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Everything posted by omahabob

  1. An SE is a phone model, and this has nothing to do with phone models. It's the OS (iOS) version at play here, and the app already worked with previous iOS versions. They just changed it so it no longer works with anything but the newest OS. So, it isn't a matter of adjusting development to the lowest common denominator. They were already at the lowest common denominator. They just developed to eliminate something that already worked fine.
  2. Where did I say I had faith? Notice I said 'hopefully' they'll fix it. Hope is not faith. But, yeah.
  3. There are some misnomers here. This is an app support issue, not an Apple support issue. iOS 15 and 16 are still supported for security updates. Active tech support for 16 ended in September. iOS 15 is technically considered 'end of life', but it's still supported for security updates. Tech support for 15 ended in September of 22. But neither one of those has anything to do with apps or the actual devices themselves. Apps are supposed to tailor to your OS version. You should never be prompted to upgrade to an app version that your OS does not support. The issue here seems to be squarely in the lap of Celebrity. I suspect this was a simple mistake, because there are tons of customers out there still using older OS versions, and that are unable to upgrade. Hopefully they'll correct this soon. You can see more at endoflife.date/ios.
  4. Point Total 3! Classic....just in time for....... ☹️
  5. Yes. EXPLORE-CRUISE SHIPS-EXPLORE-SHIP (for your ship)-Staterooms-DECK PLANS.
  6. I download them prior to the cruise so I always have them.
  7. I said sun. That's shade. I think you're missing the point of the Caribbean.
  8. Our androids sent and received text messages on Norwegian just fine. Our first Celebrity cruise isn't until next year, so I couldn't say there.
  9. Depends on what your concern is. I don't care about school districts. Kids usually just mean a bit more noise. But drunk college students? That's another story. Most colleges have spring break from the first through the third week of March, with most in the first two weeks. That's far more important to us, so I plan around that period.
  10. From what I can find, it's only the pier they say will be completed in 2025. I can see that happening.
  11. As I said, personal preference.
  12. I still use the iPad some, but I mostly use my Tab A7. I have a background in IT, and I like to customize my devices to run the way I want. Can't do that with an Apple, unfortunately. Though they have definite advantages, I'm fond of saying you don't own an Apple device, you only rent it. Apple controls how it works, not you. But as I said, everyone has their own preferences. People tend to gravitate mostly toward what they had first, because it's comforting to them. That applies to computers, tablets and phones.
  13. I have an iPad Pro, and I'll never buy another one. Everybody has their own preferences. I agree about ditching the laptop though. I got rid of mine.
  14. The best thing about sailing in a suite is it makes my wife happier. Every single aspect of any cruise is better when the wife is happier. We do it because, as a general rule, there's more space and better amenities/service. But the space issue is debatable from ship to ship, and cruise line to cruise line. The amenities and service also seem to be trending downward everywhere, so we may not do it much longer. We're sticking with it for now though.
  15. Worked with a Mark Marks in the Air Force many years ago. We called him Mark Squared, to prevent confusing him with Anthony Marks, who we also worked with.
  16. It had nothing to do with Israel. It was because of the Houthi missile threat in the Red Sea. You can look on NCLs web site to see the schedule for Dawn and Sky, assuming they've been updated of course.
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