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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Well said Graham. Hoping this team is a bit more mature.⚽ Thank also to you @grapau27 and Jacqui @kazu for your compassion for Mark. I don't know him personally but have known his sister, my DF, for 13 years. She has had her share of heartbreak with the loss of her only child at 4 years of age. So sad.🙏
  2. Enjoy your day! You are in for a treat in Bordeaux. We spent an overnight there once (at least once) on the Prinsendam. It's a beautiful city. I hope you are docked at the dock right in the heart of town. I love this picture. Look at the reflection of the sun in the water. Amazing!
  3. Good morning friends! I have a temp of 69F with cloudy skies. It will be about 86 later and who knows what will happen with the rain? Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report today! I think fresh veggies are great though my DD would turn most of them down. 🤷‍♀️ Waterfalls are lovely, sometimes amazing, and soothing. Three cheers for our nursing assistants! I like the quote and will find something else to eat besides fluke with coconut rice and pickled onions. 😬 The name of the drink of the day is quite unique! And I'm sure the cabernet sauvignon is great. Interesting event in history today and I was 13 years old then so do remember it. Prayers for our friends and family on the Care list. 🙏 My dear friend told me the doctor is unable to help her DB with a stent to help his bile duct numbers lower. Therefore there is nothing else that can be done. I'm doubling up on prayers for all of them. Congratulations to all on that Celebration list! Enjoy the good news in your life and the cruises wherever they may go. DS, DDIL and Ren are heading to Dallas this afternoon for the MLS Next Cup. First game is 8:30 am central tomorrow. I hear the team they play first is the one that was so brutal in Orlando in 2021 (?). A Los Angeles team. I hope they aren't attacking the opposing team anymore.🙏 Today's port of the day is Airlie Beach, Queensland Australia and I'm happy to say it's a brand new port. I haven't been at that port before so will be excited to see some photos today. It must be a beautiful spot being in Queensland. I have no links or photos to print today. Have a great Friday!
  4. I contacted my friend about her brother for a report. She says he has a very important doctor appointment today that is crucial to whether he gets to go forward with treatment or go into hospice care. This is his last hope. I'm hoping the news is positive but will have to wait and see. Annie @marshhawk I hope Chuck's @catmando's doctor appointment went well. I bet he was happy to hear about Chuck giving up smoking! Terry @smitty34877 nice to hear your family has a good sense of humor. It really helps to keep spirits lifted. Gerry @ger_77 happy birthday wishes to your DS today!🎂 @St Pete Cruiser how sad to hear your friend passed away after/during his visit north. Thank you for what you said about my port photos and your comments about port talks. I agree, I miss them a lot! Susan @durangoscots wow, it's really been cold there in the mornings! Excellent news about Bandit being back to his usual self. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for your photos and memes today. The texting feral cat cracked me up for some reason.😂 Melanie @puppycanducruise I enjoyed hearing your short review of your cruise. Ringaskiddy for Cork must be a new port. Yes, slow wine service is so annoying. The old ways having wine sommeliers around was the best!🍷 Jack @Heartgrove I like the general color scheme of your home and will want to see a new photo once the paint job is finished. I think the earth tones are my favorite too. The house is very pretty! I hope you get somewhere with the insurance company on the roof. Lorraine @cruising sister glad to hear you will continue on with living your life without caring what that busybody has to say about it. Maybe she will wander off to annoy someone else tomorrow. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the mowing wasn't too taxing on you today. Sounds like an RA med shot is needed pronto! Paul @kochleffel congratulations on your Panama Canal booking! Laura @Horizon chaser 1957 I love all your nature photos today! And Brenda @bennybear as always, beautiful photos from you and DH too! Bruce @aliaschief sounds like a great day for you, and thanks for your travel photos taken during your winery tours. @RedneckBob I got it. That was a tiny one. 🐍 Mary Kay @cruzn single I'm glad you are getting a little better, and can't imagine going without my glasses for more than even one day. Good on you! That is a big decision to make about moving to a place with more help if you need it and it can't have been easy to make. But now that you have I bet you find a way to get resettled and will breathe a sigh of relief. That senior relocation company is such a good idea! When you're all moved I hope you have some cruises booked to look forward to.🚢
  5. Thank you Graham. I bet you'd enjoy seeing some of my cruise photo books then. It really helps to keep the memories fresh.
