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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. Also with everyone who is/may be affected by the fires. Please stay safe.
  2. Thanks, Les, I was nowhere NEAR them!!!!!😉 (we cougars get a bad rap😂)
  3. Thanks, Geoff. That's extremely helpful. Haven't 'been and gone' yet, btw. 🙂 As you say, it won't have changed much from the Princess days. I was more interested in size and layout, any furnishing updates will not alter that and I can guarantee the bathroom will be exactly the same!😂 Cheers CeeCee
  4. Hi Leigh, thanks for the info. Perhaps the subterranean watercourse was an urban myth, but Lake Street used to flood on a regular basis near the waterfront. Whatever the origin of the street name it was both apt and accurate!😂
  5. Correct, Possum, and our office was up the end of the street nearest the waterfront. Also, from memory, Lake Street was so named because there is a water course below it.
  6. Why am I not surprised that the Americans sued? (don't hesitate, litigate). Not giving the yanks a hard time, but it does seem to be ingrained in their culture. I have managed to navigate various cabins (sometimes in the dark) without tripping over anything. And if I did, I would blame myself not the cruise line. For goodness sake, did the tub chair leap out in front of the passenger in an unprovoked attack?!
  7. Yes, we were 'running on empty' by the time we touched down in Houston. One of the reasons I made a conscious effort to be pleasant was that I didn't want to take my exhaustion out on someone else. As you saw from my post, that was a complete waste of effort! Not a nice welcome to America, I'm afraid.
  8. Speaking of Cougars.......... I'm older than hubby so could be classed as a cougar.🙂 On our first cruise to Port Vila, we were standing on the deck watching the ship dock. In really BIG letters on the ground at the terminal was COUGAR. Then in the marina was a yacht named (wait for it) Cougar II. Hubby reckons it was a welcoming committee for me.🤣 If nothing else we got a really good laugh out of it.
  9. Oh dear. Wouldn't a big part of the job be to do your homework?
  10. Around 15 years ago we were with a 'walking' club at The Spit (Gold Coast) at dusk. A storm rolled in and I and a couple of others sheltered under the awning of a toilet block. A bolt of lightning made a direct hit on a tree a few metres away. The CRACK was absolutely deafening and super scary. More so because hubby was in a car ferrying other walkers to safety at the time, so I was worried about him as well as myself! Fortunately, everyone was ok but I have never been so close to a strike and never want to be again. Also when we lived in Cairns, we were on the periphery of a cyclone (can't remember the category) and the winds were pretty intense to the extent that our sliding glass windows were 'bowing' in and out. There was also flooding in the aftermath and I remember walking through knee deep water (in the aptly named Lake Street) to get to work (after the storm had passed, of course). Waste of time as it turned out as they closed the office that day. Would have been nice if the boss had thought to ring employees to tell us that.
  11. We don't bother with decorating, but it is interesting to see what other people do. We've mostly seen decorations celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Quite entertaining whilst walking the endless corridors.🙂
  12. Totally agree, John and Hilary. Hubby and I are those weird creatures who LOVE sea days!!🙂
  13. Customs at Houston left a nasty taste in my mouth. We had a connecting flight to Miami after travelling for over 24 hours (ex Brisbane) due to various delays. Anyway, after standing in the obligatory endless queue, I finally made it to a booth and made a point of being pleasant. Honestly, the official treated me like I had 'al qaeda' tattooed on my forehead. Every question was barked at me and answers treated with the greatest suspicion. When asked for reason for visit I replied we were cruising out of Miami. Words barely left my mouth when he jumped down my throat with 'WHO IS WE?!'. I'm sure my hand was shaking when I pointed out my hubby and two friends who were at another booth. Mind you, this guy must have been having a bad day, as aforementioned hubby and two friends were treated with politeness by the official they dealt with.
  14. P&O, being ex Princess ships, have a similar configuration. Frankly, we use the couch in the mini suite a LOT. I note that even in the interior cabins, RCI has a couch (well, ships we are familiar with anyway).
  15. Article in the Daily Mail: This is where Jaspar is predicted to cross the Coast 13 December. Quote from BOM: Jasper is not only the first tropical cyclone of the season but is also believed to be the first to form off Australia in December during an El Nino. 'It is rare to see a December cyclone let alone one where we do have El Nino,' a bureau spokesperson said. 'It is unusual to be seeing this. There aren't too many cyclones we have seen through the month of December let alone early December.'
  16. I remember we went up Castle Hill and the famous restaurant there was all but blown away.
  17. Yep, Althea made a right old mess of Townsville! We were there in 1972 and the devastation was still very much in evidence.
  18. When we flew Air NZ San Francisco to Brisbane via Auckland, we had around a 2 hour stopover at Auckland. It was great to have time to stretch our legs and not panic about rushing to make a connection. We also ended up having breakfast twice on the one day.😉 Once on the long haul and then when we boarded for Brisbane.
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