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  1. Thank you Ann! We stopped 4 times and it took 11 1/2 hours! But we left even earlier than planned because we both woke up before the alarm went off. Made it in plenty of time to drop car off. I waved at your exit and hope you waved back. 😂 Thanks Terry. Hoping for a great cruise. It’s kind of nice to be closer to the bridge. Plus the parking garage. Nice for those who want to walk to Walgreens or something but I doubt there would be much time with the little time for boarding tomorrow. Thanks for the mention today and all the work keeping lists. Hope you’ve enjoyed being back at sea on a BHB. They almost always took appointments on the Prinsendam. Can’t remember on the other ships. Thanks Nancy! That’s a heck of a lot of snow already. Happy to hear your DB is interested in the news recently. That was quite an unfortunate incident yesterday! You’re doing well with something you don’t normally handle. I worry about that when I think about the future. Good luck getting it taken care of. By the way we haven’t been to Kushiro either. I hope I spelled that right! I’ve never done this much typing on my phone before and it’s not easy! Can’t really scroll back to double check! Thank you for your kind wishes Joy! Enjoy the Thanksgiving celebration. I’m not cooking at all this year. 🤣 Thank you for the travel wishes and the same back at you. Hope you feel much better soon I’m sorry to hear about your DH’s bladder cancer and hope this latest check went okay. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
  2. I believe the same cruise we're on. Volendam 28 day Amazon adventure roundtrip Ft. Lauderdale. The destination and length of cruise dictate testing in lots of cases.
  3. I will do that Ann! And will be watching for a wave back. By the way, it took 3 hours to drive to the airport, get the car and drive both cars home. Traffic was horrible! And just driving back from the airport my right leg started hurting! Tomorrow it will have compression socks on it, and I will be able to flex and exercise it a bit on the drive. Tonight I was using that leg to drive and couldn't do anything!🙁
  4. Lenda, thanks for the great photos of today's port. This morning I tried three times to get DH's test results into VeriFLY, and the third time was the charm! It shouldn't have been that hard to do! Anyway we are both set there. We will leave here about 3 to drive to ATL, pick up the car, and drive both cars back home so that's probably 2 1/2 hours of our valuable time. Then eat something quick for dinner and finish up our evening chores and try to get some sleep. We'd like to be out the door at 3 a.m. because we never know how bad traffic jams will be. Too many delays and we will be late on our rental return and I sure don't want to pay for 2 days at those rates! Plus I will need some rest stops to make sure my leg doesn't act up. It's been several months I've been doing my PT on it and the pain is less than it was. Hope all goes well for you and Steve while we're away. I will check in of course whenever we get some decent internet on the ship. Glad to hear your DB is doing a little better. Hope that trend continues. Sounds like a great time! Enjoy them while they're young because those years go so fast! Sorry to hear about the coughers on the plane. Stay healthy! I hope your next move (on the gurney) is a long, long time from now.🙏 I'm happy to hear your DS and DDIL are almost ready to move into that new to them house. I'm sure the renovations are stunning. And good luck to your neighbor on the insurance adjuster visit. They'd better be fair with her. That's why we pay all that money to them year after year. Vanessa, glad your tummy wasn't so troubled yesterday after your dinner. And nice job getting the one prescription at a discount. I always appreciate a savings on prescriptions. Take care!
  5. Good morning friends! It's only 332F now and clear with a high of 48 expected. So much to do and I have to get busy. I will run out to the hair salon later then in late afternoon we have to drive (through all that traffic) to the Atlanta airport to pick up our rental car for our drive tomorrow to Fort Lauderdale. In between all the last minute things like stopping mail and figuring out what we've forgotten to do or pack. Last night I was finally able to get my negative Covid test uploaded to VeriFLY app but right after that I attempted DH's several times and was rejected each time. So we are only halfway there. I hope I can remember what type of test I said it was when I began trying again today! There seems to be some debate on PCR or antigen. Today's port destination is Nathon (Koh Samui), Thailand and that is a first time for that one so no link to a former post of Rich's. We have not been to that port so anyone who has, please show us your photos. I'll be gone for a month starting tomorrow so won't be posting any photos from the past or otherwise. I know Lenda has her hands full so I won't burden her with posting my photos. If things calm down Lenda I give you permission to post my old photos. Just don't feel like you have to because everyone will do fine without them. A good idea to have the Great American Smokeout. Good wishes to all trying to quit that habit. A big cheer for all the students! Hope everyone learns something new today. I would enjoy a little Baklava. I don't care for the quote because my friends are in heaven and that's where I want to be someday. Not sure about the menu suggestion but will wait to see what Debbie @dfishsays. Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report. I enjoy watching the Volendam and Oosterdam racing across the Atlantic together. Prayers for all on Roy's list and cheers for the Celebration people. I am thinking of each and every one of you every day and will continue to do so while away. I hope there is improvement each day for those ailing. Have a great Thursday!
