I'm the same twit I was in jeans...so, perhaps the world is just trying to quit the 'put ons' to be more, well, 'one's real self'? I dunno though, hoodies in congress and holed jeans in the MDR...just doesn't seem to 'suit'. I just sense disrespect.
  2. Yea, thought I'd add to messy charges dilemma. Just got off Equinox today [Sat Oct. 14], and we checked our account nightly during cruise [on the TV] and all seemed well. We were disappointed we didn't get an invoice of all our charges our last night [usually slipped under cabin door or outside slot]. But we had no reason to think there were any problems. First thing when home, I usually get a printout of all charges from my bank for our trip...and Celebrity had posted a $99.75 charge the first night of the cruise we never saw on our TV account?? We have no idea what this might be for. Spent several hours reconciling all our precruise purchases [for several cruises...thinking this might be for our upcoming Silhouette cruise or something]...but nada? It dawned on me that this could be a 'hold charge' of some sort...like they do in many hotels; except I'd think that would be an even number and not $99.75. I'll get my TA on this first thing Monday [next business day]...but if nothing else, this has cost us several hours of trying to reconcile and the disturbing sense of being cheated or something? We have no idea what this could be for. An invoice that last night might have alleviated us from this stress if we only knew what this charge was for? So, yea, as OP suggested, check that account often, and maybe suffer the line at customer service last night or day to get that final invoice?
  3. Yea, my point exactly. It's not that one might not appreciate a thing, but more, an observation of existing that we always seek out new things...even if our experiences are sublime [as in cruising]. Older we get, or the more experienced [as in 65 cruises; congrats BTW]...well, I think we have to guard against being jaded you one might say [ahem, ha]...and remind one's self just how good we got it [anyone able to cruise anywhere, anyhow]. Again, we feel...well, blessed. Thanks.
  4. Yea, I'm with you. We are budget cruisers on fixed income and it's been amazing how we've stretched our resources to travel so much. People call it 'nickel and diming', but I see it as choices. If one doesn't drink a lot, or eat a lot, or buy a lot, well I prefer [in a big way] the discounted OPTION up front of lower fares...so we get to go. I can make the 'choices' later on what to indulge or not...with my nickels and dimes, ha. we are not walmart bunnies, but frugal. Ha, it's fun in fact, trying to strech the, ahem...pennies [not dollars ha]. By my spreadsheet, we can do maybe two cruises for just one of the 'all inclusive' or 'upper crust' ships [maybe even three]. We do wish we were millionaires, and all power to those who have the mulla...but 'nickel and diming' probably provides the cruise industry with a much larger customer base [uh...like us]. So...think CHOICES...not 'nickels and dimes'. Just sayin'. OTOH, we do understand the luxury of exclusivity. Depends I guess on how one 'values' things. Sure, we'd love exclusivity...but first we gotta 'just be there'. Just a reality I guess.
  5. I remember my first cruise...just in 2016. How magical it was...walking up that gangplank onto this giant floating machine they called a cruise ship. The excitement, the discovery, the newness of it all...I remember that first cruise like it was yesterday. I remember sailing into Nassau...the first 'out of USA' country I'd been since service days in the 70's. It was so exotic, so thrilling. It was all new...just being in the Bahamas...like another planet [at the time]. I was traveling the universe. Ha, Nassau now, after the umpteenth time is sort of 'meh'. We've been to just about every Caribbean island out there and South and Central American ports to boot. Each new port, there still is that 'newness' of sorts...but not like that 'first blush'...that first 'cut' as the song goes. We still love cruising of course, and as we've enjoyed, it's become more and more about the ships and less and less about the ports. Even Europe is getting sort of...well...passe'...have done the Rhine, Med, UK, and Baltic [I think we were lucky on the Balic cruise with the Ukraine thing going on]. Without being too philosophic here, as one grows old, and the experiences accumulate...well, there is always that soft pine for newness...and a continual search, even unto our old age...for it. But unfortunately, there is more to getting old than one's body, and to find new experience becomes ever more exasperating as time goes [given one's ability and resources]. My father always told me there are three stages to life...to plan, to do, and then, to remember. Ah...those memories; sometimes I think they are best. But we still love cruising, and we look forward to returning, once again, to Nassau next year, for the n+1 time. And we'll probably be on a ship that looks and feels like so many we've now been on. And we'll love every minute and consider ourselves profoundly lucky, even blessed, to do so.
