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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Oh no, Annie! Doesn't sound like fun with Noro and bronchitis. Sorry about that bad weather, too. I hope you're feeling much better by now. Take care of yourself! Glad you liked the photo of the cabana. I think the color combination was gorgeous for a beach house. Wasn't that Cabana D in @GTVCRUISER's collage?
  2. Feeling better today Ann. Thanks for asking. Looks really good. Thanks for the photos and recipes. I hope you have an early surgery and quick healing! Yes we were there on Volendam, but didn't see you. I think you were hiding in your cabana!😆
  3. Way to go Terri! Now if you can just get through Wednesday and everything goes as planned, you will finally be able to dry your clothes on laundry day! Graham, I don't know this actor but 58 is way too young to go. Sympathy to his grieving family and friends.
  4. Good morning friends! It's 61F and cloudy. We expect rain today and 68 for a high. We were able to go outside to walk this morning because there was a lull between overnight showers and the upcoming rain storms. Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report today. I like picking up lucky pennies, turtles and preserving their habitat, and have no feelings at all toward taffy. Thanks Tina @0106 for your explanation of the quote of the day. The stir-fry sure sounds different. I like most stir fries. No thanks to the drink or wine. Thanks in advance to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard. Thanks to Eva @superoma for taking care of the lists even with all that's going on in her life. Prayers for all our Care list people. Debbie @dfish isn't your surgery tomorrow? Prayers started for you and the surgeon and that all goes as planned.🙏 Three cheers to all on the Celebration list! 🥂🎉 Smooth seas to all our cruisers. Our port of the day is the ever popular Half Moon Cay in the Bahamas. We had that port listed here twice on June 28, 2021 and Oct. 11, 2022. I have been there 3 times on BHB's. Here are the links and just a couple photos from HMC. Here are a couple of photos from our first time there in 2016 on Westerdam. We parked ourselves under some trees in front of this lovely cabana/beach house. Hoping everyone has a good day! Stay safe and healthy y'all!
  5. Ann @Vict0riann I'm sorry to hear Pat is experiencing an infection after his surgery. Hopefully the antibiotics do their job and he is right as rain by the weekend. Have a wonderful belated 60th wedding anniversary!🥂🎉 Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for sharing your photos with us. They're great! I remember from our first trip up the fjord to Geiranger, the ship stopping and people getting off to visit Hellesylt, then meeting up with the ship later in Geiranger. As I recall they arrived by bus so there must be a road along there, just like you thought. As for my tummy, I am doing much better this afternoon. It seems to flare up at times then I'm okay for a while. It's the ache in the stomach and nausea that gets me. Carolyn, @Cruising-along thanks for your concern. As I just told Lenda, I'm doing well right now. I'm just too sensitive! Thanks for your photos too. Think how lucky we all are to have traveled to that fjord in Norway and witnessed the beauty there firsthand! Brenda @bennybear thanks for your photos too! Terri @Cruzin Terri really have my fingers crossed the squeaky wheel gets greased, and that your visit to the appliance store got a resolution to your dryer problem.
  6. Graham, good to hear you're going up the fjords soon since I know you two like sunshine, warm temps and shopping opportunities. They are stunning! But try to book Geiranger before Norway forbids the larger ships from going there. I read on CC Hammerfest is going to stop them before long. I had to share a few of your memes with my dear Twin this morning. We agree, everything hurts! Thanks for posting! Thank you Ann. Changes in my routine or stress are a problem for my system.
