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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I asked for an update on Scott this morning. Unfortunately, he has a lot of complications/issues plaguing him right now. A CT scan was done but results not known this early in the morning. I am very concerned for Scott and pray for his recovery each day. Just wanted to let you know and keep praying for some good news. Thank you everyone for your prayers for him. In other news, DD says she was unable to complete a phone call to our landline again yesterday. We all wish we could crack the code on why this is happening. It worked last weekend! Our smoke detectors are hard wired and were new when the house was built in 2011. DH is looking into replacements and hopefully that will happen soon. We'll need 8 of them. Welcome to the Daily! Thanks Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the port photos today. Welcome home to @Himself and @Mr. Boston!!
  2. Good morning friends! Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report for Columbus Day and Canadian Thanksgiving. It's very chilly again today with only 42F overnight, and a high of 75 with sunny skies expected later on. Nice days to celebrate with Curious Events Day, Fire Prevention Day and Leif Erikson Day. I'm not sure what type of curious events they refer to but it could turn out to be fun. Hurray for those who champion fire prevention. I have heard we should replace our smoke detectors every 10 years. We have not done that yet and I wonder if anyone here has experience doing that? I certainly wouldn't want a fire to go undetected in our home. Leif Erikson was a very early explorer and a brave one, I'm sure. I like the quote, but would pass on the meal suggestion, drink and wine today. Amazing the things we learn about these days in history! Thank you in advance to our F&B ladies Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their reports this morning.🍹🍷 Prayers fervently said for the people of Israel during this horrific time in their history, also for the Ukraine people suffering war too. I also say prayers daily for my DB, friend Susan's DH Scott and DB Mark, my friends here on the Daily listed on the Care list, and even those who haven't mentioned their problems. 🙏 Hoping for pain relief for all in need. I'm sorry to hear there was an earthquake in the western US last night and hopefully there was little damage. Cheers 🥂to those celebrating happy events and sailing the seas currently. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebrations list keeping. 🚢🎉 The port today is Jeju Island, Cheju City, Korea. I have read that Cheju is the former name for Jeju, Korea. Jeju City (Cheju), South Korea is the way it was written the last time we had this location as our port city on Feb. 15, 2022. I'll provide the link in case you posted photos last time. I haven't been to Jeju (Cheju) before having only visited Busan, South Korea. I hope everyone has a great day today, staying safe and well.
  3. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for your Split photos. A fascinating place. For your DD's sake, I wish Michigan had played someone else, too (but still won!)😉 Thank you so much Graham. Your steak picture looks tasty. You do love your meat dishes! Terri, so glad you liked the photos. I have a suggestion. When you return from your next trip, sign up on Shutterfly for an account. You can upload your trip photos to Shutterfly, and then gradually move your other photos when time permits. Each trip, click on Photos, then Albums, where you can create a new album by clicking on the + sign . Name it after the trip description and year. For instance 2023 Italy. Where it says add photos click on that then you can move those photos to your album. You will be able to keep track of things much easier. You can also put photos in a Dog album, or Home album, or Family photos album. I have some old photos my DB and DS sent me taken in the 1950's and 1960's and they are grouped all together in a Shutterfly album. You will be organized before you know it. Carol, I'm sorry Sam has to be in the hospital again and hope to hear he's back in rehab tomorrow. What a merry-go-round you've had! Hoping for good news tomorrow when the workmen are finished repairing the oil tank! Good job to the teenager on his play during the football game. That's what counts! It was very thoughtful of DD and DSIL to record the game for Tana to see. I continue hoping and praying for better days for your family.
