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Everything posted by Winemaker_1

  1. Yes, this was our thought as well but I don't know how shipping wine home works from a SS cruise.
  2. Is it me or does this list seem more like a Very Recognizable Wine Label List than a Connoisseur List. I guess with limited space, they must be able to sell them so I shouldn't be surprised. Pricing is indeed very fair as @Stumblefoot kindly noted in the spreadsheet. I was hoping to be introduced to wines I can't find at home while on board - perhaps some new gems from the countries/regions on the cruise itinerary? Do other wine offerings on board (I'm thinking of the SALT program) consider the locales?
  3. Yes, thanks for posting! Are these wine lists similar between ships and how often do they change? On the Moon next year.
  4. @bitob, @Mr Luxury: you're hilarious. It's actually not that complicated. Obfuscated servers hide the encryption VPNs produce on the packets sent to the internet such that they look like normal (non-VPN) packets. Therefore they avoid the VPN blockades set up by countries, SS, etc. Here's a step by step to try on the ship attached below for Nord VPN but I'd imagine its similar for other VPN that support Obfuscated servers: 1. Go to Preferences -> General and change the protocol setting to OpenVPN(TCP) or OpenVPN(UDP). You'll get pop-up telling you that it will need to reconnect. That's fine. 2. Now when you go to choose a VPN country scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see an option that says Obfuscated and an ellipsis menu (three dots) next to it. Click the three dots to bring up the options to select an Obfuscated VPN server. 3. That's it - now your transactions not only have the VPN encryption but also a second layer being applied to hide that they are VPN-encrypted transactions. This is what should evade the VPN blockers.
  5. @bitob and @Mr Luxury: Maybe the link below will work. It's the general article discussing the differences between DoubleVPN, Onion, Obfuscated, etc.. There is a link within describing more details on Obfuscated which is what I tried to post originally. I really think this should work on the ship. https://support.nordvpn.com/General-info/Features/1047407962/What-do-the-different-NordVPN-server-categories-mean.htm
  6. Obfuscated servers are described here: https://nordvpn.com/features/obfuscated-servers/?_gl=1*1xjge8t*_ga*MzI3MjE5MDY1LjE2OTA2MzI4NDA.*_ga_LEXMJ1N516*MTY5MDY1MTc3My4zLjEuMTY5MDY1NTc4Ni42MC4wLjA.*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2OTA2NTI0NDMuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JamZqZHRicTBnQU1WQTdqSUNoMkZHUTcwRUFBWUFTQUFFZ0xnNFBEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*MTA2NDkxMzU2MC4xNjkwNjMyODQw*FPAU*MTA2NDkxMzU2MC4xNjkwNjMyODQw&_ga=2.186150569.1849191637.1690632840-327219065.1690632840&_gac=1.205334052.1690652444.EAIaIQobChMIjfjdtbq0gAMVA7jICh2FGQ70EAAYASAAEgLg4PD_BwE#:~:text=How do obfuscated servers work%3F
  7. Have you tried NordVPN using Obfuscated servers on the ship? VPN blockers may be looking for certain things in protocol headers of the packets. Obfuscated servers are supposed to mask the packets as standard HTTPS. Depending on your device, you may need to change the VPN protocol to OpenVPN (TCP) or OpenVPN(UDP). Then choose one of the Obfuscated servers form the list.
  8. I've used NordVPN for 2+ years now and like it so I plan to keep it. Will look into getting a VypyrVPN 1 month subscription ($10) for the month of my cruise next year. Need to look into vypyrVPN policies more closely. All VPN providers are not equal.
  9. Looks like Nord dropped support for IKEv2 in June https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivity/iOS/2023641872/IKEv2-IPSec-protocol-is-no-longer-supported-on-iOS-and-macOS.htm
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