  7. I can recall two visits to Geirangerfjord and the town of Geiranger. It's one of the most beautiful views in Norway, which is saying a lot! The first time was on Crown Princess in 2013 with friends and we had just planned to walk around the town. That was very enjoyable, but the second time we went there on the Prinsendam in 2016 on "the best Norway cruise ever", we arranged ahead of time for tickets to be picked up at the visitor's center for a bus ride up to Mt. Dalsnibba. This was the cruise with our favorite master, Captain D. D. In 2013 we enjoyed the waterfall that runs down the mountain right through the town and out to the fjord. The Crown Princess looked like it was literally right on the shore line but it wasn't as close as it appeared. It was actually THAT far away. Lots of campers come here. Look how green this place is. Pretty far up the hill is this information hub called the Norsk Fjordsenter. A home along our route back downhill. In 2016 on our bus ride up the mountain. A view of the road we were on from the top. And here's the money shot, the view everyone comes here to see. coming back downhill. And a stop halfway down the hill at an overlook. While going through Geirangerfjord on our way out we stopped to see the Seven Sisters waterfall and the Suitor waterfall. They are almost directly across the fjord from each other. This is the Suitor who was allegedly rejected by the Seven Sisters. Looks like he took to the bottle, doesn't it? And here are the Seven Sisters. It's absolutely beautiful. You MUST come here!
  8. Good morning friends! It's a muggy 65F outside, cloudy with rain expected this morning and a high of only 71. I started on our morning walk outside (still no treadmill repair), but every day my stomach is hurting me so I didn't go far and let DH continue on without me. Maybe it was the big change in schedule last week that is upsetting my system. Thank you Rich @richwmn for posting our Daily and Fleet Report for us today! Our days of celebration are buy a musical instrument which I really don't need since I don't play one. National Maritime Day is a great way to honor the Merchant Marine (had to look that one up). Also World Goth Day which I have no connection with at all. The Groucho Marx quote is a funny one, but I hope it's not true for you! It was a sad day when Johnny Carson left late night TV. He was a good guy and everybody could watch him and not be offended like they are these days. Or at least 50% of us! The meal is okay but I'll pass on the eggplant. No thanks to a White Russion🍹 or a Pinot Noir. 🍷 Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the Food and Beverage Department reports. Prayers for the Care list people. Wouldn't it be great if everyone's health suddently improved and no one needed prayers? I'll need to pray for that, too.🙏 Congrats to those on the Celebration list. I hope all your cruises, and happy times continue that way🥂🎉 Our port of the day is Geiranger, Norway. This is a very popular port of call especially with me! I noticed we have had Geiranger here before twice, and also Cruising Geirangerfjord once. Everyone just posts their photos of both since if you're going to cruise down the fjord you're no doubt going to stop there in town too. The first link in April 2021 is cruising the fjord, the other two are Geiranger itself. Feel free to post your photos. I am such a fan of Geiranger! I have to post a couple photos of our time there in 2016 on the Prinsendam. It was our second visit, the first was in 2013. If you can book a Norway cruise including Geiranger, please do!! Standing above the town and fjord. The ship in the foreground is not the Prinsendam. It was named the Pullmantur Monarch. Halfway up the mountain the view of Geiranger. And from the top of Mt. Dalsnibba Amazing!! Snow still on the ground in late June. On our way up the mountain I saw this tourist enjoying the snow. Maybe she'd never been in snow before! Thinking back to our times spent in Geiranger I wanted to show more photos of the little town itself. It's located at the end of Geirangerfjord. This zoomed in shot shows the campgrounds at the water's edge and the waterfall down the hillside. Tenders running back and forth between the dock and the ships. We walked up the hillside road to the Norsk Fjorsenter, a museum about the area. Next post will be what I posted on Cruising Geirangerfjord day. Hopefully not too many repeats. Hope you all have a great Monday. Stay safe and well!