  4. We visited Split on a 2017 three week Mediterranean cruise on Westerdam. Here are my photos from then plus a few more added today. Here's the infamous esplanade called the Riva where we crossed paths with a Michigan Wolverine (DS is a U of M graduate and faculty member). I was wearing my Michigan T-shirt and they couldn't let me pass without yelling Go Blue!! A photo of Gregory of Nin, a famous bishop. He's 28' tall but he looks so much taller due to the angle I took this photo. Rubbing his toe is supposed to bring you good luck! Diocletian's Palace and Peristil Square. This is the Oculus, a hole in the roof of the Imperial audience hall of Diocletian's Palace. Yummy smells from this restaurant Leaving Split later that day. It was an awesome stop on our Mediterranean cruise.
  5. Good morning friends! Brrr, it's only 42F this morning. The high today will only reach 68 with sunshine all day long. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Today is American Touch Tag Day, National Motorcycle Ride Day, and Universal Music Day. I think we can all agree music is a favorite. I won't be playing touch tag for sure today, and doubt a motorcycle comes along for a ride.🏍️ Those days are past! I like the quote today, but will definitely pass on the vegetarian peanut miso ramen and Blue Mule cocktail. In fact, no merlot 🍷 for me either, I prefer rose or white wine. Interesting how James Cook arrived in New Zealand in 1769. Who would have thought microwave ovens were patented so early? I didn't see them in most homes until the 1970's. Thank you to the F&B ladies Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard. I don't do my treadmill on Sundays so haven't had my prayer time yet but will get right on that. Prayers for all on our Care list and I do hope for better days ahead for all of them. Special prayers for DB and Susan's DH and DB, and Baby Murphy. Of great importance will be everyone's prayers for the people of Israel after the attacks on that country and its people yesterday. But let's not forget the people of Ukraine who have been faced with war for a long time now. Praying for peace and strength to get through the horrors perpetuated. 🙏🙏 As for the Celebration list, this just shows we should enjoy life and it's happy events as much as we can because you never know when the sad times will come. So enjoy those cruises! Have wonderful celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations and all other events. 🎉 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your lists and the excellent job you've done. I'm thankful for my children's alma maters Ohio State and Michigan's big wins yesterday. (sorry to Lenda's DD!) Also I hear from DS that Notre Dame's men's soccer team beat Duke's 1 to 0 last night. They've had an enjoyable time visiting the campus and seeing their program again. Ren has gone to soccer camps there before and likes it. But UVA is still in the running!⚽ The port this morning is Split, Croatia, a beautiful country. This was our port before on Nov. 16, 2021 and Dec. 28, 2022. I've enjoyed a visit there once on Westerdam, 2017. Here are the links for you. Hoping for a wonderful Sunday and Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. Stay safe and well! Photos coming up in next post.
  6. On our 2018 Prinsendam Grand Voyage (Med and Africa) we were going to leave by 8 pm but a crew member jumped ship that day. It took until 10 pm before the police reports were filled out. I guess they were going to look for him since he wasn't supposed to stay in the country.
  7. Nothing happening yet? I'm going to miss it since dinner is almost ready!
  8. I've read the old Superbas were long lasting but I never owned one for more than 8 years. We moved and started over with a new dishwasher! I doubt these days they are built like the good old days.👵 Good to hear the Bosch is making you happy!
  9. Sorry to hear your team lost today, Lenda. That really is a bummer. So far Ohio State won big and Michigan plays tonight. Fingers crossed for them!🏈
  10. If I were to shop for a dishwasher I would check out Bosch. My current one is a Kitchenaid to match all the kitchen appliances and it is 12 years old. It will probably die next week now that I've mentioned it! I bought my first dishwasher in the mid 1970's for our first house and it was a Kitchenaid Superba. Anyone remember that name?
  11. Tony @sailingdutchy yes, that was the date we were in Portree! I'm sorry we never met, too. You have some great photos of your day there! Thanks for posting them. Carolyn @Cruising-along thank you also for your lovely photos of Portree.
  12. Yes, I read that on the other thread. Everyone must be on edge waiting for something to happen. Can you imagine being taken off the ship for medical care in a country now at war? I really feel for the passengers.
  13. Thank you for keeping everyone updated. Hoping you all leave Haifa soon. Is Oceania Nautica still sitting there with the Nieuw Statendam?