  6. Good morning friends! Things are calm here right now and 66F, but we have at least a 50% chance of rain all day long and a high of 78. I hope the weather is nice wherever you are.😎 Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report this morning. I always appreciate nature photographs, like prunes, and love to see a smile! I like the quote, and I believe the meal suggestion will be popular. No idea what a journeyman cocktail is. I'll appreciate an explanation of the wine so thanks to Ann @cat shepard for that. Many thanks also to Debbie @dfish and Dixie @summer slope for the recipes and drink mixing instructions. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebration lists today. I'm going to be contacting my friend about her brother Mark's bile numbers. Hopefully they are down and he can start that new chemo treatment. Thank you for including him. Also, my DB says he is feeling better lately with his new meds (provided by a grant) except for the predicted side effects. Thank you for including him too. Prayers for everyone here in need of them.🙏 Congratulations to everyone on our Celebration list or experiencing happy events this week!🥂 And hurray for the cruisers!🚢 Congrats also to the winners of the Congressional baseball game last night. ⚾ Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland was our port of the day on Sept. 20, 2021 and Nov. 1, 2022. Links to those dates are below. I have been there twice - in 2015 on Caribbean Princess and in 2022 on Island Princess. My photos from 2015 are included after the links. We arrived in Lerwick on Sept. 8, 2015 on Caribbean Princess and tendered over to Victoria Pier The first thing that caught our eye was a zebra-striped accommodation barge used to house workers building the Shetland Gas Plant. It's no longer there since the project was completed several years back. We had scheduled a tour of the Jarlshof Ruins and the Hoswick Visitor Center. Excuse the photos taken from the bus window of the countryside. Our driver told us Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick own property here. I have no way of verifying that information, but it would be a perfect place to get away from it all. The Hoswick Visitor Center had a lot of very old radios and other communication equipment, along with textiles and other odds and ends. Seemed an odd collection to me. Most of us thought the scenery outside more interesting so went out to take some photos before time to move on to the Jarlshof Ruins. Scenery like this and this Back in the bus for the drive to the Ruins we saw lovely beaches which were dotted with seals, surprisingly. The guide passed around photos and other information while en route. In order to reach the Ruins we had to cross a runway at Sumburgh Airport! Arriving at Jarlshof Ruins This photo shows outlines of some of their huts and other buildings. This would have been where the fire was in their rocky home. And some of the walls Leaving the site, we stopped to enjoy a few of the Shetland ponies next to the walkway. We were back in Lerwick on June 9, 2022 on Island Princess. We walked around the town a bit then got instructions on how to get to Tesco to do a little shopping. I was surprised to see this hospital with the funeral director in the same building! 😳 We had quite a little walk to get to the Tesco but on a cruise you can always use the exercise. After we picked up some goodies for our waiters and bar staff favorites, we stopped to see the Lerwick Town Hall. Then passed by this monument. And then we found the very conveniently located Fort Charlotte Island Princess is in the back of this photo. DH always has his photo taken with a cannon. Back to the dock area to get on a tender. Hoping everyone here has a wonderful Thursday. Stay safe and well!
  7. Roy, happy heavenly birthday to your DB who would have been 82 today. I'm sure seeing this new photo today on his birthday was very much appreciated and welcomed. Linda @lindaler sorry about your extra long hike in the heat the other day. I've been watching the weather near you this week because my 3 eldest DGKids are in Gulf Shores, Alabama all week with their Dad on vacation. I hope the stormy weather in the south still allows them some fun times at the beach. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser that was a nice flag cake you made in 2020. Lots of icing too which I like. 😋
  8. What an ungrateful cousin not to accept the book you went to so much trouble to make. It takes all kinds! Praying for strength for you both as you go through this. Really? I didn't know that. That's all I need. 🙄 The fog adds a new dimension to the town. At least you got there which is a good thing. Safe travels Sharon and Craig!
  9. Nancy, as I read your post I remembered that yesterday I had an itchy place on my neck behind my ear. I just went and looked with my hand mirror and have a patch of itchy red skin there. I'm feeling like I'm back in Red Bay again. I just put some itch cream on it. Too bad my dermatologist appointment isn't for another three weeks because I'd like to show her. Graham @grapau27 I didn't notice a problem with insects while on my Panama Canal cruise either. We went in March of 2016 on Westerdam.