  9. Good morning friends! This morning's weather report is 64, partly cloudy with a chance of occasional showers this afternoon and a high of 77. Thanks to Rich for today's Fleet Report and Daily. Several worthy days to celebrate. The American Red Cross Founder's Day honors the organization and its founder, Clara Barton. I also think waiters and waitresses should be appreciated for that difficult job. I was a waitress at around age 16 for a couple years while in high school and you really have to be on your toes. I suppose memos can be an important method of communication but not as important to me as some of the other days we've celebrated. I am interested in hearing about the spicy fried "chicken" sandwich. Are we going to be fooled into thinking tofu is chicken? The cocktail sounds different, and the wine I have no idea from that name what it is. Another aviator to honor, this time the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic. 🎉 Almost forgot the quote! Very funny about avoiding temptation as we grow older. Some folks never get to that point though as they always seem to find a way to get themselves into trouble. So thanks Rich @richwmn, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for helping us out with those fun facts, menu suggestion, drink and wine today. Prayers for our Care list this morning. Special prayers for Eva @superoma and family as they prepare to lay their Father to rest. Hoping for improvement for all those ailing on the list. 🙏 Hurray for the Celebration list folks, and for Father David back from his pilgrimage. I suppose Annie @marshhawk is disembarking today in Vancouver so we may see her home shortly unless I missed a post-cruise vacation mentioned. Cheers to you all!🥂 Today's port is Tangier, Morocco which our leader Rich has posted photos of this morning after his recent visit. We had that port on Dec. 23, 2021 and Jan. 16, 2022 so here are the links to grab your photos if you have some there. Thanks for sharing with us, and interesting to hear it is cleaner than Casablanca Jacqui @kazu. I have not been there before but would love to have the opportunity. Hope you all have a great Sunday. Stay safe!
  10. I happened to be updating my ports of the day spreadsheet and made a discovery. We have had Tolanaro, Madagascar as port of the day before. We had it on March 7, 2021 and May 18, 2022, but when I searched for it this morning I used a different spelling - Tolagnaro. That's how it was spelled this morning on the Daily and Fleet Report and I didn't double check the spelling. So sorry for the confusion. Here are the links.
  11. Good morning friends! We had that strange weather phenomenom again this morning. Temp was in low 60's and no rain on the radar, but when we stepped outside at 6:15 am you could feel moistness on your face. I do believe our street is high enough that we are in a low cloud. So we walked anyway and our street definitely had moistness on the pavement except under the trees where it was dry. The lower street next to ours was dry. I felt well enough to walk so we did that, then breakfast, and I am very late getting here! Eva @superoma I was very sad to hear of your Father's passing and you finding him yesterday. I agree that having done all the planning ahead of time for you was such a gift. DMIL didn't do that but we and SIL did that when their Mother went into hospice care, and we cleaned out her apartment for her. Then when she did pass away we had most of the work done. That is the hardest time to be making decisions! I hope you can get some rest later today. Just sleep when you can. Hugs to you! Thank you Rich @richwmn for preparing the Daily and Fleet Report. We can celebrate being a Millionaire whether we are or not. Endangered species need our protection and if you bike to work in a big city, you need protection too! Be careful! I'll pass on the menu, the cocktail and the wine today. Jack Benny quotes are always funny! I salute Charles Lindbergh for his first solo nonstop transatlantic flight and his plane the Spirit of St. Louis. He wanted to promote St. Louis and his backers from there. One was Albert Lambert, and that is who the St. Louis airport is named for. Lindbergh Boulevard is a major road in St. Louis, too. IMO they should have named the airport after Lindbergh and the major road after Lambert! But that's just me. Prayers for all our Care list people and Eva is at the top of my list. 🙏 Cheers for the happy celebrants and cruisers. Bon Voyage to Jake @Crazy For Cats and DH. Take care of the Zaandam because that's my next ride in a little over 2 months time. 🥂🎉 Thank you Eva @superoma for posting the lists today. The port of the day is a brand new one - Tolagnaro, Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar. No links and no photos from me or anyone yet. Hope we get to see some. I have to get busy now! I finished the photo book last night but have to review it several times looking for any mistakes or adding any embellishments. Then it can sit in my account and wait for unlimited free pages day to order it. Then, unfortunately I have one more book to work on. The Covid jail cruise on Island Princess last summer. It was 34 days long, so I worked on the shorter cruises I hadn't made books for. After the Island Princess cruise I will be all up to date. I promise I won't ever go that long without finishing the cruise photo book again!