  14. Melisa, we are all thrilled to read your news. We could certainly use some good news here right about now! Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I hope things continue going the direction you've been praying for.
  15. Celebrity Apex was headed to Haifa but you can see where they made a turn and are headed to a different destination. Apex is purple, Nautica is at Haifa in turquoise and N.S. is yellow but hidden beneath the Nautica symbol.
  16. You could be right about them still sitting there, because even though it appears to be a moving ship, the information given when you click on the ship is odd. It says moving at 102 knots. That's on cruisemapper.com. I do hope they can get out of there quickly!
  17. I notice the Nieuw Statendam and Oceania Nautica appear to be either moving or their engines started. You can tell because they appear as circles when docked and arrow shaped when moving. They were both in Haifa today.
  18. Good morning friends! We had a short shower last night before I went to bed but that's it for rain yesterday. This morning it's 59F and will rise to only 70 with sunny skies expected. Sounds good to me! Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Cheers to the bald and free among us. Does anyone walk anywhere anymore much less to school? I know I had to walk to my elementary school as a child since we lived less than one mile away. We should all appreciate World Smile Day! Can't wait to hear the lasagna variations. 😋 No idea what the cocktail Take 9 is. I'm equally clueless on the wine today. So thanks in advance to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the explanations. Prayers offered up for all on the Care list, my DB, and my friend's DH and DB. She hasn't updated in a few days so of course I'm worried, but hope no news is good news. 🙏 To those celebrating the good things in life we salute you!🥂 Have fun, cruisers!🚢 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the outstanding lists again today! DS and DGS Ren are both in South Bend today visiting Notre Dame. There is a soccer game tonight with Notre Dame playing Duke, so good luck ND! I hear it's broadcasting on ESPN+ but I don't have that. The port today is a group of towns on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. They include Uig-Dunvegan-Armadale-Portree. We spent a lovely day in Portree in 2019 on our beloved Prinsendam. Portree was the destination here on Sept. 6, 2022 (my anniversary!). Here is the link for your convenience in retrieving photos. Hoping everyone traveling stays safe and well, and to all - have a great weekend. And happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian pals! What a wonderful last cruise (for us) that was on the Prinsendam in 2019! We saw many smaller towns as is usual with a small ship. The weather was outstanding! Here's a photo of a tender boat heading into shore. I liked the colorful houses lined up along the slopes of the village. We enjoyed our stroll along the winding streets. The Visitor Center Check out that bench Your typical castle turret hidden up the hill. Loved this view of the Prinsendam outside the harbor. Heading back to the tender dock we spotted these men sorting fresh caught crab. some photos from the tender ride back Loved our time spent in Portree!
  19. Thank you Graham for your posts today. I'm glad you find the photos and descriptions interesting. Congratulations to you and Pauline on the anniversary of your engagement! I hope you both celebrate this important date in some manner. I'm sure you will! Stay safe and especially, stay well! 🤗
  20. Good morning friends! This morning it's 63F and partly cloudy. High will be 79 with a slight chance of a shower at some point. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Today is Come and Take it Day, but I'm not sure what that means so will leave it at that. Any mad hatters out there? Well, I know I can stand behind physician assistant day! As for the quote, I think just reading a lot to your kids makes them intelligent and it doesn't have to be fairy tales. Worked with my kids and grandkids. As for the poached cod and tomato curry, uh, no thanks. Poached anything and curry rule that out for me! An interesting name for a cocktail, and I don't drink red wine. I can recall getting my polio vaccine in 1956, and that there was a lot of fear about polio during my early years. Nice to see Missouri native Harry Truman on this day in history. I want to say thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their excellent reports each day. Prayers for the many friends here on the Daily and their families who are in need of them, including my DB and my friend Susan's DH and DB. I'm glad to hear of improvement by some and continue to pray for relief for all.