  6. Found this thread as closest to NCL Epic...sooo... We were looking to book the Epic for next spring, but then were 'warned' about their staterooms. Sure enough, our 'research' shows us they have showers 'out in the stateroom' [with no privacy we can see] and a washsink in the cabin area too...no closed off bathroom except a toilet. WOW, were we ever glad to have found this out BEFORE we booked! Was looking for other's commentary on the EPIC and this very strange configuration that defies logic [our logic anyway]. Needless to say, we'll not touch the EPIC with Grinches 19 and half foot pole [or some such, ha]. Anyone else experience these weird cabins on the EPIC...and is the EPIC the ONLY ship in NCL's flee that has such a setup [hopefully]? We're still scratching our heads trying to figure out the logic of the designer of such...well...such...craziness? Who wants to prance around naked for the others in one's stateroom to googlyeye? How about wet stateroom cabin floors? I know my stateroom partner would just love seeing me shave in the morning, or gargling my teeth! Just had to say something somewhere [might help the OP to investigate before booking the EPIC themselves]. 'Nuff said. Probably an EPIC thread somewhere about this, but our search didn't find it. We hear NCL, otherwise, is a pretty good Cruise line.
  7. I did a search, but didn't find anywhere else to ask this question...and it seemed at least ballpark. I see a new category offered in the packages, where a 'stateroom setup' is offered [about $135]. Has anyone purchased this, and what does it entail? Do 'both' [all adults] in a stateroom have to purchase this if obtained? It looks to me like a 'bottle' of liquor will be placed in one's stateroom...even with mixers [like diet coke or whatever]? But how does this apply to the traditional 'both adults' must purchase...and exactly what does this buy? Is it one bottle of liquor...ie a single payment of the $135 approx, or multiplied across the entire cruise [7x or however many days one cruises; and each adult?]? I've wondered how the regular booze packages could ever be 'justified' except for convenience for those who have money to burn [who could drink that much each day over an entire cruise]...but a bottle in one's stateroom, that might at least be 'enticing'? But...well...has anyone done this and what are the details? thanks so much for any info on this.
  8. Probably a dumb question, but looking at 'soda package' on celebrity tonight, and wife wondered if we BOTH have to purchase it, if we so choose [like the alcohol packages]? I didn't know the answer but just assumed that would not be required for SODA? But who knows? BTW, it's priced at $9.99 ppd just now [regular price crossed out on pre cruise planner at $15.99].
  9. It's July '23 and we've booked 2 upcoming Celebrity cruises later fhis year and were looking for this information about soda being brought onboard at embarkation. A lot of personal experiences this thread, but no links to the actual policy as declared by Celebrity in 2023 [latest]? We've looked everywhere in Q&A, various Celebrity website links, but nothing found on 'soda' [or for that matter, is the NEW allowing 2 bottles of wine 'per person' [and not stateroom] also for Celebrity? we still see only 1 bottle per person in the website? Maybe that was just for RCL earlier this year?]. If anyone knows that 'official' link for this info, would be appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Yea, I'd like to know how they knew also? The shareholder OBC experience seems to us to be all over the place; some get it quick, others several applications [US usually], some by email, others by form, snail mail, you name it...receipt within 30 minutes to never getting it at all (we didn't get it for a Jewel OS cruise last year even with multiple applications, online and mail]; email confirmations [we've never seen this though we've received this bene several sailings now]. Not griping here as we appreciate the benefit if we get it; Just that receiving it is all over the place [it seems]. But 'automatically applied'? Yea, how would RCI know you own their stock? Sounds fishy...or even 'scary'?
  11. Thank you for the info. This really helps us decide how we want to purchase the wifi.
  12. Thanks for your post. We are quite confused about Celebrity Wifi as prices are increasing in a material way. Seems we remember getting 1 24hour complimentary day last year on the Equinox [for Elite status and my wife booked wifi pre cruise]. All that aside, your post seems to imply one might purchase wifi on a daily basis for $34.97? Would that be correct? Or like other pkg 'deals', one needs to purchase for entire cruise [or nothing at all?]. Purchasing a few $35/day wifi days is a whole heck of a lot affordable than the $20+/day for the entire cruise [over $200 for 10 day cruise on Silhouette in Nov].
  13. This is a major issue for me. There are some forms of music I absolutely detest, and it burns me up that someone might think invading my 'hearing' space is somehow OK. It's NOT! A big big NOT! Of course, I MUST tolerate it...but know there are some people, perhaps sitting nearby, who are raging inside when you play music they can hear. Earphones are cheap. I've had occasion where other people's loud music absolutely ruins the pool, or other public area.