  12. Eva @superoma my deepest condolences on your Father's passing. Prayers for you and your family as you go through this.🙏
  13. Just checking in to say I'm feeling better this afternoon. I went back to bed for several hours this morning. I had lunch and have been working on more photo book pages. Today I've only gotten about 2 1/2 pages finished but yesterday was a productive day with 7 1/2 finished. There are only a few more days left of the Amazon River cruise so I should be finishing in the next couple of days. Thanks to all of you for your concern. Ironically when I got up about 10 am there were a couple of WhatsApp posts from Twin and DB. DB said he felt awful today and hoped some fresh air would help. Twin said she had a sore throat and bad cough and fears she has strep which is going around in that area, and even within her family. This afternoon she said she's doing okay, relaxing and reading. DB has not replied to my queries on how he's doing. Strange how all three of us felt terrible on the same day.🤷‍♀️
  14. Good morning friends. It's 59F and cloudy and will be 74 for a high. It's not supposed to be raining right now, but when we went outside to walk earlier I felt moisture falling on my face and glasses. After about 20 minutes DH went back outside and said it's not raining now so I'm going to walk. I didn't go because I really don't feel well this morning. I had a mostly sleepless night and had a tummy ache so took a pepto bismol tablet. Thought I could walk as we had planned but really don't think so. I need a day of rest! Our port today is Loreto on the Baja peninsula of Mexico. I have not been there before. That port was listed here twice on July 31, 2021 and April 28, 2022. Here are the links: A salute to Boys Club Day, World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day, and Nascar Day. I say no that 3 wrongs don't make a right. No thanks to the cod dish, cocktail or Chilean Red. Interesting day in history. Thank you to Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Rich and Eva for their contributions today to our Daily and Fleet Report. Prayers for our people in need, and cheers to the happy celebrants. I hope to feel better and come back later to see what's happening here. Have a great day!
  15. Laura, you really have been gone a long time! We have missed having you here, and I hope to see you here often (like daily) once you get back into the swing of things at home. ☺️ Karen, it's great to hear how well your DH is doing at his normal PT facility. Sounds like he will do much better there. And I'm glad you got the wheelchair debacle straightened out. Nice someone will bring it back tomorrow. More good news about Bailey doing better. I hope she never feels she's sick and continues to soak up your love. Maureen, that is very sad listening to the Last Call comments. It's the same feeling I get when at the graveside of my loved ones and the military personnel take the flag off the casket, fold it in its 13 Folds triangular shape, then drop to one knee to present it to the closest relative. The thanks they give from a grateful nation always has me in tears. I can feel the tears welling now. DH checked out the treadmill belt. Then he called the manufacturer to find out when our extended warranty expires. Jan. 11, 2024 so we are completely covered for a new belt and the service technician who will come out to install it. We will also be able to extend our warranty again if we wish before it expires in January. Meanwhile, we can walk outside (weather permitting), or use the treadmills at our nearby fitness center. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, thank you for the offer to post the links for the port of the day, and my photos, if any, when we travel. I will let you know what days I will need you to cover. We haven't decided on travel days yet. Nice of you to offer! I've been working hard today on the Amazon cruise photo book and have 4 pages finished already. I can either take it easy this evening or try to finish another page. Today I finished Bridgetown, Barbados, and I still have 6 days left with stops in Aruba, Jamaica and Half Moon Cay. There usually aren't a lot of photos on sea days unless there's some interesting event happening. Back to work I guess.
  16. Thanks for the photos today Vanessa! That bridge photo is beautiful and looks professional. Good luck getting Callie to her vet visit and hope everything is perfect. Special thoughts going out to @1ANGELCAT's Fluff and @summer slope's Bailey.🐈
  17. Our Kroger used to carry them but I haven't looked lately. They put them on the very top shelf so you have to hunt for them. All the mainstream brands of cookies are eye level and below it appears.