  10. That sounds much better than 89. You will enjoy lounging in your back garden with temps like that. Wear your sunscreen!😎 I'm also glad we had no problems in Tampa with fog the 10th of February or you would have been delayed boarding. I'm especially thankful we got to see Key West the second try. We were on Rotterdam for a total of 21 days that cruise. My DGD goes to college in Tampa but wasn't yet a student there in 2019. It would have been nice to visit with her while were in town, especially an extra night like what happened on Feb. 3.🌫️
  11. Good morning friends! I have a temp of 67F currently with a high of 77 and thunderstorms during the day. We should be on the lookout for possible tornado warnings as well. A good day to stay safe inside. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report this day! I send out a big salute to my country's flag! I don't drink bourbon. It would be great to know more about my family's history. And congrats to the Army on their day of honor. My dear Father was in the Army in both Europe and Japan in WWII. Today's quote is a nice one. I have a feeling today's meal suggestion is too much for me. A fruity cocktail!🍹 And another Chardonnay for everyone to enjoy. That's an interesting day in history. Coincidentally I heard today will be the Congressional baseball game in Washington. Good luck to my team and I'm not saying which side I root for! 😉 Thanks to our team, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, Ann @cat shepard, and Vanessa @JazzyV for the food, beverage and Care and Celebration list keeping. Many prayers for all on the Care list especially Dixie who is not feeling well, and Terry's DH Lou @smitty34877 who is awaiting his surgery.🙏 Also @srdancer, Mary Kay @cruzn single and Pope Francis. Congratulations to all on the Celebration list! 🥂 Hoping Chuck @catmando is doing okay with giving up smoking. What a wonderful gift to himself. Also want to welcome home Melanie @puppycanducruise because I may have forgotten to do so yesterday. Our port this morning is Red Bay in Labrador Canada. That was also our port of the day on June 24, 2021 and Dec. 7, 2022. Below are the links to those dates for your convenience in retrieving photos. My own photos follow. And since the date I went there I have purchased bug netting for both of us to put over our hat which will help to keep us comfortable on our next visit in Red Bay (August 2023). We were there on Aug. 26, 2018 on the Seabourn Quest on our Iceland/Greenland/Canada cruise. What a fabulous itinerary! I would do that again! Red Bay was the buggiest place I'd ever visited. Even with bug spray on they found a couple of spots to bite me on the back of the neck near both ears. My hair was covering it too. The following day I found all those itchy red spots hiding out back there. Here you go: A cute church There was a hiking trail on this peninsula that some of the passengers hiked on. Not me! A close up of a viewing platform at the trail's end. A view back to the town from the ship. All day long there was a whale surfacing in that bay, first along the dock area where the tenders went and then alongside the ship in the afternoon. Unfortunately he was too fast for me because I never got him in a photo. Just lots of pictures of the water! Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  12. I hope the appointments went well today and am thankful to hear the surgery is scheduled in less than 2 weeks. Keeping you all in our prayers! That sounds very warm, Graham! Was it really that hot today? We were there with you Nancy! Were you on the Feb. 3 cruise, too? We were supposed to leave Tampa and be in Key West on the 4th but due to fog closures in Tampa Bay we spent the night at the dock in Tampa. Then skipped Key West on the 4th. Thank goodness we were on the following cruise with you and made it to Key West for the first and only time on Feb. 11th. It was an enjoyable day and I wish we'd tried a Key Lime pie on a stick covered in chocolate! Here's sunset after leaving Key West 2/11/2019. Congrats to your niece on her engagement as well as the graduating niece. Very nice of them to have a surprise retirement party for DH as well. I hope you enjoyed the beautiful state of Michigan! Looks like a very nice spread. However I cannot even look at the oysters. No way! Sorry to hear about the service last night but I hope the food made up for it. Yes, you have to keep up with those baby pine trees! They grow like weeds. Keep pulling them up or yes, you will have a forest in the yard for sure. Did you get any rain today? They predicted rain all day and we ended up with a few drops at 2 pm. Typical weather report. Like the others I recognize that library from the older Princess ships. Very distinctive. You two are so kind to your elderly friends! I'm not surprised though. They are lucky to know you! I really want to replace deck boards and update the handrails and trim on our deck like you're doing with your deck. I just need to get someone out here to take a look and do some research on what composite to pick. The deck at the house before this house was composite but I don't remember which type. All you needed to do each year is wash off the dirt and black/green grunge. Lots easier than restaining, etc. We have to get permission on colors, materials, etc. before we change anything though. Good for you Graham! Who among us hasn't driven a little over the speed limit once in a while, try as we might to be law abiding citizens? Lol! It doesn't hurt to have a refresher course every once in a while.😉
  13. Good morning friends! We have 60F and some sun this morning. Should reach 80 with some clouds and possible afternoon rain. We may run to the grocery for some important food/wine deficiencies.😋 I hear the big lawn mowers starting up down the street already today. They are trying to keep on schedule with rain in the forecast every day for a while coming up. Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report this morning. Let's see, we have weed your garden day, sewing machine day and world softball day. I won't be getting involved in any of those activities on this date. Some other time! The chicken verde quesadilla sounds interesting, no thanks to the drink or wine. Thanks go to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their reports on those items. As for the day in history, wow that is a long time alliance! Prayers for the Care list today and thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for handling that again today.🙏 Hope you had a successful doctor visit yesterday. Cheers to those on the Celebration list! Have a great cruise and/or happy event! 🥂🚢 Today's port of Key West is a popular one and getting harder to get into anymore due to limitations on cruise ship visits. We were there in 2019 on the Rotterdam. The port was listed here on June 26, 2021 and Dec. 23, 2022. I've copied and pasted the links for anyone needing them for photos. Here is what I posted last December about why I didn't post photos the first time. I see it was a very busy day for me and I didn't post any photos (June 26). We were in St. Louis attending DGS Ren's soccer tournament there, so I didn't get here to the Daily until later in the day (they won by the way). I'm sure there will be plenty of nice photos posted today by others so no worries. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Tuesday!
