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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. The use of the word "SUGGESTION" is theirs. Not mine. You can read into it all you want.
  2. Okay, I'll type this slowly for ya, how people dress in the MDR or anywhere else, is up to them, NOT ME. I've said that no matter how others dress isn't my problem and it won't ruin my meal or experience in any venue. Even more plainly, YES, this would be acceptable to me, I'm on vacation and don't care, especially what others wear. In fact, it would probably be entertaining to watch all the Karan's heads explode.
  3. And you conveniently left out the fact that Royal's definitions of Casual and Formal are mere suggestions! It is you that has a problem. If Royal doesn't want a woman in a wet bikini or a man in his whitey tighties and shower shoes, they will deal with it. It is you that has the problem, not me! Now, get off my lawn!
  4. The dress code on Royal is a "Suggestion", not a policy or you could say that their policy is a suggestion. Dress as you like, whatever YOUR definition of "Formal" or "Casual" is. I think most of us who don't let the food or experience in the various venues get ruined by other's appearance (within reason) care what people wear. I, for one, will dress as I feel, not what someone else feels I should. Just enjoy your cruise and don't worry what others think!
  5. Yep, their website for investors/shareholders doesn't show any time frames other than submitting the request at least 2 - 3 weeks before the sail date, at least not from what I saw. https://www.rclinvestor.com/contact-us/faqs/shareholder-benefit/
  6. Man O Man, I don't like the looks of the bow. Yes, I understand there are a lot of technical and economical reasons for it. I just don't like its look. Can't wait to sail on her though.
  7. I don't have any Blocks, yet. But, from what I see, I like this much better than the older ones I've seen.
  8. Is it "crap"? Does it not say what it says? Am I making this stuff up? I can't help it if you don't like what it says, but it says it, right? My discussion, not an argument, was/is a cautionary tale, not a statement of fact that everyone that shows up without the 6 months remaining is denied boarding. But, it is there and can be used anytime RCCL wants to. Show up with a bad attitude and less than 6 months remaining on your Passport and see what could happen. And I never said you NEED a passport. But, it says if you use a passport, it must have 6 months remaining. Is there any disputing that? Seems to me that you are the only one arguing here. Oh, and in the many years that I've been posting on cruise social media sites, there have been a few folks that were denied boarding because of not meeting the 6-month rule, I can only imagine the impetus that caused the adverse action. You find them, I'm not because I never said in my post that ANYBODY has been denied boarding because of it. I'm only saying what COULD happen and in past posts in a different thread(s), I've suggested that if someone advises someone to disregard what RCCL say because they don't enforce it or it's easy to get away with it, they at least be totally transparent about it and let them know that there is a policy that does say the opposite or prohibit it and let the person seeking guidance make up their own mind. It's like telling someone that it's okay to bring on more than one bottle of wine per person without telling them that the policy is only one per person. Yes, they probably will get away with it, but it's possible that they may not and if they don't, they just wasted money. So, find someone else to argue with! That is all. Carry on!
  9. Royal can define "valid" any way they want, it's their football, and they make their own rules. And in this case, it says that Passports expire no earlier than 6 months after the cruise ends. However, there was a short time in my life I was a Special Agent for the U.S. Department of Personnel Management doing background investigations for those that wanted/needed a security clearance to work for or continue working for the government. It was official policy that an expired Passport was a valid form of Identification, but, you couldn't travel with an expired Passport. Another, however, many or most folks in here will tell you that that 6-month rule isn't enforced. I don't know, I've always had a valid Passport and I know how it only takes one gungho or ignorant/untrained rent-a-cop at the embarkation terminal to ruin your day/cruise. And it's not just being denied boarding the ship at risk, it's also the very last paragraph, "No refunds will be given to individuals who fail to bring proper documentation". Call me "over-cautious". I'm fine with it. But, I like to think of it like keeping a fire extinguisher in my kitchen. I may never need it, but I have it if I do. NOTE: @GTO-Girl, all of this was not directed directly at you, I quoted you because it's what generated my discussion and thoughts.
  10. It has over and over and over again. But, apparently many of us, including me, don't mind getting down in the weeds and discuss and discuss and discuss when not traveling, doing home maintenance, figuring out what day of the week it is, watching cruise Youtube videos, watching reruns of Murder She Wrote, and shopping, what else is there to do? Well, lots but, I prefer discussing and sometimes learning something.