  6. It's not an antigen test? By the way I tried putting a PCR test instead of antigen once and got rejected again! I'm totally confused!
  7. That is exactly what I saw on their website but I see it only says antigen test and not specifically Rapid NAAT test. I've done what you did too, taking a photo of the paper copy of my results page, also screenshots of it. Then I've done the QR code thing off the computer and off the printed paper copy. Some folks used to say they had to delete the app and download it again to get it to work. I wonder if that's my problem. It's been a long time since it was downloaded so maybe there's an issue there. I also turned up the brightness like you suggested. But here's the strange thing. When submitting the photo of the results (you click on the top option unlike what Dixie did clicking on the bottom and doing the QR code), you are supposed to fill in information but there are several places where you can't do it. For instance where you type in your first and last name you can see my name in very light letters but you cannot click on that box and type it in yourself. Same with birthdate. Other things worked fine. I'm wondering if that could be part of the problem. Sounds like I need to add the trip over again and start from scratch.
  8. She just says a medically observed antigen or PCR test. She seemed stunned that the tests cost us so much money. We told the truth and said they were for travel, we had no symptoms, and hadn't been exposed to anyone who was positive, so we had to pay. We didn't feel right lying about it to have our health insurance pick up the costs. I'm sure quite a few people do that though.
  9. Well that's reassuring. My TA is trying to find out if the test we took was acceptable by HAL. I can't find a notice listing types of test either in my inbox or on their website. I may skip VeriFLY all together. Searching CC for help on the app doesn't bring up good results as usual.
  10. I've done that too with same results, several times. I just wonder if the app is the problem. I'm going to email my TA and ask her if she knows where to find out if my test is acceptable. Can't find it. Has anyone here done the Walgreens Rapid NAAT test for Holland? I haven't heard of that test before. I know I used the same test we did today last May and it was fine with Princess. That's why I'm trying to find on the HAL website exactly what test I can use. Kinda late now though, right?
  11. I just did as you said with the QR code on my computer screen (I think I tried that earlier too), the photo snapped and VeriFLY says "Sorry, the QR Code you provided doesn not contain a recognized digital certificate". DH is saying are you sure we had the right test? As I have gotten before, we got the Walgreen's Rapid NAAT test which I believe is an antigen test. Am I wrong? Does Holland America accept them? I'm trying to find that on their website even though I know I've read it before, and I can't find it. What kind of test did you get Dixie?
  12. Okay. Did you do this on your IPhone? I have screenshots of my Covid test results which have a QR code on them as well as results in writing with names, birthdates, etc. How did you do it? On the checklist #1 is for the Covid-19 Health Review. If I click on that I scroll down to Submit Negative Covid-19 test results. At that point did you use the top method (printed negative test result) or the bottom (digital test certificate)?
  13. Thanks! I have to do my physical therapy exercises and they take about that long. Back later to see what you have to say.
  14. @*Miss G*you spoke too soon about removing a worry! LOL! I have uploaded our vaccination records to Verifly but no matter what I do on the Covid test results, I get a boo-boo! I'm not sure if it's me or the app. When I click on Health Review, then Submit Negative Covid-19 test results there are two choices...submitting a printed negative test result and upload a digital test certificate or a certificate from a partnered VeriFLY test provider. HUH? I have a screenshot of mine and DH's "certificate" or email results which they won't take. You're supposed to be able to fill in some things and they won't highlight for me to fill them in, like first and last name, etc. Some things allow me to fill in but not others. I've also tried trying to send them the QR code and they don't like that either. Now I know why some people say they spend hours messing around with VeriFLY. Dixie @summer slopeyou've accomplished this recently. Did you have issues too? Anyone else able to walk me through this?
  15. We arrived early at the Walgreen's drive thru and paid our fee for two Covid tests. Crazy how much you have to pay for travel testing nowadays. Anyway, we swabbed and left and 5 minutes after we got home the results were in my email. Negative for both! You were correct @ottahand7! I answered the health question on the HAL Navigator app, and made a paper copy of the test results to take along. I should check and see if I can figure out Verifly but half the people on CC say they don't even use it anymore. Then I need to do some folding of clothes and list checking for items I haven't gotten out yet. Also need to get things out of the safe. DH is in the kitchen right now counting pills for our 29 days away from home (plus some extras). Things are moving along now. Debbie @dfishthanks for the photo of your lovely Midland street. Michigan is a beautiful state and there are several of us here who know that first hand. 🌲 Enjoy your new life!