🙏 Congrats to those on the Celebration list, and especially those cruising or getting on a ship in the coming days. 🚢🥂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your hard work on the lists each day. I hope your leg pain didn't wake you last night!🤞 The destination today is Albany in Western Australia. This is often a stop on an Australian circumnavigation. I recommend that cruise if you get down under. We had Albany as our port of the day on August 6, 2021 and March 26, 2022 so the links will be posted below for you. We were there in 2017 on Sun Princess on our Australian circumnavigation. Thanks in advance for everyone's photos of Albany, WA! Hoping all here have a great Friday and wonderful start to your weekend. Today's port of Albany, Australia was a nice place to visit. We got off the Sun Princess in October, 2017 during our circumnavigation of Australia cruise and walked around the city. It has a small town atmosphere. Along the waterfront Heading to the downtown streets St. John the Evangelist church The shopping district There were some vendors who had set up shop in this grassy lot so spent some time looking around there. Woodworkers, knitters, and the like. There was a bus stop nearby where we could ride back to the ship, and as we walked there we saw this sign. Watch out for the magpies! We ran across a bagpiper in Albany. I like to take photos of menu boards outside restaurants and bars. It says "Buy 1 beer for the price of 2, and get your 2nd beer FREE!! Mail carriers around the world always interest me. The Albany War Memorial This monument lists those who died in WW1, WW2, Korean War and Vietnam War. When we left the Sun Princess earlier in the day we noticed a fire truck at the marina. Somebody was having a bad morning! That's it for today!
  21. Thank you Graham. I'm glad you enjoyed them! Congratulations on your honor being nominated as a compassionate leader! That must feel so good! A week ago I read that Georgia required a prescription for the RSV vaccination, but when I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask some questions the tech said that was no longer true, that it had just changed. With my chronic cough not getting better (just the opposite) I am considering getting a shot. DH has no problems with his lungs at all and probably wouldn't. We both get flu shots every year though. Paul, on our 2017 cruises around Australia, Tasmania, PNG, and NZ we had four sets of table mates at dinner due to the various cruises passengers coming and going. One set arrived and sat at our table, and an Aussie farmer (he told us all his occupation immediately) started a rant upon finding out we were Americans. It had to do with the second amendment. DH told him that was enough and he was welcome to leave our table if he couldn't hold his tongue. He never mentioned it again but he certainly wasn't our favorite table mate ever. 🙄 Who wants tense conversations during dinner?? Jacqui, I love the canal boat tours! I hope you have a most enjoyable journey this time.😊 Glad to hear the transfer went smoothly and you are settling in on Crystal Serenity. We're all following along! Tony, I love the fall colors photos, and the garden being put to bed for the winter. The turkeys are awesome! We used to see them in Missouri but they are seen only rarely in my neighborhood here in Georgia. One time in Missouri a mama turkey and her babies strutted through my back yard. Adorable! Vanessa, I'm sorry to hear about the stomach problems after your dinner last night. Not fun at all! Not to mention the leg pain at night. I remember having leg pain last year and no one could pin point why (physical therapist thought it was a Baker's cyst). Well, last winter it went away completely! I am so thankful for that. Praying for relief for you soon! So nice about the pink roses. 🥰 Ann, the flower pictures are gorgeous! What a beautiful day. Amazing about Long John Silvers service. After my hair appointment this morning, and DH had done a lot of errand running during it, we stopped at Arby's to see if they had any roast beef. If you recall, earlier this week someone (sorry, can't remember which of us) stopped at Arby's and they were OUT of ROAST BEEF! Well, ours had some and there was a huge serving of it on our sandwiches, but honestly we both thought there wasn't much taste to our it. Even the barbecue sauce I put on it didn't help. We don't eat there often at all, but I remember them tasting so much better back then. Guess I'll stick with chicken at Chick-fil-A.🐔 I'm sorry to hear about that arm pain caused by the nerve. It sounds pretty bad and I wish there was something they could do to help you. Good night all!
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