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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. I havent seen any free RATS in SA (but havent been looking either) but they are certainly available cheaply and easily everywhere now. Whereas when we went to Norfolk Island in Jan 2022, and RATS or PCR was a pre requisite for entering, I had to search high and low to find any and chemists etc had waiting lists.
  2. We are away for almost 3 weeks in total - pre cruise and then 14 day cruise Yes, certainly questions which is the best anything are subjective and giving specific criteria is going to get better answers.
  3. I guess different things are more important to different people - real champagne is of no interest to me - would rather cheaper laundry costs.
  4. well, included cocktails would be a nice shock 😍 My impression was that wine, beer ,soft drinks were included, not 'premium drinks' but on checking the literature it says "Your premium beverages – wine, beer, cocktails, spirits – are included and available all day and not just at mealtimes." - so it seems that would include a cocktail whenever ( I anticipate just now and then in the evening not "all day" 🤣) and DH likes a Jim Beam or Jack Daniels sometimes - well known regular spirits Pleasant shock to know they are in included drinks. tiny foot note says this does not include some fine wines and champagnes - since I rarely drink wine, this will make no difference for me. What sort of things would the onboard shop sell? - toiletries if somebody forgot to bring deodorant, hair spray or suchlike and small sourvenirs?
  5. Thanks 1of4. I do not intend to use a hairdresser on board. Do you pay just to go in the spa - or is it for massage type treatments - which I would not use either Might treat myself one night to a fancy cocktail or two - which would be in the non included drinks, I'm sure. haven't seen anything about included OBC in Australian literature - but I guess if I give myself a credit card allowance of, say, $100 Aust dollars, I might use it on laundry, additional to the free bag included once per cruise and to fancy drinks once or twice.
  6. We are on Sapphire deck on Scenic Jade. from Australia, if that makes any difference haven't been offerred any perks such as extra luggage - but such would be bit pointless from Aust since we can only take the flight luggage limit on the flight there anyway
  7. does Scenic have 50 obc for everyone? I havent seen any mention of that before. What does one use obc for in an all inclusive cruise? (apart from laundry)
  8. Thank you. they look dearer than the other list posted upthread - are these also in euro or in ??
  9. thank you. I thought it probably did, hence my wondering if that was a silly question. you can tell I am a a newbie, not only to river cruising but to Europe travel at all 🤪 (have been to UK/Ireland 10 years ago but not mainland Europe) But just checking. Now i can use google calculator to convert to Australian dollars.
  10. thanks for that Reeves - so I presume Scenic prices are similar to APT - does anyone have a copy of Scenic list? also are those prices in euros? (sorry if that is silly question)
  11. Ok - interesting. I guess all my socks are supermarket specials, not specific purpose ones like hiking socks Ether that or I never noticed they were on wrong foot 😆
  12. re the above question - yes, it would count as immunity and not be required by any organisation requiring up to date vaccination. This is area I work in - and places like hospitals and nursing homes that require staff to be vaccinated give exemptions for 6 months following infection - as you will have natural immunity in that time.
  13. so you put them on the correct foot?? I didnt know it mattered - I just grab a pair of socks and put any sock on any foot.
  14. My son just buys all plain black socks and then doesnt bother putting them in pairs, they all go loose in the drawer and just grabs any 2. He figures that way they all look the same , the glimpse you see of them when someone is wearing long pants.
  15. this is what it says: int he Scenic FAQ under What clothing should I pack? General: Casual sportswear for daytime that can be mixed/matched/layered Jumper/warm jacket/gloves/hat/scarf for cooler mornings and nights Swimwear Comfortable walking shoes with rubber soles for good grip Sunglasses and sun hat Women require a minimum of one skirt or dress it isnt specifically river cruises but Scenic tours in general I dont think I'll be needing swimwear either but obviously that is for warmer places not Europe in autumn Anyway you have all reassurred me - and the photo in Canal Archive post, I see one lady is wearing a dress and one is wearing slacks and pretty top - so that sort of thing would be my go-to as well for dressy evenings out, like concerts and gala night thingies. My husband does not wear ties - last wore one to wedding of our son 4 years ago. He would wear formal pants and a collared shirt so seems that would be ok too.
  16. I gather from reading here and elsewhere that river cruises are not overly dressy. We are going with Scenic Amsterdam to Budapest in September - Scenic's own page of FAQ's has questions on clothes to pack and says Women are required to bring one dress or skirt. is this really so? Why? I do not own a skirt and hardly ever wear a dress - the couple I have are very summery and surely not suitable for weather of around 20 deg celcius Is there anything, including the Moulin Rouge we are doing in Paris pre tour, that women cannot wear smart slacks and a dressy top?
  17. Dawn services are always very moving IME I used to go every year before Covid.
  18. This forum is very glitchy when posting from a tablet
  19. Adelaide Crows? Yes, won 4 in a row now. Adelaide Crows? Yes, won 4 in a row now.
  20. maybe - but often the loser wins in the GF re match Adelaide did in 2018 if I remember rightly, after shock loss to Richmond in 2017 GF (admittedly rest of their season nor any since, have been that flash 🙃)
  21. there was a cruise, not sure who with or perhaps several offer this option - Melbourne to Tasmania, one sea day on route, then to NZ, 2 sea days on route then go round New Zealand finishing in Auckland. You then have the option of days at sea to return to Melbourne or fly home from Auckland - obviously an option for those who dont want more sea days (and presumably bit cheaper.) Was looking at that a while ago then got put on the back burner, cant remember which company it was with.
  22. Goodbye Dame Edna. An Australian entertainment icon.
  23. Back to laundry - so one free bag between 2 of us per cruise. Can u get more done at a cost? And pressed means ironed?? So per day we can each have a shirt or such ironed for the evening or next day's wear. I understand that,unlike hotels, there won't be an iron to iron things ourselves.
  24. thank you. Yes I guess rows of underwear hanging on balconies would look pretty tacky We are on the lowest level of cabins with a balcony. Cabin grade C on Sapphire deck of Scenic Jade. Do small things dry ok in the bathroom even though there is no window there?
  25. Newbie to cruising I vaguely remember reading that Scenic offers one complimentary laundry service ( one bag) per guest per trip but cant find that anywhere in my documentation so perhaps imagined it. I assume underwear and light weight shirts you would do by hand in your bathroom and hang in there or in front of window to dry next day pack a few pegs in your suitcase but what about larger items - is there a laundry service and if so what sort of cost? we are going on 14 day cruise with Scenic in September.
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