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Everything posted by ink76

  1. CCL reported to have a record 7.2 billion dollars in customer deposits spending on the ships are at a record also I would not be surprise see this stock back in the 40 dollars range by the end of the year, that unless the economy fall off the cliff?
  2. Cruise radio reported this morning CCL has a record 7.2 billion dollars in customer deposits now make you wonder what RCL got I am sure it a big number also?
  3. My guess what fueling this run in these cruise lines stock, word out they have record bookings what the old adage buy on the rumors sell on the news might be in play here but who know?
  4. The wife and I pay all our bills with cc them at the end month we pay off the card then will collect the rebait that what pay our cruises you just got to be discipline, the bank has some great deal you just have to be smart about it
  5. Yes when two ships dock there for forget It waiting over thirty minutes for one of those chicken sandwiches, lines everywhere just went back to the ship for lunch
  6. Yes it look like a big bubble but as now it the party on attitude
  7. RCCL I would think has hard data shown how cruise market is going this is no oh let throw it at the wall see if it stick they got to many $$$$ in it for a maybe. But the good news they plenty of other ships to choose from
  8. Yes that is true I may be wrong this is RCL first oasis and newest ship doing 3/4 night sailing that the difference it bring in a new market.
  9. You got huge market within a 5 hour drive of PC this is a difference market then a 7 day cruise it does not have to be a B2B cruise they can book any time.Not my of cup of tea but they is market for it.
  10. Yes family with children will book multiple cruises it cheaper them a stay at Disney world a big $$$ win for RCCL🤑
  11. That great I have no problem using a TA if there competent and save me $$$, just finding that TA is the next task?
  12. Who are these TA that give that kind of saving - most that I see maybe 200 dollar a state room?
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