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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Ask at the hotel! But on my forst cruise, before I had my plastic luggage tag holders I actually used a safety pin.
  2. Wow! That is good news! I'll be in Isafjordur on Star in September. I do hope we dock!
  3. Easiest is to have Airplane mode - on WiFi - on She must authorize her phone for the ship's WiFi. The Internet manager can help her with that if she can't do it herself. She does not have to log to use her minutes just for using iMessage. Just needs to be connected to ship's WiFi. As long as Airplane mode is ON there is no risk for roaming, but unless you have a roaming plan turn off roaming. I'm not in USA and don't know what plans you have but I suspect that international plan does not cover roaming at sea. I would suggest roaming OFF the whole time for a non-tech-savvy person. However, if you want her to be able to use roaming while ashore, make sure to tell her to turn on Airplane mode when she comes back to the ship. You don¨t have to be tech-savvy to do that. You "just" have to remember to do it! (NOT as easy as it sounds says I, tech-savvy but forgetful!)
  4. That sure hasn't stopped some of my cabin neighbours keeping it on pretty much 24/7.
  5. There is no such thing as "free". Itr's included in the price. A price that is pretty high from what I can tell. Trust me, whatever you consume or do, you're paying for it one way or another.6
  6. Yes. They no longer expiree
  7. The shortest cruise I have done is 7 days. Upgrading to unlimited was around $100 if I remeber correctly. So should be a little less for 5 days. 70-80? Just guessing!
  8. There is regular free coffe available in different places on the ship. For example the buffet. Speciality coffess are not free. Energy drinks are not free. There is good drinking water available in bars and restuarants, including the buffet. Not in bottles though. Bottles available for purchase. One speciality meal on a 5-day cruise. Choose anyone of the non-complimentary restaurants. Internet is not unlimited unless you upgrade. On a 5-day cruise you get 75 minutes. You get charged a service fee of around $22/day for the drinks package if you're a US guest. There is also a service fee for the speciality dinner that you get charged. Both of them during booking.
  9. Some of it I can answer: I almost always ask for "no ice" when buying soda. There is club soda or similar in the gun and I suppose you can ask for tap water as well in the bars. With or without ice! They don't seem to be very stringent on bringing half consumed water bottles back to ship. (Probably varies.)
  10. That's what I do as well. But I would prefer not to have them there at all right from the start.
  11. That new longer itinerary is a great improvement in my opinion. You will have a great time I'm sure!
  12. That sounds like very good news!!!!
  13. That's brilliant! My daughter frequently tells me she doesn't want any money when I die. I'm working on granting that wish. 😁
  14. Yeah, but I think the shuttle drop off is at berth 4 which was what was asked.
  15. I book cheap rooms and ride a bicycle. But I travel A LOT (not just cruising)! People ask me how I can afford it. Cheap rooms and a bicycle... 😄 (Although my "lowest acceptable standard" is considerably higher now that once upon a time.)
  16. No, that's not correct. March 28 to April 7 there's a Mediterranian cruise. Barcelona-Barcelona.
  17. Just a small update: Breakaway March 28 cruise is back on NCL web page but it is now a Mediterranian Barcelona roundtrip March 14-28 there is a cruise Southampton to Barcelona that is similar to original March 28 one, but extended a few days.
  18. Gee, I feel so simple and unorganized... I have never thought about price per person per day! I look at the total price and think "Is it worth it?" I seem to have a great time whether in insides, oceanviews and balconies so there is no "must have" for me. But I do look at different aspects apart from money. Does the ship have good outdoor spaces where I can spend time instead of having my own balcony? Is there an observation lounge where I can hang out? Is this a "once in a lifetime" trip or am I likely to do a similar itinerary at some other time? And after considering those things, "is it worth it?". Maybe, maybe not...
  19. I have a vague memory of that too! But I could very well be wrong. Either way, if you want it on your phone you can open the document and make a screenshot of the bar code.
  20. Actually they aren't supposed to fill you own cup (post pandemic). Some do anyway and some don't.
  21. As @Russiamomm says, that is incorrect. In speciality restaurants you "pay" with you keycard. I'm usually solo, but it is my understanding that each guest provide their keycard when it's time to pay. I don't know if they check if it's the right person holding the keycard, but they sure can!
  22. I don't know about the FCC. I guess that has to to do where it's from. (FCC has nothing to do with CruiseNext. The credit you get from CruiseNext is counted towards your CN purchase right away.) I do however know that you can male as many small payments as you like! I do it all the time. I cannot do in on the web page though, but in the app. Just click "other amount"
  23. As long as times aren't overlapping it shows up. Or do you see those that overlap as well?
  24. YES! YES! YES! That ould be nice! They can still block my ability to book, no problem. But I want to see what's availble!
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