  11. LOL, it doesn't specifically mention the MDR, that's for sure. However, it's a ship-wide suggestion.
  12. The following is not a quote from anywhere else, just me discussing: A guideline: It is our policy that you follow the definitions of the different types of attire for the various evening activities/venues. Dressing outside of this guideline can or will result in denial of service/admittance. <Adverse action if guidelines aren't followed. In other words, if you don't stay within the guidelines and/or articulated parameters there will be/could be adverse actions. If you do stay within the guidelines, all is well. A Suggestion: We have defined the types of attire that are suggested based on the type of event/venue/activity, period. <No adverse action follows. In other words, we've given you what we feel are the types of clothing that we consider Formal, Smart Casual, and Casual. period. <Nothing follows. But, one thing that we must keep in mind, RCCL, et al, have covered themselves even if you don't follow a suggestion, they can make it up as they go along. They retain the right to make on-the-spot judgments about just about everything, even if not articulated anywhere, and/or things can be changed without notice, and/or the Captian has complete control. This is a quote from the "Guest Health, Safety and Conduct Policy Royal Caribbean Group (Last Updated: February 28, 2023)": www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/guest-conduct-policy.pdf "THIS POLICY IS SUBJECT TO THE CAPTAIN’S OVERRIDING AUTHORITY UNDER NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL LAW TO MAKE AND EXECUTE DECISIONS WHICH, IN THE CAPTAIN’S SOLE PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT, ARE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY OF THE SHIP. The terms of this Policy are valid from the date shown above, and will remain in full force until we choose, in our sole discretion, to update or modify all or part of the Policy. Updates or the modifications to the Policy may be made and shall be effective without publication, although we will endeavor to post any updates or modifications to the Policy in a timely manner and to a publicly accessible forum, including but not limited the various Royal Caribbean Group websites or mobile phone applications".
  13. And that is the word, the official word that RCCL uses! You are 100% right.
  14. Yeah, shorts wearers of the world unite and revolt by wearing shorts everywhere on a ship and every night. Show off those hairy legs and ugly knees.
  15. Damn, don't you hate those people that get involved in a discussion on a discussion board!
  16. Unfortunately, we haven't made it on one of those yet. We've cruised on the Anthum to Bermuda and it was broken. We cruised on the Ovation and they said it was broken. I actually think it wasn't broken on Ovation, the ship was seriously understaffed and I think they just didn't want to staff it. That's my SWAG! But, I'm looking forward to it one day. I think it would be a good opportunity for some good photography.
  17. I don't even try to drive in on the same day. Canaveral is only about 8.5 hours away and I always, even at other ports, drive in the day before. I don't trust traffic situations and I don't fly because these days, you can't count on airline schedules and too many cancelations (even at the best of times, I don't fly, I hate what the airlines have turned into). I live between Birmingham and Atlanta, I'll even drive to Galveston but we leave two days before the cruise. I did fly to Seatle in May 2022 for a cruise on Ovation. That was the first flight I've taken in a couple of decades and probably my last.
  18. If you do get caught, you'll need a good law firm. May I suggest: Dewey Cheatham & Howe!
  19. Well, I guess we should stop discussing in this discussion board.
  20. 24% alcohol or less has no restrictions. Not sure what Champagne has but it "usually" is less than 24%.
  21. It only requires a "Government Issued Photo ID". Isn't there something in the state that issues a photo ID, on the same day? Doesn't he have some other photo ID like a Veterans ID, city library card, conceal carry card or something like that?
  22. It could make a big difference to some folks. Some people chase/follow CDs around, they have their favorites and book according to who the CD is. Some chase/follow Captains. My wife and I have our favorite Genie (Marla) and there are a few that we don't want to experience a second time, not that they were bad, just not great. So, if Marla or a Genie we haven't experienced before was on a ship that we were thinking of booking on with the itinerary we wanted, at the time frame we are looking at, you bet your A we'd book with that cruise. So, choosing a ship may have a lot to do with who the scheduled Genie is. That's one reason I started this thread. If the next cruise that we have booked has a Genie that we've already experienced and/or isn't the best, we would probably ask for a Genie that we haven't experienced.
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