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Everything posted by StephPS79

  1. Repeated experience shows this to be false.
  2. A couple of things to say. First, we can say it over and over. $82K whatever is not the amount of money lost. It's cycled. No one is dropping $82K in the casino (I mean, some people probably are!) I didn't get 33,000 on my last cruise, but I did get around 11,000 and my out of pocket expense as around $1000. Yes, we can all accept that a comp room is not "free" but "prepaid" as everyone likes to say. I didn't start betting bigger until the last day, and my points went from 6000 to over 11,000 on the last day, and that was the only time I actually didn't lose money. I probably could have gotten more points if the cruise hadn't have ended, with probably about the same budget. However, I'm not blowing through $27,500 dollars, and if I get a room for a comp cruise for the $1K I spent, I've made peace with that, and I had a lot of fun doing it. Point being, you win, you lose. At no time was I down more than $1500 and at no point was I up more that $1500. I'm just playing to have fun with the money I've budgeted to do so. After all that is send - OP was offered a suite and is disappointed?...All offers are for new bookings only. Accept the SUITE and be grateful. Or don't, but being complaining about it seems a bit unreasonable.
  3. I'll say, I don't think I noticed the music at all, which would mean it was played at a level that wasn't disruptive, and that is my only requirement lol. It doesn't matter what it is.
  4. This is always how I've done it. Just statement credit.
  5. Cutting someone off does nothing to prevent someone from drinking purchased liquor in their cabin, which brings us back to the original complaint regarding limiting how much can be purchased.
  6. I think we could argue this mostly to prevent drunk driving, which isn't applicable on a cruise. Of course, if you are exhibiting bad behavior, it's probably best to cut someone off. But expecting not to see drunk people on a cruise seems a bit far fetched.
  7. I agree, it's people ruining it for everyone, and everyone wants Carnival to do something about it, so they are. What suggestions do you have for the above bad behavior you mentioned? Maybe cutting someone off, but that is dicey too. Being visibly inebriated means you shouldn't be served? So no one is allowed to be drunk on a cruise? That doesn't seem realistic.
  8. I hear your frustration, but what basis is there for this claim? Carnival is pretty strict about the 15 limit. Yeah, there are ways around that, and one of them is hitting the limit and then having extra bottles in your cabin. You can't really have it both ways.
  9. Living cruise life to the fullest. 😁
  10. There are still some ships where the aft pool is adults only. Just not all. Glory, for example, has signs at the aft pool for adults only, on most sailings.
  11. There are a more than a few ships that have the aft pool with this restriction removed.
  12. Doesn't just have to be Cheers, you can use OBC for any pre-purchases.
  13. For the money, I'd probably stay put. We have a deck 5 Havana interior on the Horizon for next year, I'm pretty excited about it, and don't see myself spending much time in the cabin. I'd say I'd be willing to pay maybe $250 total to move to a Havana balcony, but think I'd pass for $400.
  14. Aww man, here comes that wave of sadness, the end to vicarious cruising and back to reality without this Live Blog to distract us for a while... Thanks for taking us along again! As always, your Lives are a pleasure to follow.
  15. Argh, the worst! When someone is treating, you say thank you and everything was wonderful! It doesn't matter if it is true or not. I don't mean just cruising, I mean manners in general. I like treating people to dinner, but if they complain about everything, nothing annoys me more. You can voice your criticisms behind my back, like a polite person. I'm fine with that lol.
  16. I can't lie, I love a good Joe Farcus ship! They have lots of...character, lol. Except for the Magic. Man, I hate that brown and green color scheme.
  17. Chiming in on Bimini, I agree you could definitely skip an excursion here. We did do an excursion, for a sunken ship snorkel, and that was tons of fun, but only a few hours. After, we decided to rent a golf cart and drive around the island a bit. You can get to a really nice...park? It has access to a beautiful beach area. Not sure there were any public restrooms or anything out there, so I don't know that I would plan a beach day there, but it was a nice little trip with fantastic views. We stopped at a few of the bars/food places on the way there and back. Overall a fun adventure. I would definitely say we prefer Bimini over Nassau or Freeport. If we ended up there again, I'd probably skip an excursion, and just do the golf cart again, although I probably wouldn't mind checking out Resort World.
  18. I don't care what all the naysayer curmudgeons say, I think Carnival pizza slaps! Especially that Quattro Formaggio. Looks scrump!
  19. Pretty much exactly this. I was going to say this isn't specific to cruising, but pretty much applies in general to everything lol. This is just another way people keep status. Look at Apple. It's "superior" because it costs more and people pay for it to keep that status. In reality, if the product is actually superior is highly debated. And calm down everyone, I'm actually on an iMac right now, I'm not against Apple products.
  20. Are we really splitting hairs on 9.5 cents?...
  21. There won't be any 2024 sailing from Norfolk. Sunshine will come to Norfolk in 2025.
  22. Propulsion issues aren't limited to Carnival.
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