  16. Bruno, I'm sorry to hear DD is declining. I know how devoted you are to him and what great care you take of him. Prayers and good wishes for you both.🙏 Hurray for your family testing negative! I think the cruise lines are going to have to do what they have to do in order to sail their ships in that region. We don't want those ports closing down! Sounds like you have a good attitude about the mask wearing. I heard from HAL this morning our cruise starting Saturday will have a mask requirement for the first 3 days. Of course if we want to wear them the entire time that is up to us and I'm sure no one will care. We're having our Covid tests in an hour so fingers crossed we are negative too. (cruise is 28 days to the Amazon and back). That's good news Lenda. Improvement is slow at first, but I bet he starts moving along faster as the weeks go on. Prayers his BP problem is solved.🙏 Karen, every little bit helps! 26 feet yesterday, 28 or 30 today perhaps. Hoping you can get information through writing since they come in too early for you to be there. Get yourself an Oreo Cookie milkshake too while you're at it!😁
  17. Good morning friends! It's a nice day for a change and I intend to enjoy the sunshine. We are heading out this morning for Covid tests and hopefully by noon will have the results. Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report. Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Kiribati is the port today and like Lenda said it was last shown on May 12, 2021. The link to that date is below. Clarinets deserve a day of appreciation. Tolerance is a good quality to have, and I seem to recall us all talking about buttons before so has another year gone by since we last celebrated buttons and our button boxes? The potato kale soup might be okay but it seems like kale is in everything these days. Five or ten years ago I'd never even heard of it. Thanks to our Food and Beverage people who take care of telling us about the food, drinks, and wines! You are invaluable! Many prayers for everyone here on the Care list. I'd also add the people of Ukraine, the two Polish citizens lost this week in a bombing, and those still working at setting their lives back in order after the hurricanes. Hoping for happy times for the Celebration list. Smooth seas for all of us on cruises now or soon. Here is Rich's post from last year when Christmas Island was on the Daily. We have not been there before. Busy today but I will at least come back to report negative or positive. Hopefully I can catch up on reading the Daily too. Have a great day!
  18. Thanks for the advice Charlene. We are driving Friday and have a deadline to drop off the rental car so we are adding several hours to the usual drive time in order to make it on time for drop off. It must be exciting living where you can watch the launches. Nice for you guys. Hope the cruise is going spectacularly.
  19. On Oct. 23, 2017 Sun Princess stopped at Broome in Western Australia during our circumnavigation of Australia. It was hot! It seemed like a small town to us. Certainly there were no skyscrapers. We had noticed the Holden autos when in Australia but the government shut down that industry for some reason. Here is a dealership back then in Broome. We were dropped of our shuttle downtown where you saw anytime they could a shade structure was installed to help keep you cool. Didn't help quite enough though. Ahhh! Shopping! A restaurant with patrons sitting outside. I would prefer the AC inside. Another restaurant. A nice mosaic in the sidewalk An offroad vehicle with the exhaust extended up above the roofline of the vehicle. We saw a lot of these. A last look at the town of Broome before we took our scorched feet back to the ship for a cool lunch. For those who miss singers and dancers on HAL, that night we had a rousing show using the troop of entertainers on Sun Princess. Looked like fun!
  20. Good morning friends! I've walked the treadmill and eaten breakfast so need to get busy soon with cruise preparations. I'm glad to stay indoors today because it is cold and rainy out and might be that way all day. Only 45F so our weather is similar to Graham's @grapau27. Yesterday it took way too many hours getting our home and auto insurance switched over because of nit picky little things that needed changing from the quote. So we have to cancel our previous company this morning who had gone way overboard in raising prices. We still need to sign up with the new Medicare Advantage plan. I think yesterday I said Supplement plan but that was an error. At one time I had a very good Supplement plan but the price per month was getting out of hand so I switched. I never saw a bill or statement from the doctor and that was a luxury I wish I had now! I was in the hospital back then for two days due to a bad infection and didn't pay a cent. The hospital sent us a statement (not a bill) and it was $17,000 for those two days! Holy cow! The Supplement paid it all after Medicare adjustments. Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report. I see we have Broome, WA, Australia for our port today and it is a first time port so no link. We were there once and it was fun but HOT! This means no copy and paste - I will go and search for the photos from 2017, Sun Princess. I like recycling a lot. We have very little trash and a lot of recycling but our HOA has made it very difficult to recycle anymore. They stopped the service and give us only trash pick up. My refrigerator is nearly empty due to our leaving soon so it should be easy to clean it out. If I had time that is. I like bundt cakes but don't really make them. The Monroe quote is typical of her. The salad today sounds healthy but not much fun. The wine sounded expensive and it is! Thanks Ann @cat shepardfor always bringing us the wine descriptions. I don't think I'd care for the drink but thank you Dixie @summer slope. Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor the lists today. Your dinner last night looks excellent. Thanks also for mentions of neighbor Linda, but I think you can take her off the rotation now. She seems to be progressing well but I will let you know if something pops up later with her. Healing wishes for @MISTER 67's finger and @Lady Hudson's DH's mouth after his oral surgery and stitch removal. Charlene @cunnorlyour cruise is sounding fun. Wish I were there on a cruise, too! Sorry I really didn't get a chance to get back to yesterday's Daily to comment and will go back there now to see what I missed. Hoping Steve is doing well now Lenda. I hope everyone here has a great and productive day!
