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  1. You almost spilled it when you picked it up. 😉 Masaharu Morimoto is still my favorite Iron Chef
  2. Bruno, My belief is that you will meet again. Our breif existance on earth is barely a momentary blip compared to eternity.
  3. I saw it delivered to the table next to me and decided not to order it since my standards in bacon are much higher. Usually the bacon I cook and smoke is about 1/4" thick and what I saw was 1/8" or even less. I am sure this can change a great deal so YMMV. Bacon is on both my wife and I's diet plan. Much better for you than rice, pasta or bread (IMO).
  4. If someone is eating breakfast, lunch, I cannot conceive dinner eating soup, salad, 2 appetizers, main surf and turf and desert. I am not kidding either, it is inconceivable to me and I do not have gastric bypass. I usually tip $20 for good service in CO , Pinnacle or Rudis. Even with HIA included and the staff knows this. Same for end of day in sea view, R&R and Ocean View. I easily dropped $100/day in tips. Shocker.... every drink and meal was excellent and service was outstanding. Every person near me, staff and pax had a ball and never mentioned a darned word about lack of portions, variety or otherwise. Pretty sure had I been able to consume 2 apps and 2 entrees it would have been delivered no charge. But there is no way that I can maintain under 200lbs at 5' 8" and do so, let alone fit it in my belly. Even my weight is considered obese my waste is 36ish.. Think about that next time you are on a HAL cruise at the pool.
  5. I thought that I replied to this. Which menus which ships and which restaurants? I did not notice this on ms NS, but you MIGHT be correct. If you are correct, all I can say is that the other entre were perfectly acceptable to me. I generally ignore pasta.
  6. When the price of food has risen in your local grocery store over the past few years do you not expect the same on a cruise?
  7. What is going cheap mean? I never saw too many pasta dishes on ms NS and I would notice this since I don't eat pasta.
  8. I was on Feb 18-25. If you search this forum for "summary review" you will see my review. There is also a thread about "has food improved yet on HAL." You really cannot judge anyone complaining about food across the board, it must be specific to the ship. I cannot review MDR as I never ate there, Rudi's, Pinnacle, Club Orange were all perfect.
  9. We chose ms NS because of the variety of food and music. Since we knew we were not getting off the ship, the ports were not even in our decision. We ate in Lido once. Otherwise if we wanted Lido, Burger or Pizza, my wife's Cabana Boys brought it up to the retreat. 😉
  10. Lunch in Pinnacle is nice. Typically we do large meal at lunch as well, but for our cruise last month I was really light on lunch so that I could even finish dinner.
  11. I get it, but almost all my clothes are pricey and it would really torque me if someone ruined my only pair of shorts or my merino under garments. My suitcase weighs 3.75 lbs empty and about 15 stuffed. But... I travel VERY light so everything in there is quality and planned and if someone destroyed it I would be pretty upset.
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