  14. Lenda, sorry to hear about the storm damage and mess left over from last night's storm. Fly-away shutters can cause a lot of damage if you're unlucky. My DD's siding on her home was damaged and a light fixture broken when her next door neighbor's shutter flew off and into DD's home. The neighbor just came over and picked it up and didn't offer to pay for damages at all. She said they are having to pay for $1800 in damages instead of making a claim on their insurance. And the color of the siding doesn't match any longer after 11 years fading. Also she's replacing all 5 outdoor lights to match so that adds up too. 🙄 Chuck, enjoy that Cajun dinner tonight! I'm happy to hear of your decision today to stop smoking. Best of luck to you! And thank you for that majestic photo from Ketchikan.⛰️ Hope you continue to heal from the spider bite and are soon 100%!🙏 Vanessa, good luck with your nerve conduction/EMG study and shopping excursion later today. Hoping the results are favorable in all ways.🙂
  15. Excellent photos today Bruce @aliaschief. Get that power nap in so you can enjoy this special evening on your cruise.
  16. Good morning friends! We've had off and on rain all night but right now it's sunny and 65. It will be a mix of clouds, sun, and rain today with a high of 82. But most importantly,today is Chuck @catmando's 73rd birthday! Happy Birthday Chuck! Hope it's a great day and you enjoy many more of them! Thanks to Rich @richwmn for our posting of the Daily and Fleet Report this morning. We have some interesting days listed such as National Jerky Day (don't eat it), National Peanut Butter Cookie Day (like peanut butter but not the cookies), and Red Rose Day. I love roses, red or otherwise! 🌹 I like the quote, and find the Day in History an amazing amount of counts to be indicted on. Whew! I'm sure Easy Pad Thai will be popular among us and I'm betting Debbie @dfish will have some nice recipes to show us. The drink Green Eyed Ginger sounds confusing and we have another Pinot Noir this morning. Thanks ahead of time to Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their reports. Prayers said for our Care list people and others around the world in need. I hope Dixie @summer slope is feeling better this week. 🙏 Congratulations to those on the Celebration list. We hope the cruisers are having a fun time and smooth seas.🥂🚢 Port of the day is Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Isn't that a type of resort town in Egypt? I haven't been there before and it's really okay if I don't see it. Just being realistic here! Anyway we had that port on Nov. 6, 2021 and Oct. 23, 2022 so the links are below. Thanks in advance for your photos everyone! Hoping everyone has a safe and happy day, even if it's a Monday!
  17. I've been off the Daily all day and am now catching up. Looks like everyone had a great day of it. Only thing new to report here is since the afternoon was so sunshiney I had DH put the mailbox back up. The finish is cured enough even if it rains all night long. Looks fantastic! Graham @grapau27 I'm glad you and Pauline had a beautiful week there in one of my two favorite countries to cruise to. Don't expect that every time because you were blessed this time!😂 Your aft cabin looks so nice and I'm happy you both enjoyed it so much. 😎
  18. I'm glad Nancy @ottahand7 mentioned your photos Tina or I would have missed them. They were added after I read your post. They are lovely photos and I'm sure a good day was had by all along with you. Stunning! Hoping Jacqui adds some photos too.