  18. Terri, I understand your frustration. Since this company has given you good service in the past, it could be that the damages are happening in the shipping to the appliance store. If they see damage to the box the appliance is in, they should do further investigating ahead of time. That way you wouldn't be stood up at the last minute. I suggest you ask them to check over your appliance as soon as it comes in. This sounds exactly like my niece's refrigerator which is always damaged when unboxed. A $3500 refrigerator!🤷‍♀️
  19. Good morning friends! It is 64F and cloudy. The high will be 72 but drizzle or rain most of the day. Getting off my treadmill this morning I heard a boom upstairs. I thought that could be thunder but I'd better check on DH. He was getting up off the floor by the bed. He said he had leg cramps in both legs so tried to stand on his feet to ease the cramps, and ended up on the wooden floor. I made him stay in bed but after 20 minutes said he was going downstairs to work out. Now he just informed me we may need a new belt on it, and he is going to do some adjustment to it first to see if that helps. It never ends does it? Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report today. Museums are an important part of educating people on many varied subjects. So far no dirty dishes in the sink because they are all in the dishwasher. Sorry, no relatives near us to visit. But we'll do that next week. An interesting quote. The pizza dish sounds good. I don't drink martinis or red wine so will have to pass. Thanks go out to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their upcoming reports. The day in history fact is a nice one. I enjoyed visiting that Theater one time. Prayers for all our Dailyites, their family members and pets who are on the Care list. Hoping for good news from you all. A salute to all on the Celebration list. Hoping our friends on cruises are enjoying themselves and that Vanessa @JazzyV continues to enjoy her vacation. Plus a negative Covid test for her and BFF. Thank you Eva @superoma for handling the lists for us all. The port of the day is New York City, NY. Looks very cold there according to what I see on the news station I watch. We had NY on June 23, 2021 and Feb. 8, 2022 so I'll post those links for you. Hope you enjoy the photos too. New York was on two of our itineraries in the past. Once as an ending to a transatlantic (Caribbean Princess) and we went home immediately. The second time in the middle of a Montreal to Tampa cruise. That time I took a tour and DH stayed on the ship (Rotterdam). I really do enjoy an unusual itinerary like that one. A few of the stops on my New York city tour from our Rotterdam cruise in 2018. Sailing into New York One World Trade Center, on the site of the Twin Towers The Survivor tree, the only tree on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers to make it through the devastation. Mural on wall of fire department across the street. New York Stock Exchange The bull on Wall Street The Statue of Liberty as we were sailing away from New York in the early evening Hoping all of you have a SAFE and happy Thursday!
  20. Well, darn, we just can't seem to get the algae treatment and power wash done! Right before time for Cody to show up it began thundering, lightning and raining very hard. DH went to dial his number and the phone rang. It was Cody calling to reschedule. We will do this again after our graduation weekend trip to Michigan. 🤞 Yesterday I ended up doing 4 pages on the photo book I'm working on. So far today I've done 3.5 pages and will get back to it shortly. Trying to keep up here. This morning when I posted at first I got that message about an update. So I was relieved when we got back on that I only had one post and not duplicates because I refreshed a few times. I hope you don't feel too bad about what happened with the clones but it certainly wasn't your fault. The mods will take care of it eventually. Looks like fun! I remember those days when cooking on deck was allowed. Wish they'd bring that back again. Thanks for your nice photos of your excursion out of Falmouth. I hope the dryer arrives safe and sound. Good luck getting the garage sorted out. Good photos of your time in Jamaica. I think I'll join you in enjoying Roy's menu today! Linda, so sorry to hear about your mishap getting out of the kayak. Hope the bruises go away soon and it's not too painful. Gerry, what a bummer the smoke headed your way. Stay safe inside. And hopefully all those nasty ticks were found. Thanks for your photo collage of Falmouth! Thanks for your photos and information today Roy. Those white trim areas on the courthouse are called quoins if on the walls. The ones above the pillars I'm not