  14. Yea, pricing really jumping right now [for 2023 anyway]. We're on Silhouette this November, and just purchased wifi...a whopping $200 for one device, one person. The only service offered was streaming and we only need basic for internet. Anyway, question here is this perhaps due to Royal Group putting Starlink on their ships [not sure which ones by now, like the Silhouette?]. But could this be possible reason for higher pricing?
  15. Yes, this has always been the case for us as we've never had a problem booking on the first day on board a cruise [4 mega ship cruises under our belts]. However, a friend of ours is on the Harmony in just a few weeks [late April] and said he and his wife were locked out of both the broadway show [Grease I believe] and the Ice show(s?). That would be most disheartening if it were us, as one of the big reasons we book the mega ships is for the shows. That's when I found this thread here on Cruise Critic. We always check our app weeks prior to a cruise, but from now on we will check even more closely. That would be horrible to see we couldn't get into a show BEFORE we even get onboard. Thanks to all here for the heads up on this precarious situation. We assume the idea that prior bookings for suite guests only was, well, it was just an idea [trying to explain to ourselves why we've never seen this before]. Again, thanks to all.
  16. Not to beleaguer this subject of prior booking of shows 'before' embarkation day [especially on mega ships]...my wife offered a question that might clear some things if true? Maybe the shows open up before embarkation for SUITE guests only [or higher level cabins]? That might explain why we've never seen this 'before a cruise' booking opportunities on the app? Though I doubt this is the case, it is plausible at least, and I told my wife I'd ask here on cruise critic this question. Do suite and above guests perhaps gain this added benefit of ability to book shows before embarkation? It would explain why we've never seen this on the cruises we've booked [we've never booked a suite or above].
  17. With all respect, you say this has been in effect decades? We've never seen this available from cruise planner or the Royal App...several mega ships and beau coup other Royal ships since 2016 when we started cruising? Is this something just on 'some' royal ships, like the Wonder? Is there some way to know [be notified by Royal] when, on a specific ship, such bookings might be made available? This is totally new to us; and we are somewhat shocked we haven't see it before IF it's been available because are constantly on that APP and cruise planner many weeks before a cruise [we are avid cruisers...our big thing in life now]. Yes, we will stay up 1 minute past that midnight on first booking day just to make sure we get a booking [on whatever show it might pertain to that we want to see]. Which brings up another issue to all this...just how can one find out what shows exist for a given cruise? We found this very hard to find out and often from dated information too. So, yea, this is quite frustrating. At least once on board, one can find out the actual shows and dates etc. I guess our experience has been somewhat different that others here. We've never had a problem though BTW...once onboard; well, yes, maybe one aqua show that was cancelled due to bad seas and further shows already sold out [on the Symphony]. But thank you to all posting on this thread as we are now duly notified and will adapt [just have to get up to lido by 7am to get a lounge I guess]...uh...sorry; that's another issue, LOL. It's still impossible to book a florida state park 11 months in advance [the better ones anyway]. All in fun. [at least you can still get a second lobster in the MDR for free].
  18. I was going to start a new thread, but seemed close enough to question we have about booking shows before one even gets onboard. A friend at the local pool today, going on the Harmony in April, was really dejected as he found out he and his wife was 'locked' out of both the skating shows in studio B AND the Grease production show. He had no idea that one could book these shows BEFORE you get on the ship...nor did we. We have always booked shows FIRST thing once onboard. Is this something new for Royal? If so...we HATE it [as of course, our friend...who is planning to write a complaint to Royal...a fart in the wind, but heck, would feel good]. So this prompted me tonight to ask for more information on this NEW policy [new to us anyway]...and how to navigate around this horrible development? We live in Florida, and we are accustomed to having things booked like the first minute after midnight the maximum alloted time by all the snowbirds coming down in their RV's for the winter...all computerized...really [especially state parks...some that are IMPOSSIBLE to get into]. So, is this what is going to happen on booking the shows on a given Royal ship? Everything booked out the first few minutes after midnight when such bookings open up? Being locked out, a month in advance of, say, one of the major attractions like the Grease production show on Harmony [like our friend is now]...well, that changes the whole complextion of why even go in the first place [we book the mega ships ourselves, mainly due to the shows aboard]. We've never had a problem booking once on board...but now who knows. Any words of wisdom here that we can cheer our friend up, and perhaps take some of the SCARE out of us [we have two Royal cruises later in the year]. More rat race it looks like; not just for the lido lounges!