  19. Good morning friends! You are correct Tina. We still have another week until we honor the Fathers out there. But thank you Rich @richwmn for starting us out with our Daily and Fleet Report. We are awaiting the rains this morning, temp is 65F and will rise to 83. Interesting quote today. I'm sure many will indulge in some corn on the cob for our summer meal today. A salute to King Kamehameha and Jacques Cousteau. Another salmon dish for those who love it, the drink sounds odd, and I have no clue what type of wine that is either. This day in history is one of the big ones! That committee did some important work. Prayers for our Care list folks. 🙏 Hoping for much improvement for everyone. Three cheers to the Celebration list people and we hope you have a fun time at your special events and cruising.🎂🥂🚢 I'm waiting until tomorrow for a certain someone's big day! Thanks go out to Vanessa @JazzyV, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for all the reports and lists. The port today is Seville, Spain and is a first for that one. No links or photos to move over (for me since I haven't gone that far from Cadiz). Bruce @aliaschief was just there on Azamara, right? Let's try to stick with Seville photos today only. I'm sure several of you have gone there on tours. Looking forward to all those photos! Have a wonderful day today and stay safe. I'm not a fan of rain but we could use some today so I won't whine.
  20. Annie @marshhawk Debbie says it's at Golden Beach, overlooking Traverse Bay, Michigan. A beautiful part of the fantastic state of Michigan.
  21. We received an upsell offer two days ago for our July 29 cruise on Zaandam. We were 50 days out.
  22. Well I waited until the mail carrier drove by (no mail) and we took the mailbox off the post in just minutes. I wiped it down again with a damp cloth. Then I put on my gloves and opened a sealed packet of Rust-oleum Recolor wipes and began wiping it on. After a few minutes, I went out to the post and did that, the newspaper box and the scrollwork. Then I went onto the front porch and wiped down the black metal bistro table and two chairs. That about took care of one wipe. What a deal! I'll show you how bad the mailbox looked and how much better afterward. This is the product I use. I only buy the package if it says it has 6 individually sealed wipes, not the old method that had a 2 oz. bottle of fluid to replenish your wipe with. Before: Gosh such large photos! After: Not bad for five minutes work. Rain is expected tomorrow so I will leave it inside until Monday morning. The post I can cover with plastic and tape closed. I don't want the finish marred until it has 24 hours to set. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it's too bad you couldn't remove the shutters and keep them under cover a few days. That makes it a much bigger job though! Jack @Heartgrove great news on Sue's test results. A big relief I'm sure. Graham your food porn looks delicious! I bet you enjoyed it a lot. Very nice Bruce! You are certainly enjoying this cruise. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy 60th Denise! I hope you enjoy many, many more birthdays.🎂🎈 I'm very happy to hear you enjoy Mobile so much. It was a great move for you, especially with family there. Stay busy, it will keep you young! I hope you're feeling somewhat better this afternoon. What a shame the plaque has the wrong year on it, but I bet it can be worked out. Still it was very nice of them to do that. That is very exciting! I hope embarkation was easy. We will be embarking in Boston July 29 so starting to get excited about that.
  23. Good morning friends! I'm enjoying clear skies, a temp of 54 now but it will hit about 87 later today. Getting a little too warm! Hoping everyone is seeing clearer skies this weekend. Also let's hope all the fires are out soon. Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report! I like all the days - ball point pens, herbs and spices, and iced tea. I will have some of my peach iced tea later on. A nice quote by Maya Angelou. The beef and spinach lo mein is a different take on it. I will pass on the bourbon sour and the pinot noir. Thanks today to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their food and beverage reports. This day in history took it's own sweet time in becoming law in the U.S. Amazing to think a woman doing the same job as a man would be paid less than a man. I'm hopeful there are still not cases where that would happen.✌️ Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for her presentation of the Care and Celebration lists. It's a good reminder to send prayers or good thoughts to those in need of support. 🙏Sorry to hear the bad news from @srdancer and @SusieKIslandGirl's half sister. Hoping for better news from them soon. Thankful to see many on the Celebration list and those who are cruising.🥂 I hope many more of us get out there on a ship in the near future.🚢 Hoping Debbie and Sue plus siblings are enjoying time at that beautiful beach house. Reminds me of Maine Cabin Masters episodes with the homes sitting right on a pristine lake. Enjoy! The port of the day is Lembar, Lombok Indonesia which we have seen here before twice, Aug. 24, 2021 and June 16, 2022. I have not been to that Indonesian port before. Here are the links if you have been before and posted photos back then. Thank you in advance for all the photos presented here later. Hoping everyone here has a safe and happy Saturday!
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