sure of. We had quoins on our brick Georgian Colonial in Williamsburg. The masons did a super job on that house but they had lots of experience since all brick homes were common in our area. Vanessa, so sorry to hear you are both feeling stuffy and you have clogged ears too. I hope it's nothing more than a minor cold. Yes, I can sympathize about mail carriers who don't follow instructions on holds. Happens frequently unfortunately. I hope you can continue to get out and enjoy the remainder of your trip! Sounds good! Thanks for showing us your photos. Considering the length of your cruise you did very well! I'm happy to hear Fluff is feeling better now. It was scary when she couldn't breathe. I hope all her remaining days are gentle ones. Sorry this text will have to remain default because I have too much to do and it takes a long time to go back and reset it to a larger size. You'll forgive me I'm sure.😉
  21. Good morning friends! Thank you Rich @richwmn for posting the Fleet Report and Daily this morning. For weather I have a temp of 66F, partly cloudy with possible rain later and a high of 79. Plan today is for the power washer to show up around 2 pm. He was supposed to be here a week or so ago but ran out of time that day. He's doing the house and deck. Yesterday was the exterminating company's termite bait check. We're doing good in that regard. When we moved to Georgia we just put them on retainer you might say. They come quarterly for spraying outside, annually for the termites, and we have a fire ant plan. If anything comes up between visits a call will bring them right out. Pack Rat Day sounds like a good idea. Just hard to get motivated to actually do the work. Maintaining our blood pressure is so important. DH works on that every day. My BP (no meds) is great so I don't worry too much about myself. And a big salute to telecommunicators.👏 I agree with Graham @grapau27 that the meal looks like a pass, but Debbie @dfish might change that opinion. Our drink today sounds like something I drink every day but I don't have alcohol in mine!🍹 The Cabernet Sauvignon is good I'm sure, but I don't drink red wine. 🍷 Thank you Dixie and Ann for your reports. ((Blue bubbles are suddenly elusive for me this morning). Sorry ladies! The two days in history are interesting. Can't comprehend how hard it was for people to survive in a new land back in the 1500's. Today's port is Falmouth, Jamaica. This is the first time posted here for Falmouth. I seem to have a problem with Jamaican ports. First time we were going to Ocho Rios and got diverted to Montego Bay. The next time was February of this year when we were supposed to go to Falmouth but went to Ocho Rios instead. I wonder what port we have to book to get diverted to Falmouth?? At any rate there is no link today since it's a first timer, and no photos for me to post either. Please feel free to post yours! Prayers for our Care list people. Many have come off it lately, but there are still problems for our group. 🙏 Cheers to the Celebration list folks! Happy cruising, too.🥂🚢 Have an excellent day!
  22. Brenda @bennybear your air quality is really, really bad! Please stay in and take precautions not to breathe that air. I hope things improve for your area soon. Well, I've had no pep at all today. My extra hour of "sleep" last night didn't do me any good at all, and I don't drink coffee so have just gotten by at low speed. So I went to the nap room (very dark and quiet) this afternoon and rested. Right after I got up DD called from her drive home from school and told me some great news. Really gave me a boost! Her principal called her in for a chat. Uh-oh, she thought. What did somebody tell their parent something she supposedly said? Nope, good news. The Ohio state test results are back and 100% of her homeroom math students passed the test. Her second 4th grade math class all passed except for two students. One reads at a 2nd grade level so misses half of her math lessons so she can tutored for reading. Another one has terrible learning disabilities but he almost passed! So that gave her a 91% pass rate in that class. I'm so proud of her! She has helped her fellow math teachers so much by them following her methods. Their school has the highest 4th grade math results in the district. I often hear about low test scores across the country in math and English and it's pretty depressing. Just wanted to share some good news today! So far I only have one page finished in the photo book today so way behind. Back to work.
  23. Bruce and Sue @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Happy 31st wedding anniversary!! Thanks to everybody who posts here and for your wonderful support.🤗
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