  21. Lenda, I hope you're right about the nerves acting up due to healing and things look up soon. Have a good visit with Steve today. Interesting story about discussing Abilene and high schools and finding your connection with Naki. The local joke back home in St. Louis is whenever you meet someone new the first thing out of our mouths is the question "where did you go to high school?" Each area of the surrounding county is different and has pride in its roots. You've got a good memory remembering the Maasdam in Rio in 2015. I sure don't!🤪 I'm sorry I don't know your first name @Kurtybee123 but thank you for your suggestion on Waze. I've heard of it from my two kids who use it on road trips. They always appreciate knowing of accidents ahead but mostly where the police cars are parked! I never have to worry about DH speeding because he stays at or under the speed limit to get great gas mileage.🤣 I think I'll load the app and try it out. If we have to take a detour on this trip it will take the stress off me, the navigator, in finding us a new route.
  22. Good morning friends! Brr! 33F this morning but sunny and a high of 55F expected. Before we leave this week DH has to sign up with our new insurance company. He would have done it last week but due to Nicole passing by the insurance companies stop issuing new policies until the storm is over with. Then we have to sign up for a new Medicare Supplement plan and I'm glad to be DONE with this year's plan. We only changed because our hospital wasn't playing nicely with our previous company and they had an impasse. Hopefully 2023 will be a good year and we won't need a hospital anyway. Still waiting and praying our absentee ballots arrive in the mail before Thursday so we can vote in the Dec. 6 runoff. I have a feeling it's not gonna happen! Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the Daily. Love the girls and children days and they really do go together. I like pickles. I have to agree with @MISTER 67 , why sweet potato in our mac & cheese with bacon? The quote is a bit uncomfortable. After they build the monuments then years down the line some group demands they be torn down! 😕 Prayers for our Care list today and cheers for the celebration list. I was outside yesterday chatting with next door neighbor Brenda (socially distanced because of my test this Wednesday) when our neighbor up the street drove by and stopped, rolled down the window and said hello. She is the wife of the gentleman who died last Sunday at home from multiple myeloma. We offered her our deepest sympathy and agreed he wouldn't have wanted to linger with his severe pain. It was nice to see her and we of course advised she take care of herself during this time of grief. She promised she would. Jake @Crazy For CatsI love the photo! Thanks for showing us. Sorry yesterday was such a mess at turnaround. Hope everyone gets their act together this coming Saturday! Terry @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear you are not at your best right now. And I know that affects the household and your care of Tana. Hope the aide is a good one. Hugs to you! And Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI'm sorry I haven't read yesterday's end of day Daily so I hadn't heard of the pain problem for Steve. I hope things will work out better today for you both! Hugs to you too! Our destination today is Cobh (Cork), Ireland and we last saw it on Oct. 17, 2021. The link to that date will be posted below. We visited Cobh in 2015 on Royal Princess. Not only did we enjoy seeing Cobh, which is a lovely town, we also went to Blarney Castle and had a great time there as well. My best remembrance of Cobh is a purchase I made there. A sterling silver Celtic knot pendant and neck chain. The finish on the pendant was so smooth and well done. I love wearing it. My photos of our visits to Cobh and Blarney Castle. A view of the Lusitania memorial only with wreaths laid. Cobh is a hilly place and I liked this view of the houses side by side down the hillside. Many different colors (to help you find your own home after a trip to the pub?). While walking past those homes we saw this little dog watching us from "their" window. Annie Moore statue In viewing our pictures I see we were in Cobh twice on back to back cruises on Royal Princess. The first cruise was a spring 2015 transatlantic cruise and on that one we spent our stop that day visiting Blarney Castle. The second cruise was a British Isles cruise and that is the day we spent in town exploring. I knew I'd been to Blarney Castle. We enjoyed these two cruises with our friends from Myrtle Beach whom we met in 2008 getting on our first transatlantic. Great couple! A nice view of Blarney castle and someone who decided to kiss the Blarney stone. Not an easy task! Our group passed on it. The spot you kiss as seen from below. Very top center.
  23. Lenda I've just made a note to be on the lookout for the pianist Naki Attaman and will give him your message if I run into him. Small world eh? Vanessa, I really hope you can figure out the upset stomach issue. Not a fun way to feel!
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