  19. We really liked the Mariner too. You know, there's an overlook into the bridge room on the Mariner, I think deck 5 or 6, maybe a higher deck...can't remember. It was hard to find and we've never seen this little nook on any other ship. Has anyone else found this...looking down into the bridge where the ship is being run [we assume it was the bridge...all computery lit up and people doing things that looked important]? It was very interesting and a bit surprising they'd allow people looking in like that. Is this on any other ship anyone know? And if so, how might one get to it [even on the Mariner, doubt we could get back without a lot searching]. Maybe we were looking in on something else? Anyone enlighten on this?
  20. We've done two cruises on Serenade and for a time was our favorite ship. Our last cruise on it however, well...the entertainment just didn't seem up to snuff. I think they only did two production shows, and the rest of the nights were comedians or singers. Comedians are great in the lounges, but on a theater stage...well, they have to be super good IOHO anyway. Oh...and we loved the little movie theater first time around as they showed late released good movies. That last cruise though, a bunch of dud movies. We didn't go even once. Anyway, we decided we like the next class up, the Voyager class ships because they have the open promenade design and ice shows etc. We'd still book the Serenade of course if the itinerary we right. Happy cruising! [Just our lean on it]...
  21. Interesting question, makes one think. We tend to like a 'class' of ship, each having pluses and minuses. A lot of people here like the Allure. We loved it too...but our balcony cabin was a bit cramped. The shows were great. We loved having specialty coffee at the Park cafe in central park [none of the other mega ships we've been on [Harmony and Symphony] offer specialty coffee there that we know of]. I'd pick Harmony over Allure though; the cabin on Harmony was roomy and shower great; Grease outstanding. Aqua and ice shows really good. Symphony aqua show was a bit lacking for us and 'hair spray' just seemed dated. But "Flight" was super, and the ice shows as the best we've seen. Still, We'd go with Harmony overall as far the mega ships. We cruised on the Vision last December just to take in the Southern Carib itinerary...and an interior at that. We were really hesitant after being on the mega ships...but son of a gun, we really enjoyed the Vision. It was a different feel to it; more traditional we assume as we remembered. Didn't feel crowded...we loved it. Made me realize I like the smaller ships as much as the mega ships but for different reasons. Mega ships more bang for the buck, but rhapsody class of ship a calmer more relaxed feel sort of. Having said all that, actually it's the Voyager class of ship that somehow seems to offer pluses from both ends...enough bells and whistles and good shows, but also laid back enough. So, that's our favorite for now I guess...but we love them all. We went on the Freedom and had a bad experience as wife did not like hypnotist in theater and we had to leave; plus was super super crowded. Seemed way too much spice in Windjammer dishes as chef was from Jamaica or something if I remember. So a lot of one's attitude toward a ship might have a lot to do with the specific cruise experience one had. Comedians sticking napkins out of their crotch just does not make it IMHO, [sic another memory we have]. [uh...favorite all time ship was Celebrity Edge though; does that count in a Royal forum?]. We can't afford Celebrity but once in a blue moon though.
  22. Wow DaKahuna, this is so helpful. Thank you so much. It allows us to make a material decision on purchases just now for cruises long away. I hope it helps other too. Streaming is now part of RCI's essential wifi package and all RCI ships should have starlink by end of March 2023? Thanks again.
  23. This seems a good place to drop our question [didn't want to start a new thread]. We are booked on Adventure OS for next Dec. and see only 'zoom with streaming' advertised for sale in cruise planners [for $16/day]. Not a bad 'comparative' price, but we don't need 'streaming' and have been holding out thinking they'll advertise just zoom [with internet but no streaming]...but if this is the only package they will be selling, perhaps we should purchase now [with the 30% off etc]. So my wife asks a good question, that perhaps the Adventure has changed over to this new starlink, and as jbrinkm said, perhaps will only offer the one package now? So, prompts us look for the possible answer here [but no luck in the QA search]. So, several questions: 1)does the Adventure have starlink now, and does that alter their offerings for wifi [that now will include streaming even if one does not need that]? and 2) this begs a general question as to just what ships now have starlink in the RCL fleet? Thanks
  24. does my heart good to hear of a chair/lounge hogger getting caught!
  25. You're not alone. If some 'stranger' invaded our space [this goes for windjammer, solarium [beds], or any seating that normally is for intimate partys]...well, we'd just get up and leave. It's happened to us in the windjammer...and yes it gets crowded there, but privacy is important and a stranger to just plop down at your table, that's RUDE! Just like the 2 person loveseats in OP. Yes, we see them as 2 person. Whomever heard of a threesome in a love seat anyway? Hmmm...how about sitting in the aisles of those small movie theaters on Serenade class ships?
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